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Posts posted by Stranger_koko

  1. A long time ago, all the Archwing Melee weapon can automatic lock into the closest enemy when you attack with it, But now I can only use Veritux to do this.

    Is this a bug or a new update? Because when I can not do this when I using Centaur.

    Note: In Railjack game, I can not use any Archwing but Amesha or Odonata, the other two is too weak, and the abilties were not that useful in the Railjack game.

  2. After some many warframe rework and new mod update, the disadvantages from the polarity of a mod slot are more and more clear, and I hope there will be an update to change it.

    1) When there is a big update or warframe changes become, that will chenge the build  of a weapon or warframe. I know that DE have well positioning for every warframe, like a Saryn, form the first time, DE shows that this warframe is a strong AOE, and most people just need her "Miasma" skill can kill the most enemy. At that time, the high level defense mission always have a same team set, Forst, Trinity, and Saryn, don't  even need a Rhion to buff them. Then DE found that the design for "Miasma" is OP, and make Saryn's other skill useless, so they debuff the "Miasma" and buff the "Spores", and that make the big change to Saryn's build, at first the build don't need to care about the Duration, now they need to add Primed Continuity to the build, there just only few mod change, and no every much people need to noted taht, because this build can perfectly fit into the last build, 2~3 Madurai mod solt alway take place in Syran's build, and even next change to Syran it still works. But until the update that add Elite Santucary Onslaught into the game, the Syran build for it is different, It can not just care about the Abilities, but also need care about survival probability, the old build can not work, if someone just make a build for new mod "Umbral Intensify", well they might take a new Syran and make the new build for it. 

    2) I build a weapon and spend 6 forma to change the polarity of mod slots so I can place all the MOD into it, but when I get a riven to this weapon, and I find out that the polarity(Vazarin) in riven is not fit in any polarity in my mod slots, so I spend another forma to cheng the polarity just for the riven. Few days later, I got another better riven for this weapon, but the polarity(Naramon) is different to last riven, that means if I want to use the better riven, I need spend another forma to change the polarity of the same mod slot, again, just because two riven have different porarity. So I think is that necessary that we have to spend another time to change a polarity of a mod slot that we already change before?

    3) Some people want to try Excalibur Umbra's build when it just comes out, but they change the polarity Umbra into ther polarity and finds out that the Umbra can not use anyway to make it bakc, until the first Night Wave comes out, the Umbra Forma can make the Umbra into any mod slot. But is it fair to use a Umbra Forma to it and make Umbra solt back? If DE can add a "reset" system, if we make the mistake in some warframe there can be a way to fix it.

    Conclusion: If we use more than one forma into the same mod solt in the same weapon, there shout not make that difficult to level like when we use a forma to change a new mod solt

                        can "reset" system become ture, you can "reset" a warframe or weapon to make them back to the first time we got them( if there is Reactor that we add to it, it should still in it), and retuen all or some of the forma that we use in it and we can build them in different way. Of course, there will be time limit for this kind of "reset", every player can use "reset" to one warframe or weapon every fixed time, mo matter about MR.

  3. 在Exterminate任务中,地图天王星 - 帕克,很有可能你会在第二个梦想第二部分去地图。它会导致任务无法继续下去,因为没有敌人。并且总是让我们去疏散点。 

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