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Posts posted by -Anomaly-

  1. 9 hours ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

    Do you believe warframe Reddit is somehow a better environment for discussion then warframe forums ? Between all the censorship & knights or is Reddit just as bad as the forums ? I don't have much experience on Reddit but a certain youtuber did mention this so I was wondering 

    Ps. I mean we all come on to the forums to speak about a game we love & we only give feedback because we want to keep loving this game. The forums are a place where we can be heard. There's been a lot of complaints/criticism lately more than usual & with that there's been a lot more ignoring on the devs side , that alone is dangerous.

    I know me personally log in and log out just for the login rewards , I won't speak for anyone else. I appreciate the openness of the devs when it comes to experimenting with new systems , but you have to flesh them out completely. 

    I no longer use this forum because of the censorship and useless rules. The forum feels like it is being managed by a totalitarian dictatorship. ie. Cant say anything that offends. Can't give any negative feedback. Can't say anything negative about DE. Can't be honest because it will hurt someones feelings or ruffle some feathers.


    And as such, I refuse to give this company more of my money until they totally revamp their forum strategy and remove the heavy burdensome moderation tactics they employ when someone speaks out against them as a company.

    Like right now I have a 75% off coupon sitting on my account, that's going to go to complete waste because I am so ticked off. I have also sworn off all canadian companies (DE is based in Ontario iirc) because of this.

    Its getting ridiculous because now I am getting to the point that I feel targeted and if/when I post on here, if I say something that goes against the grain, I will be banned. That's not something a user/customer should feel and this is definitely NOT how a company should treat its customers. I guess the winds of change are blowing and the new norm is to now poop on your customers when they say something that hurts your feelings. :(

    Guess i'll just move to console (offline only) gaming now.

    Thanks for making me feel this way DE...

  2. 1 minute ago, Inarticulate said:
    1. It's a 99% nerf, not 99.9% nerf. At least get your math right.
    2. Don't call it an intentional nerf when it's almost certainly a bug. Someone probably mis-converted the value somewhere. They said the next patch was big and likely unstable. Chances are they mussed around with things at the framework level.

    First, you get your math right.

    Grab a calculator.

    Type this in:




    press =

    Result is 100.

    Dont talk to me about my math. Cause according to the calculator its a 100% nerf!

  3. Just now, Rarity_Fabulosity said:

    My guess is they were going to fix it saying a number by turning it into a percent, but they forgot to change it from .2 to 20. They'll prolly hotfix it soon, so chill breh.

    Kind of reminds me about the Kavat Alert fiasco. (was supposed to be 10 DNA awarded, but was 1, later changed to 5). Someone is having issues understanding how percentages and 1's and 0's work lol

  4. Before the latest patch:

    JZYnE5Q.jpg       This was equal to 20% lifesteal according to the wiki.


    And now after the patch:

    RhA4X6Z.jpg      This equates to .2% (1/5th of ONE PERCENT!) lifesteal according to in game description.


    So what gives? Why was this nerfed to almost near uselessness? The "purity' PROC actually heals more than the bullets do now lmfao...

    Oh and I tested this. You can too to verify the results. I took a 4200hp Inaros to Hierachon solo and let the infested whack on me to half health.

    Started shooting at them with the Furis, my health barely moved until it procced, which healed the same amount it usually does.

    So now the only thing youre getting from using this is the "Purity" proc..

    Mod now ruined. GG.

  5. I took a screenshot of that alert before joining it that morning. I didn't realize before I hopped into it that it was only ONE genetic code. Much to my dismay when I completed the mission lo and behold only a single kavat code. I was incensed! I remembered taking that screenshot and so I checked it out. Sure enough it was only ONE code listed. not a (x10) or anything signifying anything beyond a single kavat code. If I had known that I wouldnt have wasted my time, considering that I can just run a single ODE in less time and I usually get 1 code. I thought the (x10) alert was supposed to help people like me who (at that point) hadn't obtained a kavat yet. Guess DE is trolling per usual. The screenshot is below...



  6. On 12/1/2016 at 0:08 PM, Heckzu said:

    What kind of penalty do you believe should be implemented? 10% affinity / standing reduction like in the Conclave? That's not much of a deterrent and wouldn't fix the issue.

    I'd much rather see games being hosted by DE's servers to eliminate Host Migrations and unstable games altogether.  

    A cooldown timer on when they can join another fissure group would probably suffice. Say.. 20 or 30 minutes.

  7. On 12/1/2016 at 0:07 PM, Calwon5 said:

    If you know that this is happening during public games, then avoid it. Do it with friends or clans instead. It's annoying, but people shouldn't be penalized for leaving in a public game where there isn't really a rule. No one specifically agreed to how long they would stay, so should they be penalized for that? If they want to leave, then they should be able to do so freely. The people that expected a public group to carry the keys they want is foolish and they are just wasting their time and theirs alone.


    No, I don't need another penalty in the game just because a minority in warframe is acting like this.

    The minority will turn into the majority if this doesn't get addressed.

  8. Took practice test about 10 times, messing around and learning the test. Took Qualify test and one of the grineer saw me and shot at me, causing me to lose a try. So I had 2 tries left. As soon as I spawned (kneeling) and was about to get up, the SAME MOB saw me from 50 yards away (where I was kneeling and getting up for 2nd attempt) and was shooting at me again, and I hadn't even done anything yet. Then the 3rd time it happened exactly the same way. My wife was standing right next to me and watched it happen, so it wasn't just me. Basically, what it looked like - was that the mob AI didnt reset and still had aggro. When he first saw me, and aggroed me, causing me to fail that attempt - I reset, but he didn't lose aggro and immediately started shooting at me again where I "respawned" for my second attempt. This didn't happen at all when I practiced, but it only took the one time to screw me out of a qualifying test for 24 hours, which was disconcerting to say the least - since the other 2 attempt failures weren't even my fault. This is obviously a bug. There were several people in region complaining about this so it isn't just me and some isolated incident. Please fix!

  9. 7 hours ago, issh0man said:

    please, please, please fix the bug where enemies won't spawn on exterminate missions. it'll say there's an enemy and it takes you all the way to the extraction point where surprise, there's no enemies, then you have to sit there and wait and hope that they spawn elsewhere and if they do you gotta trek all the way to wherever the hell they are. and if they don't respawn, then you're out of luck. :( it seems to happen the most on uranus.

    Exterminate mission enemy spawning reminds me of when DE said they would "fix having to backtrack", which never happened. Just like Obama said "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...", which never happened. So basically Obama is the head dev of warframe. Amirite?

  10. 3 minutes ago, SpaceBad said:

    Rip Telos Boltace ._. Right as a syandana themed specifically for them came out.

    I know it might have been a little "too good" to let it do its thing while sheathed, but c'mon. I really appreciated a casual crate opener :\

    Holster times are not fun to deal with. At all.

    Blame the people who made youtube videos saying it was "overpowered and will get nerfed". Blame the people who hopped on Reddit and said "it's overpowered and will get nerfed".


    DE is just doing what the players tell them to do is all...


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