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Posts posted by BigCountry2015

  1. 3 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    there is no reason for a 24hr lock out. what they could do is, everytime you fail you have to pass the practice test in order to retake the test. this game is not so hard that you can say hes bad at video games because you dont know him or what video games hes played or even his playstyle.

    there is equipment in this game that literally makes MR tests trivial. as ive said for the (i think it was) 23 and 26 test i used limbo they were both "capture moving target while being under assault"

    Yea spend 8 years on star trek online and 6 years on neverwinter D&D then come to this game and go wtf was someone thinking people got real lives here, 24 hours for what, and yea that wouldn't be a bad idea for failed Mastery Rank up, force you to go take practice test inorder to be able to repeat without a 24 hour CD and no this game isn't hard if you can get 8 warframes in like a week of game play and have 2 more frames on the way, I meen that should tell you right there this game isn't difficult if I can do all that in a weeks time, but coming across certain things that aren't self explanatory from the get go cause lead to annoyances such as this

  2. maybe instead of people sitting here telling me to git gud and other stupid S#&$ they could recommend a massive AOE weapon for a MR 6 player that would kill everything on the map


  3. Yes one big joke and one big waste of time

    3 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    this is a joke right? you know what i did for MR26 test? i used limbo ran around capping the moving points. the MR tests are mostly a joke.


  4. Well That's your opinion and your entitled to it here is my opinion mastery rank up system is 6 years old and sucks major ass and needs major changes or just removal from the system or the option to bypass the quest by paying platinum should be added, none of the mastery rank up quests are needed to play this game and should not be required at all, again this could be done automatically without those mastery rank up quests, if they are going to keep the system make it look like a real fight not a simulation, and someone said thousands of customers completing this it should be millions, coming from someone who has been playing MMOs for 10 years and played many different games with systems like this, this particular system is ment to slow you down and hinder you from making platinum till you are rank 8 just cause of riven mods lol that's the only thing iv seen the system is doing hindering you from making additional platinum off of items you have already farmed, so in reality the Mastery rank up system is hindering DE from making more platinum because more people would be willing to spend cash to get more platinum to make purchases from more players who now have the ability to trade because they are not hindered or slowed down or stopped from trading by a mastery rank up system, that inturn will create more of a player base and retain more customers for longer periods of time for those players who want to just play the game and not be Tested at every corner, its a game not a SAT Exam, I honestly dgaf how you guys want to play, if you want to do mastery rank up quests fine but give people the option to either bypass with platinum or play the quest and risk 24 hour cds and waste of time of day its honestly simple as that

  5. The mastery Rank up system is old and outdated and looks like crap and the Mission timer bleeds in with the color of the background and easy to miss and there is no verbal or visual marker at the beginning of the quest to let you know this is a timed mission, and ontop of that im having to run around in the map to find the enemy to kill them instead of it running to me and that inturn cause the mission to fail because im having to hunt for that last enemy before the timer runs out


    So maybe they should make some Effing changes to some of the quests and make it look like a real quest and not a simulation, even with practice it still sucks go ask these poor fellows that are MR 24 they even tell you it sucks, so im not sitting here trying to blow smoke up someones ass by telling you this sucks

  6. lol a mastery rank up system that has been in place for years?? well has it had any changes to the mastery rank up quests or system in those years it has been here ??? cause it looks crappy asf and it is annoying asf and every other game I played that had a mastery rank up system didn't require you to jump through hoops with crap like this, no one seriously needs a 24 hour cooldown timer for failed mastery rank up that's just uncalled for secondly its a waste of storage space for additional quests that aren't needed to actually play the game, this could be done automatically once the needed XP is earned to goto the next rank without wasting your time, and no one wants to take a game the EFFING seriously

  7. Who doesn't want a Excalibur umbra in their inventory, ontop of that getting the umbra gets you additional XP for mastery rank up to get to the next rank and you get the weapon that comes with the umbra what else should I keep going

  8. sorry would rather pay platinum to bypass crap like that, Mastery Rank up quests suck, the failed 24 hour cool down timer SUCKs and its just a annoyance in reality there is no need for them to even bother you with a Mastery rank up quest when the overflow XP for mastery rank up could be done automatically therefore eliminating the need for mastery rank up quest to further annoy the players 

  9. hey either get rid of the failed cooldown timer or get rid of the Timer in the missions for mastery rank up Just lame that rank 6 to 7 doesn't even say verbally its going to be a timed missions and wind up auto failing a lot so please fix that and get rid of cooldown timers on mastery rank up because its very lame and suckssss baddd yea just smfh and or add more time something because 3 days in a row it automaticly failed on me and couldn't figure out WTF until I asked someone and they said it had stupid low timer on it

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