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Posts posted by Slothdrop

  1. Nothing exists alongside an auction house is why I am against it. I understand that some want something simpler without any social interaction but why should we ignore those who are fine with the current system in the process? I want the current system to expand and help those who dislike the current trading system to something that everyone can agree with rather than defaulting to an auction house as a band-aid fix.


    The bazaar option for example can function alongside trade chat and it doesn't require you to sit in a chat room all day or interact with anybody. 

  2. I don't see anyone giving up co-op just because everyone will get 4 revives per mission since playing with other people will always be easier or less time consuming. The fact that you can revive someone in co-op is a HUGE safety net because it prevents any frustrating situations that you will more likely run into in solo play where the 4 revive system will be more of a benefit. In a situation where people will log in to do daily foundry,alerts, and syndicate stuff then this new system will do nothing because the default daily 4 will be enough.


    The benefit from this system is seen in a long term play where you are farming for something with a specific frame or a specific missions because you are more likely to use a revive from explosive weapons, not noticing a melee enemy when you are hacking a terminal, getting knocked down on an arc trap from a bombard, tripped on a laser trap in the void, not geared enough, bleed procs, boss attacks like the phorid missiles, not geared well, etc. All of these will eventually deplete your revives and while you can simply switch to another frame it would be nice if you can just play the frame you want to play. Even on a long survival run I will run into a situation where a squad member wants to die to get their sentinel back. Also sorties will be a thing, but who knows if this will benefit that.


    As far as negative issues that can creep into co-op game-play I would like to stay optimistic and hope that it will encourage players to stick around longer in missions because it's too soon to over-react to anything that might not even be an issue.

  3. I'm not sure if they suggested a vendor specifically but a way to be able to trade with each other in person like a trading center. HOWEVER if it is indeed going to transform into a vendor stall of some sort then I am a big fan of the idea because i have been a part of another MMO where this has worked (RO yay!). The feeling of walking into an area full of vendors and window shopping was a very immersive feeling.


    This is also a good middle ground for the auction house debate IMO. Those who wanted an auction house seemed to be tired of negative social interactions and having to sit in a trade chat all day. Having a vendor could alleviate that to some point minus the ease of use of an auction house, but it would still allow those of us who are really in tune with the current trade system to continue what they are already doing and/or use a vendor.



    One rule needs to apply, the Player Shops (what was suggested on the Devstream) cannot allow AFK. I remember Ragnarok Online, literally the town is full and you can't see where you are walking so many people with AFK shops.


    As long as that rule is in place it isn't a bad decision, but isn't that amazing. There is no organization to the shops so you will have to search person by person, or look for people advertising in the Trade Channel, which means it won't really solve the Trade Chat issue.

    The AFK system wasn't bad at ll on the servers that I played because there was a very strict rule about where you could place your vendor so everything was organized. However, in Warframe i feel like there should be some sort of a system be put in place so you can play/log off while still being able to sell things. I don't think everyone will be stoked about going from sitting in chat to sitting in some relay.

  4. My biggest question here is why is an auction house so preferable? We have a unique chance to do away with the old auction system and not just use it as a way to band-aid our current one. I'm not saying the current system is perfect either, but not any of the ideas in this thread is convincing me that we need one.


    The main ideas i see for limiting an auction house would be increasing the tax for credit or platinum both of which would give me more reason to use our current wall of text of a trading chat. If the main goal was to limit the amount of trades that we do then we already have one in place because of mastery rank limitations.


    As far as the current system goes another limitation would be time. The only reason anyone can earn the amount they do now is because not everyone is on at the same time trading the same items allowing the market to be more flexible and more pay what you feel like paying to not to have to grind. Yes newer/rarer or a combination of both are going to be more expensive, but that is simply a premium price of having it sooner and there will always be cheaper alternatives.


    If we had to take ideas from another MMO then i would say ragnarok online since a default one didn't have any kind of an auction house. That game had a class designed to be a market stall and would essentially be an interact-able npc and would be in my opinion be the middle ground. While it's not an auction house you would still have to walk around like you would in a market and compare the best prices yourself some what like window shopping. The game had a similar functionality to hover a bubble over your head with a customize-able title that others can click on and joined if they were interested. Wouldn't that be something interesting to see on a relay?


    Other improvement in this thread that i saw and liked is the text search function.


    -spelling and wording changes

  5. The same thing happened to me too where i was bumped down from 14 to 13 requiring 15,140 points to get back to where i was. The problem with my situation though is that I deleted my weapons during a ranking frenzy during the last event meaning i would need to re-craft them to recover those lost points and i'm not sure where those points were lost looking at my equipment record.

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