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Posts posted by (PSN)D420358

  1. So I finally found the update only in the morning of the 3rd.. RAGE


    Ok, DE.. Thanks for the suspense with limited information. 
    But guys.. Where the heck is my Cicada skin at? Isn't it suppose to be for Titania?

    I got the prime, but I thought the skin was part of the accessories pack (which I bought and couldn't use everything within)

  2. Everyone is claiming that the Region specific release dates are relevant to this discussion. 

    It is now April 3rd and I still am stuck with just the Accessory pack, with a deluxe skin I'm not even able to apply to my existing Titania??

    When I made my purchase I was absolutely dumbfounded why things were being released the way they were. And when I read things, there was NO mention of a later release date for the other half of the Prime packs. Ridiculous. ESPECIALLY given that a tech-support representative told me DE ALWAYS releases multiple packs simultaneously for PS4 users. 
    Hear that? ALWAYS ; and they closed my support ticket claiming things were 'solved'. 
    No.. No they aren't. And quite frankly I was patient the 31st of march just to find something relevant to why I felt stuck in the Twilight Zone.

    So this is some kind of a sick joke.. or... Incompetence. Because the lack of an explanation is leading to one itself. 

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