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Posts posted by LostAlone

  1. I think that refining should allow you incrementally remove other rewards from the relics drop; 50 traces removes one possible reward. IMHO if you want to spend 250 traces to guarantee that you get that rare reward you should be able to do that. If you put in the time to farm 250 traces (which is what about 30 missions?) then you deserve to make RNG your *@##$. In the past the RNG was set so even very rare items would be obtainable in about 20 or 30 runs so if you spend a comparable amount of effort and a large number of other relics to get those traces then you should be able to just pick the thing you want. 

    The problem here isn't with the concept of relics, it's that it's a halfway house with both sets of downsides. Being beholden to RNG means that even if you do spend the traces you can get trash or just an unwanted but rare part. Having to spend traces to make rarer relics more likely to drop them means you need to grind and farm too. It's not a great combination. Before we had just RNG, which was crappy for sure, but at least it was what it was.


  2. Yeah I just ran an AW defense alert and I feel motion sick. I don't get motion sickness whatsoever but this make my stomach churn. 

    One additional thing that I don't think has been mentioned yet that's really important - There is no horizon in space. That's a huge problem here because with no indication of up or down you just totally lose all orientation. There is no up or down or 'over there' there's just an expanse of black. I can agree this is quite realistic of space flight, but that doesn't make a good game. 

    I really would go as far as to say that this needs to be totally reverted. It's unplayable. It's physically painful to play. It means that is close to impossible to retain any situational awareness about what's going on and that means that, on top of feeling like I want to spew, I can't even effectively play the mission. I can't locate targets, I can't find my way through the mission and the result is just appalling. This feels like no-one tested this even for a second. 

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Hooligantuan said:

    I don't miss it and it hasn't even hit consoles yet.

    I got burned out on the entire Void thing.  It was the keys.  Not getting them, mind you, but having to forage up a group of dudes to go in and try to have some fun while hoping for needed drops.

    There's a bunch of Prime stuff I haven't built yet because I am just that goddamned sick of gathering people for Void missions.  Terrible mechanic, severely outdated, total speedbump on the way to trying to have a good time.  Nobody should have to spend 5-10 minutes scrounging up teammates for an activity.

    I agree with the sentiment but that's not the fault of the game system and it shouldn't be held against the old void just because it was annoying. Warframe certainly needs a better PUG system with the ability to advertise in a more reasonable way. That's been true for forever.  The new fissure system has at least solved some amount of that by allowing for auto-generated parties; not great since you can't specificy the kind of people you want to run with but it's better. At least I can get some people when I'm after prime stuff. If you have a clan or actual friends and coordinate the relics you bring then you can target items pretty quickly and the system encourages players to bring good keys and gives an incentive for running in a squad. All of this is a big step up. The chance to snag a rare item from a squad mate when I'm just crunching for traces is good and encourages group play.


    As for the actual missions... I'm torn. I agree these missions aren't awesome. I agree that the randomly spawning Nullifiers are bad for the game, hugely cutting diversity. The missions don't make me feel like I'm really achieving anything; they're too short to really feel like getting to the end is an achievement. Also, I don't know if this is just me but a couple of times I've gotten a different reward to the one I chose and that needs fixing before I risk using refined relics. It's not a bad system IMHO, but it does need some refining. I don't like that radiant relics retain a high chance of dropping trash. I think forma have no place being in the rarer slots whatsoever; they should be common drops on the most common keys. Honestly, I want to see refinement remove the chance to get trash items all together.


    Hopefully we'll see some tweaks and they'll get the system improved but I like some and I dislike other parts. At least I'm not grinding through long defense missions anymore. I don't miss that at all. Same for survival. Running 60min survivals chasing rotation C rare drops was just a ballache and not fun at all. But grinding seemingly endless fissure missions to get traces, that's not much fun either. 

  4. 1 hour ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

    Yes, but only that Dual Kamas Prime have good crit stats themselves, on top of having double the base damage. Should I mention that they also have attacks with momentum? That is priceless.

