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Posts posted by Sfrost

  1. She already has an increased reload passive

    • +10% fire rate on dual pistols.
    • +20% reload speed for single sidearms.
    • +50 Health when melee weapon is not equipped


    Did not notice these buffs. I don't use dual vastos yet leveling the single one 1st and the single ones reload is only 1s so don't notice a 0.2s difference. Would still like to see one of her skills be a reload that you can stack with a max of 3. Then your next reload with any weapon is instantaneous.


    The +50 health bonus is miniscule and should be a percentage rather than a flat number. This is true for any buffs/debuffs that are going to be carried into late game, make them a percentage rather than a base value so they continue to scale well.

  2. After finally getting a chance to play mesa, for all the wait i was rather disappointed. She didn't give me that gunslinger feel or even a feel that she was all about them guns, 'bout them guns, no melee.


    When i think of gunslingers I think of old wild western cowboys that were quick on the draw, deadly accurate, quick and fancy reloads and masters of all ballistic weapons or atleast their most used ones. I would like to believe this is other peoples idea of a gunslinger as well, maybe not the western cowboys bit but the stuff afterward. Beyond peacemaker, none of her other skills fit that description.


    When i first heard about her it said she was a gunslinger so accurate she had to blind fold herself and she was the fastest gun in the galaxy. It seems like the devs came up with peacemaker skill and realised that it fit both of those statements perfectly and they needed to add some other skills to take up the other 3 slots and this makes them feel not as relevant to her gunslinger status.


    So here are some of my suggestions to help make mesa feel like more of a gunslinger.


    Note: These suggestions are not in order of what skill slot they should be in.


    1st off a reload skill. This skill would greatly increase the speed of weapon reloads or make it so while the skill is active you don't have to reload your weapon you can just keep firing, on the basis that she is able to reload so fast you don't notice it. This fits in nicely with the gunslinger theme as you can't be a gunslinger if it takes you an eternity to reload your weapons and also the weapon master as when your master of something you know little tricks to speed certain processes along.


    I heard that passive abilities might be added to some warframes so i wouldn't mind this becoming a passive buff to mesa.


    2nd, an crit chance increase skill. Once again for either a period of time or permanently mesa is able to use her eyesight or detection skills (whatever she uses to locate enemies and see since her eyes are blind folded) and spot enemy weak points and key areas, and highlights them like banshees sonar giving an increase in critical chance. This fits in nicely with her being incredibly accurate due to her vision and puts it as a usable thing in game, as we all love some extra crit chance.


    This could also be a passive buff


    Those are my suggestions for how to make mesa feel like more of a gunslinger. Would love to hear your feedback on it.


    Thanks for reading :)

  3. Is there a way to stop the star map jumping to your last played mission?


    I get its trying to be helpful and let you easily track what missions you have done and all but it is very annoying when i am purposefully jumping from planet to planet doing different missions.


    If there is not an option can the devs please add one and make it clear in the options menu

  4. When i say communicate, i'm not talking about casual chatting im talking about stuff that is related to the mission, eg survival missions, when to use the life support and how long were staying, or if i have to get stealth kills will say that so people dont rambo in there and alert every enemy. The only time when its so intense that you have endless waves of enemies coming at you that you might not be able to chat is survival or def missions aside from that you always got time to write a short sentence, especially if you use cover.


    My clan mates are hardly ever online so i can't play with them and im playing with randomers to build up my friends list but i really can't be bothered to go through mission after mission with silent team mates trying to find the one that pays attention to chat. Im getting into the higher level missions now and it would make the game so much more enjoyable and easier to have team mates to co-ordinate with but its just not happening. 


    Maybe if the chat window popped up with like a white background to the window so people could clearly see every time someone wrote a message making it less likely of people not noticing and more chance for them to reply. Any other ideas?

  5. This post is focusing on 2 points as the title suggests, player communication and the lack of it in missions and player common sense, once again the lack of it, and how I feel about the 2 and how i think they can be addressed.


    1st point: Communication


    In every mission I play i try and start some conversation with the people I'm playing with, be it a "hey, hows it going" or if i'm doing a specific mission like survival, "how long are we staying for" or "when should we use lifesupport". However, more often than not I am greeted with no response whatsoever. This is especially frustrating when I join into a survival mission with fairly new players and see them using all the life support capsules at 90%. Me being the nice slightly experienced player I am try and share what little i know with them by letting them know they should wait longer before using it but it seems it never gets through and I can only think of 3 reasons why;

    1. They cant see the chat box

    2. They can't read english

    3. They are choosing to ignore me

    Due to this I usually get annoyed and dont bother saving any of my team mates and do the best I can to get them killed, which doesn't take long and I'm left playing solo which defeats the point of a co-op game.


    The last 2 problems can be sorted by people just typing a message, for the 2nd problem if they cant speak english just type in their language i will instantly know they dont speak english so no point typing to them. The 3rd problem, people should write "they dont care" or "dont want to listen" and i will know not to waste my time. 


    2nd point: Common sense


    I feel people have gotten too used to games nowadays making your character a bullet sponge so when they get to the higher levels in warframe they have no idea what is a smart choice. Too often I'm seeing people charging at napalms and bombards or corpus techs, melee weapon in hand and wailing away at them and doing insignificant damage. The enemy then starts firing and evaportaes their shield and health so fast all the trinities with natural talent in the world couldn't save them. Or they stand out in the open and shoot at 20-30 high level enemies or worse still try and blitz them with their melee weapon. I can't help but think to myself when I see this, where is the common sense? An easy fix for this would be for people to start assessing their situation, which isn't hard and doesn't break the flow of the game. For example, enter a room with 6 enemies all of them firing at you and your mid reload on your soma. Doesn't take a genius to realize its best if you leave the room and wait to finish reloading rather than standing there and letting the enemy take free shots at you. 


    Alas though these changes require people to change, so i doubt I will see a difference. Guess I will just have to return to playing solo in an online, multiplayer, co-op based shooter about a group of space ninjas working together to restore balance to the galaxy... *sigh*


    Rant over, if you know anyways for players to help communicate better or grasp an understanding of the game a bit better do share :)

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