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Posts posted by HalisAlter

  1. 4 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

    One thing I found annoying about Crewmates is that their kills and repairs do not grant affinity. Let their kills give affinity. Right now if you want to do power leveling having crewmates is hindering your progress. Please change this.

    Which is especially strange given that one time when I re-entered my Railjack, I saw one of my crewmates repair the ship and it gave me the affinity popup for repairing as if I had done it, so that definitely feels like a bug to me.

    On 2021-04-16 at 11:26 PM, (PSN)crashteddy03 said:

    Engineer role AI - I had expected the Engineer to keep manufacturing items in the forge. Boy was I wrong! Keeping Omni topped up when handling repairs - good. Manufacturing repairs when hull is damaged - good. Completely ignoring you when you run out of Dome Charges or Missiles - not cool dude!!

    Adding onto this, I'd suggest an adjustable "threshold" for when the Engineer should start manufacturing ammo for your Dome Charges and Missiles, more than likely 50% by default. Of course, if the ship needs repairing, that should override it since it doesn't matter how much ammo you have if you're dead.

  2. As indicated by the title, if you use Ash's Bladestorm and opt into joining the Bladestorm's attack animation with Teleport on a target, sometimes when the animation finishes your camera will be stuck in place. Looking around does nothing and it's entirely possible to move away from the camera as a result of this. The only fixes I've found for it in the field are to either die and respawn, or rejoin whatever mission you're in. This happens both in Railjack and in normal missions, so it's not isolated at all.

  3. I'm not gonna ask for a massive sweeping overhaul or anything unrealistic like that, DE can be the ones to decide things like that, but if I had to change one detail about Nyx... it would be the Mind Control and how it works.
    Instead of having it be on a time limit and with recasting it taking a new MC target for something you're actively encouraged to shoot to boost its damage, implying it's a semi-permanent investment when it's not, I would remove the time limit and make it so that you can recast to target something for your MC target to either kill (if it's an enemy), guard (if it's an ally), or perform a special action (if you've taken a grineer soldier and you want them to mount a rampart, for instance).
    Is even this much unrealistic? Maybe, given that this would turn Nyx's MC target into a diet Wukong Twin, but at least then I wouldn't feel like I'm wasting my time shooting at it for extra damage when it's going to just die in a few seconds anyway.

  4. The "new" MC AI is total trash and I'm surprised it even left the drawing board, honestly. I used to be able to do things like control the turrets in the plains and have them mow down things in one part of a Grineer base while I took care of another part, now the turret just sits there and does nothing. I used to be able to just grab an enemy from across the map and have all of the enemies divert their attention away from me and my allies, now the MC target runs over to me and that becomes impossible to do.
    The damage boost, meanwhile, means nothing if your MC target doesn't actually do anything, which is especially noticable with melee units like Chargers, where they'll just sit next to you and watch both of you get torn to shreds while doing only the bare minimum to fight back.
    This also seems to affect Revenant's Thrall AI, and arguably breaks that even more since now the Thralls simply do nothing half of the time because they're trying to run back over to you, but at least Rev can just kill them to get them to do something (the energy pillar), whereas if Nyx loses her MC target, that's that, nothing extra.
    If it were up to me, I'd completely tear the AI changes out of the game and just have MC targets use their default enemy AI until there's nothing within, say, 40-50m to fight, at which point then they'd come back to you.

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  5. If they shortened the Day phase, newer players would struggle to get into the Plains content at all, wondering why every time they go outside they get swarmed by level 20 enemies that are capable of doing massive chunks of their health with each hit and are seemingly unkillable... so then they'd go to Fortuna instead, where this problem doesn't exist because there is no day/night cycle gimmick, and wonder why the Plains needs this in the first place.
    In other words, either the Day/Night segments need more clear indicators or there needs to be a "toggle" for Day/Night mode. Just shortening the Day segments would cause an imbalance and more problems than it'd solve.

  6. To be honest, my "ideal" for a MC target AI would be for it to just bum-rush anything it sees with little regard for personal safety, just get right up there and jam their gun into an enemy's face so they don't miss... this is assuming it's a standard ranged/melee unit and not something weird like the Drahk Master, in which case I'd still prefer their default enemy AI over the awkward, sometimes-glitchy and unreliable one we have now. This leash nonsense just doesn't work for me.

  7. No, the complaint is that too often you end up wasting most of the pickup's value because the Vacuum/Fetch mods cause the pickup to be, well, picked up even if you're missing only a sliver of energy. There's nothing backwards about wanting to get the most out of a drop instead of wasting it just because an enemy got a lucky 1-damage slash proc off on you.

  8. This would indeed be a nice feature... especially if you're trying to save energy for something and you happen to be just one point short, if you're using Energy Siphon you could just regen it naturally, but because the game doesn't know this it assumes you just need the pickup, so it picks it up, wasting 24 or more points of potential energy that could have been saved for later. Too many times this has happened to me, honestly.

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