    Prisma Dual Cleavers have about the same stats as the Ichors, only that those have a Syndicate mod. Plus they have attacks with momentum and their attacks stagger the enemies with every hit. Kinda hard to defeat for Dual Ichors.

    Dual Ichors have much better damage type than Kamas, and higher attack speed and higher crit. Being able to deal pure corrosive, for example, makes them substantially better than the mix that the Kamas have. Also the higher crit chance and inately higher attack speeds makes them substantially better with Berseker to the point that momentum just doesn't matter. Unless you are spamming quick attack against heavies momentum really doesn't matter that much. With high end fits (Bloodrush, body count, berserker, max crit) the Ichors edge them on raw DPS and the Ichors get the bonus of being one single damage type to increase their situational DPS higher. Kamas are a fine weapon, don't get me wrong. But they aren't as good as Ichors, and both fall behind Nikana Prime and War and the real top end melee weapons.

    Prisma Cleavers are kinda moot as far as most players are concerned because they are incredibly expensive and cannot be earned by conventional means. Sure, if you wanna spend out they are great but IMHO if you can't go build them through traditional game mechanics then they don't count as something accessible to most players, especially since (at present) the supply will only decrease and the price will always increase. Their max crit build only gets up past the paper DPS of others at very long combos lengths (ie when it passed into always red critting) and while that's possible it's hardly practical. Something like a Nikana Prime or Scindo Prime is a better all purpose weapon IMHO.

  5. 5 hours ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    I have 23 spares, and I know for a fact that I've fused quite a few of them. For a while I was fusing them every time I needed to rank a dash mod. But I can't for the life of me say how I got them.

    Anyway, most high MR players will give away the basic mods without pause (and so will I), so feel free to ask. It's not charity or cheesing, it's just the way things work. I got help when I started, so I help other players who are just starting.

    +1 to this.

    Most of us remember what it was like trying to do anything useful before we had good gear. Lacking mods is one of the most frustrating things because they are so critical to being able to really play the game effectively but you need to play effectively to really farm for them in a systematic way. Be polite, and don't be cheeky asking for ranked mods or gold stuff but I've happily handed out serrations and elemental mods a few times. 

    Keep your eye out for Orokin Catalysts too; that's a huge deal for a new player. Getting that first good weapon that you can turn into a work horse for the next few months is a huge deal. Even just a Braton can carry you a long way. I still have my original Braton (with a caty and six forma, but still) and while it's not something to take to a t4 it's fine for anything on the star map and that'll get you void keys and rare resources and be something that you can be useful with while you grind out mastery to get the monster weapons.

  6. After the rework the weapon stats no longer affect Hysteria only equipped mods. 


    I'd pick a melee weapon that uses the same mods as what you would use on a melee weapon with Hysteria's stats:

    50% crit chance, 10% status chance, 250 base IPS dmg affected by power str AND melee base dmg mods, built in 5% life steal, 2m attack reach, etc


    So go nuts, keep in mind, however, that IPS mods don't have a stellar effect on Hysteria as the IPS damage is equally distributed so even a 60% elemental mod will outclass the primed 165% impact damage mod. 


    Also, in Hysteria you get 64x multiplier for armor ignore finisher damage for promted finishers. So spam Paralysis for crazy damage. I did that yesterday for a whopping 64% damage done in the squad at the end of Sortie 3.


    EDITS: grammatical corrections + some numbers


    So I could in theory get Corrosive procs to reduce armor but I only have 10% base status to work with, correct? 


    How about Shattering Impact? If I understand correctly it will still have it's effect in hysteria and with beserker and fury I hit extremely fast so it seems possible. I get that it's not really a perfect solution but yesterday it was taking 30+ hits to down a heavy with 2 CPs in the squad (just running with randoms) so it seems reasonable as a way to reliably reduce armor on these specific very high level missions. 

  7. So yesterdays Sortie was stuffed full of armored dudes and that got me to thinking. I run Valkyr for most high level stuff, using Hysteria with Scindo Prime and mostly I do so much damage it really doesn't make much odds. Sure, yesterday was a pretty extreme example of armor that I'm not going to see every day but seeing my trusty blender just bounce off heavies made me want to look harder at my weapon choice. 


