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Posts posted by lljkmercurius

  1. I've just had a particularly frustrating experience trying to solo extract from Disruption after one of the other players quit mid round. The extraction area was constantly swarming with Vapos and Amalgam units, the extraction zone is extremely small (so it's easy to reset the timer by accident while trying to clear the NPCs) the solo extraction timer is 60 seconds and transferring to Operator from your Warframe resets it to 60, even if you're always on the platform.

    Now, it's entirely possible that the Corpus units were bugged and shouldn't have been spawning there (since they were also dropping keys for terminals which were now 600+ units away from me) but I think 60 seconds is a bit unreasonable to wait on a small platform where you're being rushed by Nullifiers, shockwave Moas and are being shot at by a dozen Corpus ranged units from all over the map. Taking potshots with my amp to clear the more dangerous NPCs on the platform helped a little but the chip damage from being shot while out of void mode was enough that I'd get knocked back into my Warframe over time.

    With my current focus upgrades I can only manage to sit in void mode for approximately 40 seconds and in the remaining 20 seconds of the extraction I was unable to clear the platform fast enough to avoid being downed since I was on Atlas and most of the time the platform was covered with a nullifier bubble. Void dashing at all was moving me enough that it reset the timer (which is annoying because the shockwave Moas can still hit you and knock you back in void mode) and I couldn't re-enter Operator mode because it reset the timer.

    Can you please consider adjusting the solo extraction timer to 30 seconds for Disruption?

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