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Posts posted by (NSW)Vegastar

  1. The fact that the software continues to fail over assuming player fault and essentially destroys all progress when it crashes, which is REALLY frequent in OV, has pretty much soured me to touching any kind of Fortuna content.  The number of times I've tried to farm some toroids, do a few bounties, or now participate in the newest event, only to crash and lose everything that isn't nailed down is a really, really bad look for your big headline feature.


    This had no business being released with OV being as unstable as it is on the Switch right now.

  2. Same.  Tends to happen most often when you've done a few normal missions on the starchart before going to Vallis and haven't restarted the game in between.


    There's also an occasional, though less frequent and reliable crash that's happening during a session on OV after 10 or 15 minutes.

  3. As of the first Fortuna build, I've noticed something about the new menu system for the Arsenal, and it may explain why the War Within crash/infinite loop is occurring for folks.


    Anywhere outside the Orbiter that you're able to access the arsenal screen (Cetus, Fortuna, Dojo all tested with same results) will not correctly load the model for (War Within spoilers) 


    The model of the Operator

    and instead just displays the selected warframe in the focus menu, as seen in the screenshot here: (again, War Within spoiilers)




    In short, due to there not being a model to load during War Within since 


    You don't have a Warframe in those missions

    the game instead crashes every time it attempts to load this menu, and since War Within forces the game to reload the mission each time, we end up with the permanent crash-loop folks are experiencing.


    I hope this helps get a fix out for the folks who are affected, and for those who aren't, it looks like you should probably avoid playing the War Within quest at all costs until there's a fix.

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