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Posts posted by RougeHemlock

  1. Just to clarify, this includes mods where the only copy is fully ranked. I was distressed for a moment when it seemed a number of mods I only use occasionally were missing (I wanted to check to see if I had duplicates, and couldn't find them at all; I obviously calmed down once I realized that too many mods were missing); for the most part, it's only annoying; however, it does make fusing extras when tired somewhat risky when I can't clearly see if I have a maxed copy of something already. 

    Easy fix. Click the button that says "show maxed mods". you can toggle that on or off now :D




    Reported Bugs:


    -Toxic Ancient use Scorpion pull, not the original damager.


    -Ancient Infested animation related crash. Most infested gamemode crashes are this


    I'm crashing on wave 5-6 every time I try an Orokin Derelict Defense. Tried three times. Twice before the hotfix, then once after. Crash all three times :(. Nothing real special is happening, just mashing E, which seems to work fine everywhere but ODD. I've been doing ODE without any problems (well, constantly mismatching dragon keys, but thats not a bug). I doubt it affects anything, but this is the equipment I was actively using when the crashes happened: Rhino (IS up), and spamming with dual ichor. Djinn with a blast proc modded sweeper. Lots of ancients nearby.
    Sorry if these crashes have already been reported since the hotfix, too tired to search through the replies. Despite all these bugs though, U14 is awesome. Keep it up, DE <3

  3. I'm just gonna leave this here. kAU74xY.jpg        wow

    Edit 1: Ugh. I've had so many more ideas for this contest too. I wish I could have multiple entries. Such as: "I've had it with these mother f'ing Grineer on this mother f'ing ship!" and a few others I've already forgotten. But yeah. this contest is awesome. Keep up the good work DE!                         wow                                                  such contest                      so DE          wow

  4. I have a question, why try to add concepts like itemization and lvls to a moba version of this? The conclave rating already takes cares of making it "fairer"... I dont see any point on adding those, its not that type of game, plus moba games have a step learning curve that people who play this game dont seem to favor sense most just like to run around pwe pwe ing stuff. Heres my suggesting, you dont need to change anything, ANYTHING. :) Just  6- 10 players, on different sides of the map, with both faction attacking each others and 3 players on one side, 3 on the other. Shouldn't be hard to create, we already have friking faction wars, I dont see why we cant have players on both sides ( on a side notea, make all of the npcs armor the same as players have, you know, not being affected by puncture or lowering/increasing elemental damage taken). And if you really want to make melee viable you could always make ammo an actual necessity, S#&$ idk, making it so you have to go back to base to get more. Also by taking away leveling and such it really wouldn't be a big deal, also, melee 2.0 inc.



    Take as an example that new game tahts coming out, the infamous "call of duty with mechs", An all out attack each team trying to accomplish/take down objectives. This will also give every frame its own job, I mean we already have warfames taht are great at clearing large amounts of troops, warframes taht can heal, warfames taht can support, tactic warfames, assassination/stealth warfames and we got rhino, in my opinion, everything is already in place, it almost feels like it was the developers intention all along. No need to add Moba strict rules to it, its all there already. But lets pray anyways, also SMITE ftw.

    Thanks for your opinions, i was so sad this topic had died, glad it's still being viewed by at least some people :D. Although, now, there are several problems I have with what you're suggesting. 1: What you're suggesting is just pvp, not a moba. This idea is specifically to have a moba using warframe stuff, and was designed for that very specific purpose. As you said, everything is already in place, it almost feels like it was the developer's intention all along. 2: Warframe pvp is downright imbalanced. Even in conclaves. Everything was designed for pve, not pvp. If you mod your weapon right, you can 1-shot a Rhino with iron skin up. It's not balanced. You'd just have a volt or something with a sniper rifle camped at the spawn point, sniping the other spawn point on the other side of the map, while the rest of the team pushes lanes. Which is why you need things like itemization and levels, as well as max weapon ranges and such. Balancing. As well as just making into a moba, which is a very popular game genre, for good reason. 3: This would expand warframe's playerbase, by opening it up to moba players. Although this could also be considered a downside, arguably.

  5. Either that ^


    Or Photoshop.


