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(XBOX)dark lucario102

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Posts posted by (XBOX)dark lucario102

  1. Back on cetus bait was gotten by building them, on fortuna we spend standing per lure. Why can we build machines of death and not simple machines why do we have to spend 2k standing for 5 synathid lures? A 2k recurring fee where on cetus it was one and done. Why not just make them gotten through a unlimited use bp?

  2. When I go to get cryo for different objects I find getting 100 per excavator is very annoying. You spend more time getting powercells than anything. I think a way to remedy this would be add a bonus to cryo gains that stacks for every excavator completed. For example 1st one you gain 100 2nd 125 3rd 150 and so forth. But if one excavator is destroyed it resets the bonus. It would provide a reason to stay longer through higher level enemies.

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