    So my question is this - Which stats from my melee weapon effect Hysteria and which don't?


    Everywhere I look I see different answers; some people say it's just damage, crit chance and attack speed, other people say reach effects it too, still others say that channeling mods somehow effect hysteria. I'm pretty sure that elemental damage does add to hysteria but I don't know if the elements can apply status procs in hysteria or if status chance is important on my base melee weapon.


    Secondly; against super-high armor enemies which weapon should I be using and what kind of build? I've got my Scindo Prime, Dragon Nikana, Jatt Kittag and Dual Ichors (that could even easily fit shattering impact too if that actually works) but over the past weeks of sorties it feels like I'm pretty much always doing about the same damage whatever I use. 


    Any guidance would be great!

  8. I have honestly no idea where you're getting that issue, I haven't had it myself, but just in case you can get some ideas, I'll post my build..

    Spoiler-tagged in order to keep things condensed and not visually overwhelming


    My Valk build, all-purpose, I almost never have to change her out except for things like Spy where I need Loki and Defense/MD where I need Frost


    My Galatine build. Again, it's all-purpose, and I mostly use it combined with Warcry for some insane Attack speed but almost never need to swap it out


    One of my Tekko builds, this is prolly one most will recommend you, but I'm not a big fan of Berserker. I much rather have my Viral/Radiation procs


    And the Crit-Tekko I personally prefer



    I solo'd nearly all of the Sorties so far with this build (Excepting Def, MD, and Int where I ran Frost, and Spy where I ran Loki) and it's not failed me yet. hopefully you can get a few ideas of your own from my build. I find the Sorites REALLY easy most of the time with this, so I MUST be doing something right.


    I'm not at all trying to say the Sortie's are particularly hard. I got knocked down a few times before I figured out how to handle nullifiers but since then I've hammered through the Sorties without any real problems. I've done 58% of the damage in defense missions with no problems. That's not what I'm talking about. They are fun to run, a fun way to play but a bunch of frames are viable. 


    Looking at your build it seems like you are aiming to not just be running in hysteria permanently like I am. Your hysteria costs more energy than mine, has less energy to draw on and does less damage, and on top of that you're planning on taking damage (ie not being in hysteria) a decent chunk of the time. And that's fine if that works for you, but I don't think it's really directly applicable to what I'm trying to do.

  9. wow no Steel Fibre? or Armoured Agility? I run both of those, and find Blind Rage to be useless as it just raises the drain for Hysteria. I don't need to run Continuity with my build. and I kept Rage for my Sorties, I solo them consistently. just remember that her Energy Drain is based on both Efficiency AND Duration. don't even need the Energy Restores that AM-Bunny mentioned. I'd post my build, but I run with the Exilus Slot unlocked and with Eternal War, and have thrown on a few Forma on her, so not optimal for ya.

    still though, Valk has THE highest armour in the game. it'd be almost a crime to not utilize it. she NEEDS that extra suitability to make sure she can use Rage properly. yes you sacrifice some of her Power, but it's worth it.

    also recall that Hysteria are Crit weapons that deal mostly Slash damage, so build Crit (I recommend Tekko, high crit rate) and also give her Sundering Strike to up both Slash and Puncture. I also build for Radiation and Viral damages, and should also remember her slide-melee deals FIVE hits all at once. I as able to solo the last L3 Sortie no problem (Grineer, L80-100, Augmented Armour)


    My experience has generally been that outside of hysteria, 1 hit from anything will kill me pretty much regardless of what I fit. I haven't tried stacking up vigor, steel fibre and armored agility all together but even if that worked I want to spend as close as possible to 100% in hysteria so those mods will do nothing the vast majority of the time anyway. That's why I've focused so much on mods that actually effect hysteria. I have no problems fueling myself from dropped energy anyway, and letting myself take damage is such a huge risk, especially since Hysteria isn't insta-casted so I have time it very precisely to only take one hit.