    You'll also need to get a Mod Card template first by cleaning its inner contents before replacing such with your own screenshots. :3

    I'm not even remotely good with photoshop, but I made this for anyone who needs a template. EaXZsR2.png I'm sure pretty much anyone else could make a better template than that. But, whatever. XD I pretty much just put black boxes over the picture and the text. lol. I probably should have just used the gray that's all over it instead of black. Anyways though, there's that, at least until somebody makes a better template (probably make templates for each rarity too now that I think about it).

    Edit: Strange. I missed part of the picture, apparently. I don't know how I missed that.

  6. XD It's under fan concepts, I also got it added to the fan concept index thingy. It has like 1300 views or something, just nobody else is replying q.q If you have any ideas on how to get us more activity, I'm all ears. Err. All eyes.

  7. i don't even care

    sheldon time all time


    A Smaller better consistent version. the one i submit. The above one is just for teh lulz because its too big anyway.



    I don't care if i don't win, it was funny to make anyway. xD

    Thought that Sheldon deserved a reward after winning the Prime Time Livestream Challenge anyway.

    You, sir/madam, were the inspiration for my entry! XD Although mine pales in comparison to yours. Here's mine!


    I hope it can be shrunk down to the right size and still work. :S

    And for anyone curious, I first made a quick version on gimp as a basis, then hand-drew a picture heavily based off it. It uses Sheldon's forehead, One side of Rebecca's face, and One side of Megan's face. Seeing as how Prime Time is all about the people doing it, I decided they should be in the emblem! :D Here's the quick version I made on gimp, if anyone wants to see: fToPg4U.jpg

    Edit: I probably should have drawn a line down the middle to differentiate between the faces a bit more. Also, it took me like 3 hours to finish the shading on their upper lips. It's probably the best drawing I've ever done.

  8. Probably don't use established room tile thingies. Just have it inspired by the ship designs. Not entirely sure what I mean by that but whatever. XD And one other thing I haven't mentioned yet is, to be fair to melee-only frames, there probably can't be any raised platforms or any place that a valkyr, loki, or nova could get to that would then make them unattackable. (Although I figure valkyr and loki would both be melee-only, that still leaves nova going up there, or using them to bring party members up there). If that makes sense. So yeah. That sorta thing XD. Good luck :D and goodnight (see my edit for the previous post)

    Edit: That was a very unrestful sleep o.o anyways. any progress? :D

    Edit 2: Also, what do you think about the various damaging effects that happen when the infested land? I'm not sure how I feel about them yet. Interested in your thoughts

    Edit 3: Another thing that just occurred to me. Loki's Radial Disarm could end up being a problem. XD no effect on melee frames, makes ranged frames unable to attack. Would need some changes. lol However, imagine how awesome of an initiator loki would be. Switch teleport someone, then invis. (or vice-versa). You'd take out one of their people with relative ease, while getting out of there pretty easily as well. (at least until a rhino stomps you). XD

  9. Sounds good! :D Although just a warning, I might give vague feedback, then have you redraw it again, then more vague feedback, then another redraw.... This undertaking is not for the faint of heart. :P

    Edit: It's 4:30 am, so I'm going to bed. I'll check out your map (if it's uploaded) tomorrow :D

  10. Ok, read your edited post, not bad for a list. Here's my share of the ideas:

    - Item Shop during mission could be run by Darvo for BOTH sides, after all, we know he's playing both sides and is very keen on dealing with the Tenno, makes sense he'd set up shop in both bases.

    - The objective of the map, see, I think the protecting the artifact makes sense IF this new game mode would have mission types. I was thinking each base would have this command center/computer mainframe object that when destroyed means that team doesn't get any more reinforcements, supplies, communication with the mothership, effectively resulting in Team A Wins/Team B Loses screens.

    - The "jungle", yeah the Infested are perfect for a neutral, hostile to everyone group of mobs. Here's the list of HOW they could appear for all tile sets we currently have.

            * Corpus Ship - Infestation attacks by using one of their ships ( http://epsilonmedia.com.au/adam/Infested%20takeover.png ) to collide with the ship the Tenno are fighting on and they destroy the hull in the center of the ship and begin their assault.

            * Corpus Outpost - Infested drop pods from orbit, possibly visible ship in the sky box to create the mood of the Solar System at war, which lore wise is going on.

