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Posts posted by IAmTheRad

  1. I fell into the endless void as Inaros during a mastery test. I immediately went into the sarcophagus and didn't have the opportunity to revive until I hit the absolute buttom when the game teleported me back to solid ground where I could revive myself.

    It was the Mastery Rank 15 test, if that makes any difference, the intercept one.

  2. Why can't you make any of the starter frames in the game without making an all new account? This is severly limiting player choice at the beginning. If they for example choose the Loki frame at the beginning and decide after a mission they really HATE the frame, they're stuck with the Loki frame until they shell out real money to buy a different frame, or get enough blueprints and parts to build a new frame, and they can't build the starter frames either.

    Why would anybody then want to pay money for the starter frame if they can get a higher tier frame for the same price with platinum? At the very least the starter frames should be available for a cheap price on the market, or at least be able to be crafted. You should give players options, and not railroad them in playing with something they hate, which will make them uninstall the game and not look back.

    Now, this is not for me personally, because I took the Excalibur frame and I love it.

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