    Point is, I tried a Rage build and it just didn't work for me at all. Blind Rage is a powerful mod, certainly, and my present energy use is less than 1 per second which is plenty enough most of the time, and I have energy restores if things don't go to plan. I can appreciate that maybe you have other experiences, especially if you are playing with people properly working together, using Radial Disarm to reduce incoming damage etc, but in pubby games it's really not like that. 

  10. I came back to WF after a break just to try out the Sortie missions and man are those things a good time. Originally (and perhaps naively) I ran Rhino into the missions but after dying way too much I switch over to my Hysteria build Valkyr. Thing is that I'm more used to playing her at lower levels where I can use Rage to regen energy. Against those lvl 100 guys even one hit kills me so I kinda need to rethink what I'm doing.


    I've started re-jigging my fit and so far this is what I have - 




    I know she still needs work to get those mods up to max and some a couple of Forma but before I start sinking loads of time into it I wanted to see what you guys thought of the fit overall. Stuff like Primed Continuity will come as and when I can afford to buy the mods. The more important part is figuring out what the rest of the mods should be - I've seen people saying Transient Fortitude should be used, but in place of what?


    On top of that, since Hysteria is dependent on your melee weapon, I wanted to ask what weapons you guys would use? At the moment I'm running her with my Beserker Dual Ichors, but I haven't really tweaked my Ichor fit for Sorties. I've stuck with a max corrosive build and with a Shattering Impact to help with the armor but I have no idea if that's optimal. I could swap out to Jat Kittag or Dragon Nikana but I've been very successful with my Ichors so far. 


    Really, any thoughts you guys have would be super helpful :)

  11. Hey guys.


    I came back to Warframe after a bit of a break and discovered a bunch of sexy mods and items that were available from our friend Baro Ki'Teer. To be honest I only even found out because i was building a 'perfect' 5 Forma Hek build and I found people listing a Primed Point Blank as part of it and so I started looking up what the hell that was.


    In the end I payed some plat for a Primed Point Blank and that's fine, it's an investment in a gun that I love (and works in my shiny new faction Hek too) but it did get me to thinking how the items for Baro work. I looked through the wiki and couldn't find anything really helpful so I figured I'd ask here - Has anything been said about how they get chosen and if/when items are repeated?


    I ask because while I don't care about most of the items he gives out enough to pay plat for them, obviously I'd like to get hold of Primed Flow and a few others if they come up again but I don't know if that's even possible. Some items have come up twice (according to the wiki anyway) but there doesn't seem to be any particular logic to when or what gets repeated. 


    Also - How is the schedule for Baro worked out? A 16 day cycle seems kinda weird but I think that's what it's set to now? So 2 days of trading, then 14 days later he shows up again for 2 days of trading, then another 14 days from the end of his trading period, right?


    Any help would be great!

  12. Can you see quest marker on any Phobos node?


    I never had any problems with that quest.


    (Use the synthesis scanner and look for blue markers, they will lead you into the synthesis target.)


    The quest marker shows up but the mission just runs like a regular mission without any scan targets. Nothing shows up what so ever when looking through the scanner, no blue markers, no mobs look any different just a sea of identical guys and nothing to scan what so ever. 

  13. Seems like its the solution to cluttered drop tables in the void. They were worried about specific items becoming too hard to obtain, so they made specific items much harder to obtain..... wait what?


    In reality It's just forced rarity on the least valuable "rare" items. Tonnes of F2P games do this for what I am sure are numerous, disgusting, psychologically exploitative and commercially profitable reasons.


    Not even out of beta and poor frosty is being put into the old folks home, oh well.


    Wow, that's cynical in ways that don't even make sense. 


    Retiring old items isn't really all that shocking, especially since DE are letting players keep the items they already have. It'd be nice to know their rationale (my guess is it's to do with the prime drop loot tables) but I can see why this makes sense to them. The devs need to have this option open to them though, especially for flashy, fairly rare items - If they want to retool or rebalance primes without removing the original version their only option is to nerf the originals into uselessness. Maybe that does create some additional rarity, but certainly no more so than all the old event items that were never made widely available outside the events. 