            * Grineer Asteroid - Quite similar to Corpus Ship, Infested forces would latch their ship to the asteroid and pour into the central chamber and they would attack from there.

            * Grineer Galleon - Ditto, Infested ship colliding and the enemy assaulting both sides, spreading from the central part of the ship.

            * Grineer Settlement - This is just perfect setting for the drop pod solution, open air spaces, a lot of platforms, even a place for an Infested boss to spawn and "command" the regular "troops".

            * Grineer Jungle - Now this is where a third appearance option could be done. The infested could burrow out of the ground in the middle forest area and then attack both sides. After the boss is destroyed, the Infested made tunnels collapse and players can get back to fighting the other teams.

    - The important thing about this "jungle" replacement is the duration of each attack. As this game mode would be competitive but for fun, it objective should be PvP, not Infestation hunt. That could be resolved by making the Infested appear every 5-7 minutes between assaults. Example: Game begins, 6 minutes later, Infested attack, 4 minutes later Infested boss is defeated, timer restarts, 6 minutes later Infested attack. A cycle that repeats only after the boss is destroyed so there wouldn't be 7 Phorids and too many Infested to handle. The idea of an effect preceding the Infested invasion could depend on the tile set, best I can think of is the screen shaking when Infested collide ships/burrow out and howling and alien roaring.

    - Turrets! Yes, we simply have to have those. But while I like the Orokin ones, lets not be modest and put our devs to work :). Am I to believe no one at Digital Extremes drew a Grineer turret, something as simple as this http://www.indiegamemodels.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/g/a/gatling_turret_1.jpg . Surely someone already came up with a sketch or concept, we know you're clever and covering your bases DE :P. And there already are Corpus turrets so placing them in respective bases would further add to the faction versus faction vibe.

    - The leveling and ranking for the weapons and armors, I do think it should be capped to prevent some sort of OP Rhino running around and crushing things. Funny thing is that ranking abilities isn't far fetched as the mod cards do have ranks after all. You ding a few times, go to base, approach some sort of terminal or your meditation spot and you select which skills to improve. After they are maxed you can improve the Health, Shields, Armor, Stamina, Energy, Sprint Speed statistics of your Warframe. That would NOT apply to weapons, at least shouldn't. Weapons would rank like they do now or have 60 points by default for everyone but mods would need to be acquired at Darvos store or looted from Infested bosses.

    - I most definitely agree with no Health/Energy pick ups, the healing would come from the right Warframe instead a red orb. Energy regeneration could possibly be increased just like other stats, by default it should be like Energy Siphon, continuously giving you energy to use your abilities. Like some MOBA games, in the team base there could be some sort of medical station that heals you when you approach it.

    - Now the reward aspect.... No reward = No people playing. But could be fixed with credit rewards as mods, resources, blueprints would make the regular game slightly less interesting. Perhaps 10000 credits for the winning team? Its both not a big reward and not a small reward. And maybe a percent of the credits you during the game itself. Perhaps 5%?

    That's all I have. RougeHemlock, feel free to add this to the opening post. I hope others will pitch in with their ideas because this could be a very entertaining addition to the game.

    I love it. I shall get to work adding your stuff into my post at once! :D I'll also format it to not be one long wall-of-text-paragraph as well. Easier on the eyes. Post editing time :3

    Edit: Finally finished editing the thing! Only took me an hour XD. I took just about all of your ideas from here (although edited them a bit), and also cleaned up a lot of the stuff that was already there. Thank you for your help :D. Really hoping DE takes a look at this thread sometime :) These ideas are making me excited lol

  11. @RougeHemlock, that sort of thing can indeed go into the index, with one caveat. The presence of any real idea in your post is debatable--mostly you just said "make it happen!" This isn't exactly a place to list such general discussions, but for ideas and their feedback to be cataloged for easy reference. If you edit your OP in that topic to actually outline an idea (rather than an extremely vague premise), I'll happily include it.



    Having read your topic a bit more, I'm not sure it actually needs to be in the index. A lot of people will view it as a troll-post, and I can't say I entirely disagree. And as a joke, it doesn't exactly fit in with serious suggestions and ideas...

