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Posts posted by Hyper93

  1. Well, I just checked and the pictures are all out of order, but you get the idea.

    Some of them have suffered very minor changes, in the case of Volt, for example, it's barely noticeable.

    In others, like Nekros, only the attachments changed color, not the frame itself.

    And finally, frames like Rhino, Harrow and Nidus, among others, are left unrecognizable.


    My fashionframe might not win any contest but it's still what I like and it sucks seeing it ruined time and time again. Hopefully you can do something about this.

  2. Yeah so this has happened to me before, and I saw other people in warframe having the same problem but I don't know if they reported it or what.

    After the second time it happened, I decided to fix up my fashion frame again and take pictures, so that I could have a frame of reference in case they got ruined again, and to post the before-and-after pictures here, since I can't see any discernible pattern or figure out why it happens.


    Hopefully linking the pics from Imgur worked because I don't have an account on there

  3. As far as I can tell, I still have all of the cosmetics I've bought. But they somehow got unequipped/changed with others. Some frames are back to default colors, some have only the primary color changed and not the others. Different syandanas equipped, different attachments...

    I haven't lost any material or platinum, but everything is a mess now and I don't know how exactly they were all set up so I can't get them back to normal. Everything looks bad now. I think only my Titania, Inaros, Hydroid and Gara were left unharmed.

    I seriously don't know what you changed to cause this but I hope it goes back to normal somehow.

  4. This is my first bug report and I don't know what other details to give other than what it says in the title. Sometimes Eidolons (happens with all of them, not just the Teralyst) will teleport or die even where there are charged lures nearby. This has been happening for over a month in public matchmaking and its frustrating to have all the equipment, rivens, the right gear and the experience only to have that happen and make the hunt take longer.

    Please fix this soon, DE. Thank you ❤️

  5. After I finished writing that i came back to the game to see that the host had quit and I got to keep the kuva. I don't know about the others, especially the host, and I don't know if this post will bump the thread and get it noticed since I never use the forums, but like I said, I hope this gets fixed soon since spending a ton of time on something with no reward is the opposite of fun.

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