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Posts posted by Navahija

  1. on todays syndicate mission - capture for cephalon suda - presented me with a very big room which locked 2 medallions behind outer walls so that they were floating in outer space and were unreachable. i guess they were supposed to sit in tiny corners where the item symbol was shown.

    date: 6-15-2020

    tileset: corpus ship

    mission: c. suda capture

  2. Am 6.2.2020 um 20:10 schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

    I picked up on that - we are adding more Prestige ranks (next week, all Platforms) to this Intermission so that people can still earn Cred! 

    why even limit the prestige ranks at all? as long as the nightwave is active one should be able to earn something. after hitting rank "60" i was really disappointed because i like doing the daylies & weeklies. and i like getting potatoes or kuva for the creds....

  3. the other day i finished repairing a mk 3 shield array and when i wanted to retrieve it to install it i needed to buy 2 slots for 12 platinum alass i didnt had reached the capacity of 30 slots by far. so how does this work? and why am i charged with costs when there is no need for it?

    please clarify DE.

  4. after desintegrating my 7th lich yesterday i went for the next one with nidus (for toxin bonus). sabotage spot calypso on saturn. flickering red light during the mission appears, i continue in hope of the guardian to appear and find my new "victim" but nope... nothing more happened. ok... maybe i have more luck on telesto (exterminate, saturn). red lichts again, then.... nothing more. i switched to sedna picked adaro.. the go to spot where i got my larvlings 1st try so far. red lights flickering.... nothing after that.

    i tried the same missions with nekros in backward order, still nothing.

    now i did missions with ivara.... same red flicker and nothing more.

    still no new lich after at least 12 missions. this is so sad because i really like the new stuff!

  5. it popped up in a syndicate mission and i thought "ok, its late...but a fast one."


    sniping with ivara in a spy mission (leveling my komorex on the 4th forma) and the counter reset at 20/150. then again at 10/150....narf....

    back in the orbiter i found the identical mission twice in the nightwave....

    guess i'll try again after hitting the hay now ^^

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