    O.o it isnt a troll-post. At all. Its topic had a joking tone, only cause I made it with the assumption that it would never happen, and knowing that a lot of people would view it as a bad idea. I did give a slight description of my idea in the original post, with the idea being further developed as a result of discussion as the conversation continued. When I made the topic it WAS a pretty under-developed idea, and I was making it with the intention of having other contribute to make an idea generated from multiple players. In the most recent couple replies, we've started trying to compile all of our ideas together (they already fit together they just need to be compiled), which I will then include in the opening post. I'm not good at compiling ideas and stuff though, at all, which is why I asked if anyone would volunteer to do it. And it's fine if you don't want it to be in your index, I was just posting it here on the off-chance you did, cause it might get the thread more publicity, to develop the ideas further. but yeah, if it doesn't fit in with the rest that's completely fine ^^

    Edit: Currently working on compiling the ideas and putting them in my opening post.

    Edit 2: Done. Check it out. :D If it still doesn't fit here, that's still fine XD

  12. ^ I want this frame naow ...



    pack it, ship it. sell it in the streets. the kids will love it. they'll get hooked on the stuff



    I think Lotus dialed the wrong number.













    Still awesome.


    EDIT: Stalker should never actually fully spawn when you have Rando equipped. Instead, he should call you up and say:

    (Player name), there is no place to...ah man. You aren't who I was looking for, sorry.

    I love this community sometimes <3

  13. Name: Rando.
    A Warframe designed for end-game players, as well as lovers of chaos.

    While I'm no artist, I feel like this drawing is some of my best work.
    Yeah. I know. It's great.

    Stats: Random. (Probably not actually, I'm just too lazy to make stats. XD)
    Every skill would have a random energy cost between 25 and 100 (before power efficiency calculation)


    Skill 1: Full House: 1-3 random units in the room take 200-1000 damage (can be allies or enemies). Each ally has a 3% chance to be chosen, with the remaining % being split evenly among all enemies in the room.


    Skill 2: Small Straight: All party members gain a random amount of health between 200 and 500 (for health) and 25 to 100 (for energy). as well as 1-5 seconds of invulnerability. 10% chance for the health and energy to be lost instead, but the invulnerability is guaranteed.


    Skill 3: Chance: All mods and resources in the room have a 25% chance to change to a higher rarity, 25% chance to stay the same, 25% chance to disappear 25% chance to decrease in rarity. Only affects the caster.


    Skill 4: Yahtzee: Randomly has one of the following affects. Each affect has the same chance: Kill every enemy in the room (except bosses, which would lose 50% of their hp). Cause the user to self-destruct. Change every enemy in the room to a different faction (corpus to grineer, infested to corrupted, etc.). Give every ally a +100% damage buff that lasts until extraction, or until they die. Spawn the Stalker or the Harvester after a short delay (33% chance to spawn both. Unaligned, they'd fight allies, enemies, and each other. Cannot appear if they've already appeared this mission. Does not absorb a death mark thingy).

    So yeah. That's my idea for Rando. :D

    Edit: This is in no way criticizing the current RNG system. Although I will admit that I was inspired to make this based off of everyone's outcry over the rng (an outcry which i personally feel is somewhat silly).

    Edit 2: Adding another picture to more accurately display my vision for this frame. Also adding lore. HXKy2nc.png
    Lore: In the early days of the Tenno, a rogue sect broke off. This sect valued chaos, rather than balance. Legend says they were lead by a powerful Tenno named Rando. Several years after breaking away from the rest of the Tenno, Rando disappeared. Leaderless, the sect fell further into chaos and died off within a decade. Centuries later, Rando has re-emerged, answering the Lotus's call. With him he brings the full power of his chaos powers to battle!
    Or something. Idk.

    Edit 3: Adjusting the stats for the skills. Also making tentative names for the skills. Very tentative.

  14. Forgive me if I'm misinterpreting this thread, if I am, tell me and I can delete this post XD. Anyways though, https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/161584-warframe-moba-lolol/ I started this thread to give my thoughts on a new conclave type, and now others have been lending their thoughts as well to create what I think would be a pretty fun and well-planned out mission type that could theoretically even expand the Warframe fanbase a bit. So yeah. If anyone has anything to contribute to that thread, and if this could be added to the index thingy, that would be great :D

  15. We should gather ideas into a nice, solid and organized list, with map suggestions and every other detail we can come up with. Who knows...maybe it'll be worth to some devs during the making of update 18? :D

    Woo, good idea ;D. Sadly, lists are one of my worst skills, or I would. Soooo. Any Volunteers?

