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Posts posted by sercanteke

  1. 3 hours ago, buff7879 said:

    I wish there was more of a story aspect to it. You kill thralls to find the lich "lieutenant" location. You kill the lich's "lieutenants" to uncover the lich's mods. Then you raid the lich's hideouts to steal those mods. Finally, you fight the lich using all three mods (you still must have the correct combo).

    Lich Lieutenant voice lines:


    1-"Our master possesses the old blood. Die here, and you need not face him."

    2-"Proceed... and meet your end."

    3-"I don't know what he sees in you. You look like a weakling to me."


    1-"You are under equipped to fight my master. Lay down your arms... and I shall grant you a peaceful death."

    2-"That device is puny! Do you really expect to defeat her like this? (Referring to Parazon)

    3-"Behold... you seek destruction."

    Thrall lines (when killed)

    "Information forcefully extracted... I have failed."

    "I was forced. Self-abortion initialized."

    "It was stronger than me."

    "It has taken the secret. Stop it at all costs."

    "I have lost possession of the secret. Report to master immediately." 

    "I have been wrongfully entrusted with the secret. May the void punish me."




  2. 8 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

    Just use imgur.com? If his account needs activated, just tell him to go open his email and find the automated message there with a link to activate his account. That's what the problem sounds to be from what you described.

    also wtf is imgur.com 

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Dishinshoryuken said:

    What country are they in?

    Never seen anything such as this before especially since this is on four platforms to play as well as having an app. The beta thing should not stop them unless they used a Invite from you or something.

    Let me know how this pans out for you and your friend. I am curious


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