    If you are ok to play in a world where you can never get a Braton Vandal then you really shouldn't care about this. It's not like they are offering the removed items for plat or something.

  14. Rhino's stomp doesn't need something to stomp on. It's the pure essence of a stop, that sends out ripples of force through the all-permeating higgs field, twisting the rules of mass and gravity around the opposition. Oh it LOOKS like a physical thing most of the time because he's on the ground when he does it, but it's way more complicated than that. It took a team of scientists fifteen years to work out how to create a truly perfect stomp and they won a nobel prize for it. 

  15. It's funny that some people think buying stuff with platinum is in some way cheating in this game. The cash shop is there for a reason, so you can trade money for elbow grease, which is important in this day and age. If you have money and just want to have fun, you can sidestep the grind. Newer players aren't stupid. They read forums and look stuff up, and they know that a good build means using formas and boosters, and many of them will happily hand over some cash to skip from being a newbie to someone worth having in a group.


    A while back I went back and made a 'perfect newbie' set of gear. Excaliber, with a booster and six formas, a Braton with six formas and a booster, a Lato with five formas and a booster, and a Skana with a few formas and a booster. It was a kick &#! set of gear, and it was great fun to use. People would see me and kinda tut at how obviously newbie I was, and then I'd wreck the place up and make them feel bad about themselves. 


    There is no objective way to measure how good someone will be on any mission. The OP's problem isn't that new people want to try out the cool content, it's that he's trying to play with public people then *@##$ing that they are... Well... The same as in every PUG chat in every game. If you want to only play with people you trust to be good, then play with people you know. I mean, if you know a guy personally, and know he kicks &#! even though he's at a low MR or whatever, then you'd totally let him come along. 


    If you want to play with people you know are good, try actually making some friends and talking to them. Try joining a clan! Or just interacting with other human beings beyond boiling them down into objective numbers to decide if they are good enough to grace you with their presence.

  16. Its supposed to be a long term game. Sorry your laziness is getting in the way but thats just the way it is.


    But.... It's not. Not really. Not by MMO standards. I mean, you can see all the content in the game within a few months. And you can do all of that with the first non-rookie weapons you get, and the first frame you start with. You'd probably be well advised to branch out some, but once you find a weapon that you are comfortable with there is no particular reason to use anything else ever again - It will carry you through the entire game, and that is really not that far. There isn't even much of a reason to run to 100% the campaign map- All the missions on the same tile sets are the same. 


    Like I said on the last page (seriously man, read the damn thread) it's not being lazy to not want to grind for first materials and credits and then for XP on items that you won't keep once you get them to 30. It's boring and frustrating to do that. It is not fun. 


    This is a game. If it is not being fun then why the hell are you playing it? 


    To some people collecting is fun, and that's cool. If that's what you find fun, do it. But forcing EVERYONE to collect things that they have no use for or interest in, and then force them to play with them, even when those items are demonstrably worse than the things they were using before; that's bordering on sadistic. 


    And all of this collecting, this interminable grinding, and your attitude (calling people lazy especially) is basically covering for the fact that there is no end game, and no reason to keep playing once you get the items you like to a level that you are comfortable with. There just isn't much left for you to do; no new content to get to, no new items to find there.


    There's reasons to stick around, for a Clan, or because you just love shooting stuff. Because that stuff is fun. Mastery isn't fun. It's barely even a game. It's just stretching out a very small amount of content across a much much much longer period of time. 

  17. I think it's messed up to call people lazy for ANYTHING in a game. It's a game. When games are well designed then it feels fun to do stuff, and it gives you an incentive to do things that you otherwise wouldn't. Warframe does not do this well. At all. 


    The problem with mastery rank isn't that it's a ball ache to level up, although it is, but it's that the game forces you to basically go back and start over every time you begin with a new item. In turn that makes even the very cool and interesting stuff seem dull and unimpactful compared to what you were using. Going a few notches down the missions scale also means the rewards are crappier and so the whole experience is less compelling. 


