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Posts posted by Gaming_Enjoyer

  1. Can it be done? Yeah

    Will it be done? Probably not. 

    I had this idea the other day. Basically turn every Warframe into a hero class type of thing, with each one having restricted ability usage(1 per frame, cool down) and set weapon load outs(Excalibur has braton, lato and skana). Bullet jumping is disabled and there are bounce pads around the map for vertical traversal. I think this idea would make for a fun PvP activity, though balancing the weapons and frames would take alot of excess work on DE's part. It should also reward you with items for the main game, like catalysts for example, for new and old players alike. New players will also have the advantage of not having to set up builds, since the mode has set character and weapon stats, so skill will be the difference between a new player and a veteran instead of the cluttered mess that is the modding system. 

  2. I was very excited when I learned that FINALLY I could make my landing craft interior, even partly, primed. I rushed to the twitch prime setup, as I had saved up my trial, only to realize my country does not support twitch prime game drops. Ok, sucks to be me I figured, but then I remembered I had bought the recently unvaulted liset prime accessory. Why do they not include this change in that purchase? I found out more people are having the same issue, and it's all really disheartening given the circumstances. I really hope they atleast give us the option to buy those prime details separately. 

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