    Edit: Just decided to suck it up and do it myself XD. I edited the opening post to be a culmination of most of the ideas so far. Check it out :D

  16. The fact that the Pile Bunker is being beaten by Mire 2.0 and the rocket hammer didn't even make it to the finals makes me lose faith in the design council

    The Pile Bunker, while unique in design, would be ineffective, boring, and unpopular (no offense to the designer). It would fall in with all the rest of the gauntlet weapons. Same thing would more or less happen with the Rocket Hammer, although that's a little more viable imo. Whereas the "Mire 2.0" as you call it, and I'm assuming you're referring to the Mios, would have a much more unique, fresh, and generally non-boring playstyle in comparison. At least in my opinion. And I'm assuming that seems to be the opinion of the design council as well, based on your reply. Also the same thing goes for the Hattori, Bazools. I honestly can't understand the hype over that katana (again, no offense to the designer. the art was beautiful, and it WAS very well designed). It's just.... Oh look, ANOTHER sword. Joy. While I'd like the Hattori to be added, I really would, I feel it would be a shame to add it in lieu of one of the more unique designs submitted, such as the Mios. Honestly though, I think limiting it to 7 finalists and only 3 winners is kinda.... meh. There were so many great entries. It's a shame to have to narrow it down so much. I'm ranting a bit so I'm gonna end my reply here. XD

  17. You know they're fixing blocking, right? Am I the only one who's looked at their over 9000 posts about melee 2.0?


    You brought up melee 2.0 as if it has already made blocking worthwhile, when if fact it's not even close to being in game yet.  Reading what DE has said they want to do with melee isn't proof of fixing anything. Damage 2.0 was the same way, people just kept saying 'wait it'll be fixed in damage 2.0, look what the dev's have said they're going to do' and damage 2.0 flopped hard and almost nothing as has changed but added complexity.

    I wasn't aware people considered 2.0 a flop O.o i think it's great. It needs to be simplified a bit, sure, but once you learn it it's fantastic.... And while melee 2.0 isn't in the game yet, they've described it. And if their descriptions are reliable, which I assume they are, it should make blocking a much more viable gameplay aspect. Which was the gist of my point. Also, more importantly, a shield (if done right) wouldnt be just for blocking. even in the description of the sword and board, the shield was used for a bash attack. (although I think a dedicated shield-bashing weapon would be a lot cooler and more fun). Blocking is only part of the function of a shield.

  18. Incorrect. It's design involves using it's sheat and drawing attacks. It would be unique.


    Unless you think that idea is generic itself, but I on't see how a sword and shield would be any better.

    Even so It's just a sword.... It's been done over 9000 times. It's the shield part of the sword and shield I'm more interested in. I'm actually a bit disappointed that it's a sword and shield. My submission, just as an example, was just a bladed shield. Could be used for bashing or slashing. would be much more unique. And before you say shields are for defense, not offense, historically shields were used for both. bashing someone with a shield is actually extremely deadly. I think it would add a very fun element to the gameplay, personally. More than just another sword, at least.


    It isn't better, I don't like the idea of a boring sword and shield either. Especially in a gamer with broken blocking.

    You know they're fixing blocking, right? Am I the only one who's looked at their over 9000 posts about melee 2.0?

  19. But it was a really nice looking Katana, lol. I mostly wanted it for its looks, crits, and charge attack animation. Though if I had to pick from the ones selected, I'd probably pick Mios, followed by the Bladed Tonfa, and then the Twin Sparrows. The Psi-Jitte looks interesting but I'm just not sure what it is suppose to do. While the sword and board looks cool I just don't feel it fits with the ninja theme.

    What Ninja theme? for a space ninja game, this game has very little to do with ninjas. It's more ninja-esque than the galatine, drakgoon, etc. Besides, historically ninjas used whatever they could get their hands on. with that logic, everything in the game fits the "ninja theme". I recommend against voting based on near-nonexistant themes, and more along the lines of what's fun and unique, which I think most people would agree a sword and shield would be (though I could be wrong). However your desire for the Mios, Bladed Tanfa, and somewhat Twin Sparrows I completely agree with. :D

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