    The real fun in Warframe (for those of us who do still actually find it fun) is at the top end of the power curve, when you are a rocking war god crushing your way through thousands of enemies, and only threatened by large groups of very powerful ones. When you don't get to do that, it's just pure meaningless, frustrating grind.


    And that's why people often prefer to just stick with the gear that they find fun and cool, so that when they come home from work or school they actually have fun while playing the game, not just another different kind of work they need to do before they can have fun. 


    The point is that mastery level is a bad system, and one that isn't there to encourage you to try more versatile weapons; it's there to ensure that you HAVE to buy inventory slots. The game forces you to use many weapons, and just when you get them to the point where they actually feel worth using, you need to give it up and start from zero again. And soon enough you'll either have to sell things to move on, making new weapons outside of your preferred ones fleeting and dis-interesting, or making you buy more slots. 

  18. If they followed this type of design for teaching players the basics in warframe, that would kinda be fun. I like being thrown in to situations and just being taught through gameplay.


    For example you find a weapons and OH MY GOD it can shoot! Kinda like that and you slowly learn about different things.


    The current intro is decent though and what needs to be address is enemy scaling for newbies (for veterans it's like we already have Megaman X's Hadouken)


    What the video doesn't talk about though is that this kind of teaching only works well with easily simple mechanics, and breaks down extremely fast when you look at the two common control schemes available - Either mouse and keyboard, or a modern controller. In both those cases there's a whole lot more going on that just 'jump' and 'shoot' and so just poking buttons and hoping doesn't get the job done. 


    On a basic level there are two kinds of challenges in a game - Execution challenges (jump at the right time, dodge in a brief window) and Exploration challenges (find the right way to do something), and the modern era leads strongly towards the latter because execution challenges aren't all that interesting from a gameplay perspective because you can't make them appeal to everyone at once. If the challenge is low enough for new players, experienced ones won't be challenged at all. If you make them too challenging then new players will be frustrated and not have fun. 


    So, as a result of this devs generally make exploration challenges. Even fairly brainless FPS games do. They very seldom put you in a position where you just need to aim better. They put you in a building full of dudes and tell you to figure it out for yourself. And while it might seem that it's all the same, it's not. You died going left? Try going right. Or throw a grenade. Or take cover. When you die, even in a multiplayer competitive environment, it is much more likely that you were in a bad position rather than because you are just terrible at the game. As you get better you get 'twitchier' certainly, but much more importantly you learn the maps and the weapons and how to make the most out of what you have. 


    And why is that important to teaching and learning and such?


    Well, because if you are make a more exploration focused game, players need to understand all of the options that they have available to them. And while broadly similar games often do things in broadly similar ways, there are often important differences. Just keeping to the FPS genre, there are a bunch of important things that players absolutely have to know for them to be able to explore. Can I look down sites? How many weapons can I carry? Can I pick up any weapon off the ground, or just specifically placed ones? How do you throw grenades (is it G or mouse 3 or are grenades a separate weapon) ? Are there multiple kinds of grenades? Can I go prone? Can I sprint? Is there a button to stick to cover? Can I peek around corners? Can I press a button to operate things?


    This is all stuff you need to know before you can set out into the world. You need to understand the tools you have before you can start to solve problems effectively. People learn very quickly, and once you've seen a couple of control schemes you feel fairly familiar, which gives rise to a vast amount of people saying 'Yeah I get it' when they get told something. Because, yeah... We get it. But that's not the point. All games do something slightly different to each other, and we need to know what those differences are. 


    The best example I can think of for this (and that happened to me recently) was when I got my shiny new copy of Dark Souls 2, and because I was pretty good at the first one I didn't run the tutorial. But there are some important difference. In DS1 sliding quickly down a ladder is done by tapping B on the controller. In DS2, you do it by holding b. Tapping B makes you fall off the ladder, almost always to your death. 


