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Posts posted by Orokinfolk

  1. 1 hour ago, Haranthus said:

    So ... instead of the awesome Oni theme that was suggested a few months ago ... you made him a walking fat joke about eating, puking, farting and rolling ...

    Wow ... great ... so much for the positivism shown around Hildryn.  Heavy guys can't get the same respect?  I mean you guys just laughed the whole time he was being shown.

    I just wrote an open letter to the team and the community that you might like to read, regarding this exact disappointment.

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  2. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this letter consist of my personal opinions, experiences, and observations; I understand that not everyone in a similar position to myself will agree or feel the same way. But for those that do, I believe it’s important to speak up in regards to the following. For anyone intending to comment, please be respectful, as I’ve tried to extend the same courtesy here. Should anyone wish to contact me privately regarding this letter: my IGN is Orokinfolk, or you can reach me here on the forums. Thank you.
    Dear Digital Extremes and the Warframe community;
    I am a fat man. I am fat because, as a teenager, I developed a binge-eating disorder. My mother tells me I carry it well. I don’t feel like I do, and that daily struggle with my weight and appearance is one I’ve had to deal with for most of my adult life.
    As a fat person, I am acutely aware of how fat people are represented in most media, be it movies, TV shows, or video games; more often than not, we are cast as jokes, or villains, or some incredibly unfortunate combination of the two.
    So when Grendel was first teased, I was absolutely ecstatic. A fat, playable character presented in a positive and even badass light, in my favourite game of all time? What could be better?
    It was already hinted from the beginning that the mouth on his belly would come into play, and so I was aware that he would have at least one ability that involved eating enemies. I also was aware of his inspirations: oni, the fierce demons in Japanese folklore, and sumo wrestlers, and as a passionate enthusiast for Japanese culture my excitement was only amplified by that news.
    What I wasn’t quite expecting, in light of that, was that Grendel’s entire kit would be based around eating. I had been hoping for an interesting and diverse set of moves that would play on more than just devouring foes and spitting them back out. I had wondered if perhaps he would have skills inspired by wrestling, sumo or otherwise, and if any moves he had that involved eating would somehow play into his oni inspirations (because, yknow, they eat people!).
    Mind you, I don’t assume in any sense that this was done with malicious intent-- I think you guys had a fun idea that you rolled with, without really digging too deep into the multi-layered implications that it would have. But the fact remains that, likely without conscious intention, you gave form to an age-old stereotype that crushed my hopes for this frame just a little bit, which then imposed upon me a slowly-digesting (pun not intended) disappointment.
    This is not in any way meant to discredit or chastise what work you’ve done here; I think that Grendel’s kit looks like a blast to play as it is, and at the end of the day I am incredibly excited to try him out. But I do want you to consider, for the future if nothing else, how this may make some of your player base feel.
    Society’s view of fat people has always been incredibly difficult for us. We face a unique brand of discrimination in most facets of our lives, and in essence we are not allowed to feel any semblance of comfortable with ourselves-- we are policed at every turn by people with no inclination for what our lives are like. And because we are made the butt of everyone’s jokes on the daily, I essentially braced myself when Grendel was teased for the flow of memes and people poking fun at him for whatever reason. I knew it was going to happen, and so I told myself to just take it with a grain of salt while appreciating that we got a fat warframe at all. It’s sad, to me, that I had to do that at all-- that I had to mentally prepare myself for what really should not be an inevitability, but unfortunately is.
    During Devstream 130, there were many inquiries in Twitch chat along the lines of “can Grendel ride a K-drive? Can he bullet jump?” Of course, I assume these weren’t actually serious questions, because why would you release a warframe that can’t use the basic utilities like every single warframe that came before? And, to your credit, you handled it with grace before moving on. But the fact that these questions were even asked didn’t sit very well with me, such that a few hours after the stream ended I really had to sit down and process why.
    Yes, Grendel is a heavy warframe. But so is Hildryn. And Rhino. And Atlas. To those of you who jokingly asked if Grendel’s weight would enable him to do what his comrades can do, did you ever ask the same about them? I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that no, you did not. Because although they’re undoubtedly heavy frames, they’re not fat. And because they’re not fat, their capabilities are not called into question.
    “Calm down, man,” you may be saying, “it was just jokes!”
    My friends, I am all for jokes, but please understand: when you and people like you have been reduced to jokes for a good part of your lives, you start to get a little tired of hearing jokes made at the expense of our appearance. To even resolve to make this public was difficult, because I suspect I may just be written off as oversensitive by the majority. But even if this is never seen by DE, and even if it gets no traction among the community, I have to put it out there.
    And no-- I don’t believe most of you are poking fun with the intention to be genuinely cruel, or because you absolutely hate Grendel and are looking to ruin someone’s day. I’m not coming forward with this in a confrontational or aggressive tone. And I’m not demanding that everyone stop joking around about him, because even if I were, I know the community wouldn’t anyway! I only want Warframe’s creators and community to examine these things from a different perspective so that, as we go into the future together, points like this can be considered.
    Trust me, I know that in the world of media, you can’t make everyone happy. There’s always going to be people who find something they dislike about a game or a character. There’s always going to be people who like something that other people don’t, and vice versa.
    Yes, I am somewhat disappointed that Grendel was not what I thought he was going to be. But I’m still very excited for his arrival and what the future may bring in terms of skins and such for him. I do hope that he won’t be the only fat warframe, and in the event that another comes along, I hope that Digital Extremes will give them a skillset that isn’t another unfortunate stereotype.
    I love Warframe, its creators, and its community very much, and I look forward to seeing what’s next. And if you made it through this letter, props to you and thank you for hearing me out.
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  3. I know it'll be a while before we get augments for Wisp BUT I had an idea while I was running around with her today (and by the way I am SO in love with this frame y'all got no idea).

    So, it does take a moment to get all three reservoirs laid out; this is fine for missions like, say, defense/mobile defense or survival. But if one wanted to take her through something a little more A-to-B like exterminate or sabotage, maybe there could one day be an augment that drops all three reservoirs instantly?

    And to avoid crossing the line of overpowered, maybe it could halve the duration of the buffs or the duration of the reservoirs themselves?

    What do you guys think?

  4. If not a separate slider then at the very least make it tone down with the rain slider. It makes the time of day lighting super janky and gives this garish white background to everything which really ruins the beauty of the scene & the new remaster. I'd love to be able to use the scene, but until they fix this my motivation to work with it is pretty much sapped.

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