    But if what internet guy says is true, shouldn't I be ok to just figure that out for myself? Set myself up by a ladder and try different combinations of buttons over and over until I work it out? Well, I've got 14 buttons to press on my 360 pad, and it could be any combination of any of them. It's going to take a long time to figure that out. And holding buttons to do things is uncommon in the game (you do it for one other thing) so I could easily have believed that you simply weren't able to slide down ladders anymore before I worked it out. 


    I'm all for elegance in teaching in video games. Absolutely. Developers shouldn't be so ham fisted with how they do it. Look at Portal - A game that teaches through simple, clean illustrations. Buuuuuuut it still gives you an on screen pop up telling you how to move, how to jump and how to use the portal gun. Because you need to know that stuff. Even if it's been done the same a thousand times before. 


    To take a real life parallel... Why is there a list of ingredients on every food package? And why is there a big instructions leaflet with every pack of Tylenol? These are extremely common objects; surely everyone knows how to use them? Sure. Most people don't need the instructions. But some people do. And if some people do, then you have to place them very prominently, because if you don't know how to take a tablet (or play Call of Duty) then you might not know how to go and look up the instructions yourself. 


    And there in lies the nub. Megaman and Megaman X came from the era of booklets. I remember every game I bought for the first decade or so of playing games came with one. They told you how to do everything. And mostly we ignored them, and figured it out ourselves. But the booklet was there. It told you how to jump, and run and shoot. There are LOTS of old games that if you lost the manual, you couldn't complete. Simply because you don't even know that you have the tool to solve the problem.


    Imagine this for me, if you will... You get to a level in Super Mario 3 where you need to be able to fly with the racoon suit in order to proceed (I can't remember if there are levels like that or not, but let's say) and because you have never read the manual, you have no idea that you can fly, or what the P meter does. 


    Explain to me how you would ever complete that just through trail and error. When you have never even had a reason to believe that you could fly, why would you ever think that you might be able to, just because the level expects you to?


    Environmental teaching has it's limits, as does trial and error. The reason that most games have tutorials isn't because devs got stupid, or because they think players are. It's because they want you to be able to actually play it. More complex controllers mean that we can do so many more things while staying immersed in these wonderful fictional universes, but it also means we need to be taught how to play.

  19. Lazy..

    I'm playing a god damn video game.


    I pretty much agree.


    This is a game. Not a job. Calling people lazy for not farming as much as you do is beyond stupid. 


    Prices need to be better balanced towards the middle tier of players, who play a decent amount but not constantly grinding the highest value missions. There's two kinds of players in Warframe. Those who never ever worry about any credits, and those who worry all the damn time about them. The line between the two needs to drop downwards just a little. 

  20. My guess is that people feel unhappy because are something that clearly had a decent amount of time and effort put into when they are 'just' another companion as opposed to... Say some actual new content to play. 


    It's not because anyone objects to pets as such, it's just that there's so much more that needs working on. 

  21. Nobody here is saying all rails should be free. They're saying that Eclipse's taxes are really high compared to what the market considers fair.


    There is a massive difference between what the general mass of players, 99% of who don't know their A******s from a hole in the ground, think is a fair value for something and the actual value that the market considers 'fair' for something. 


    The market is still settling. There is just people trying different things and seeing what works. There is no fair in economics. There is simply what the market will bear. The question that has yet to be answered when we look at these things is simply 'How many people will run the DS with x% of tax?'. That is the single thing that matters. Eclipse aren't a charity. They want to get something out of all this. So they have no reason to drop tax just because the boohooers don't think it's fair. 


    Pouting is not the same as market forces. If eclipse ever push that tax too high and people go elsewhere or just drop out of running DS all together I'm certain they'll change their tax levels really fast. They are here for the long haul - That means they have to make sure they don't just accidentally bankrupt themselves (which when we're talking about 15mil per time isn't like outside the realm of possibility). Anyone offering lower taxes either hasn't thought it through or is incredibly optimistic.


    One final time - Just because you don't think something is fair doesn't mean the market agree. I don't think it's fair that I gotta pay $6 for decent cup of coffee, but that's just the way that things are. 


    If you want the market to work based on what's fair as opposed to whats logical then that'd make you a communist. And historically that world view has not been successful. 

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