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Posts posted by Grey-The-SInner

  1. "That is both a presumptious statement and a questionable approach in game design in general."

    -Such seems to be the way of things, my question to that is why are we paying to be beta testers now a days before a finished product is released? We have spent real world money to play an unfinished game. (The argument for "money required to finish the game has become irrelevant since we're now on U10 and the steam released clearly added more money than U10 release will, though I could be wrong I would presume not)


    You are working of the assumption that the current overabundance and uselessness of Nanospores and the overabundance and diminished demand for Alloy Plate is intentional, to build up for future additions to the game. That makes the developers, in your scenario, uncaring for new players who do not have the headstart to grind those resources out. Additionally, you are also insinuating two other things that are equally questionable. You are saying that, because there is no one looking at the economics, feedback on the economic system is pointless. You are also saying that giving feedback on the matter is, in itself, pointless.

    -Hard to call them uncaring when they release more bug fixes than weapons... Though I may see your point let me clarify. The Devs are all split into different sections of the company as we know, my thing is where is their marketing department and how will they affect the in-game market? Now you may ask yourself why the hell a marketing department staff ever touch the actual game economics... because they should have dealings in supply and demand, because no one else seems to be? take pick. I'm saying that if they are swamped with work they are missing out on key things they may need more staff or better staff, call it a cruel thing to say "better" but there are some people who can't do the work required even in gaming companies. I won't &#! kiss for a karma point I'll give you the realistic point of view, if they haven't fixed the issues with the drop rates in 3 major updates they aren't either going to or they have a reason. There are few reasons one may assume {since all we can do without a actual report is to) that they've chosen to ignore this or create it for a reason.


    I find it hard to debate with you if that is your position.

    -That's fine, better you don't and find a way to solve your own position of the abundance of nanospores. Perhaps you must construct additional gardens?


    The imbalance of resources is an observable fact. The same is true for a shift in individual resource value. It is also a fact that Alloy Plate has a hughe increase without a sink and Nanospores have an overabundance without a sink, either. Salvage, on the other hand, has no source that lies "on the way", but has a massive demand due to new content. These things are observable and true. The solutions can be manyfold, such as changing what drops where, or switching requirements around (i.e. Nanospores for Infested weapons, like it would make sense).

    - Creating a plan is much better than just raising the point of argument over the overabundance of something. I jumped on this only because I saw no real plan behind to fix this only "Lower nanospore drops and raise alloy plates" forgive me if I ever misunderstood.


    Regardless of ways to fix it, this is feedback. It is valid and observable. Where is your issue? You are not doing anyone a favour by simply opposing my observation (out of principle?) without providing anything of your own to back that opposition up, nor does it benefit the game's development to staunch feedback "because there is no one looking at this anyway", to paraphrase.

    - My original point is that when you say drop rates are high you'll create an idea, a dangerous one, one that tells them they need to lower this drastically. Outside of yourself and your circle of friends who may play for ungodly amount of hours or farm harder than an mid or lower tier player may not have an issue and before posting this you may want io take a poll to see who is happy and unhappy.

  2. The big issue is that DE keeps putting pressure on resources that have plenty of uses as is while ignoring the ones that keep piling up unchecked. The new consumables are the best example of this. Ferrite finally found itself a good place being used in large enough quantities that it wasn't overflowing while the drop rates were high enough for it to be satisfying. At the same time, Nano Spores are used on barely anything and in relatively small quantities where they are. The derelict system might have helped if we weren't getting NS back from playing those missions.

    Right now though Ferrite is my most consumed resource because that's what I have to build consumables out of, which means I'm always going to need it and it'll drain fast. The thing I'd like to see is to have Ferrite replaced by NS in the consumables recipe, to give NS an outlet while relieving the pressure on poor old Ferrite.

    I feel ya on that one, all my ferrite went into the dojo now I scramble to get 10k for my weapon production.

  3. Good sir, I'll forgive you because you haven't been around here much, but next time, please read my post first. I am not complaining about high drop rates, I am pointing out an imbalance between supply and demand. Additionally, i am also taking the history of Warframe's economy into account and crossreference different states of supply and demand.

    I'll ignore the rest of the post as boasting gets no one anywhere.

    Here's the thing you may not be getting, the Devs are setting things as is to create a system of dependance since they can no longer find a way to control flow. Here's how things will later work out.

    Your huge supply of alloy plates will soon drop if you want to continue supplying your dojo with coming updates as well as weapons soon to be released. With this alloy plates will become rarer, therefore you'll find other resources become even higher and less in demand.

    Two things you have to realize and try to bare with this I know it's gonna hurt.

    1. The Devs will keep shifting resource dependance

    2. The Devs currently aren't focused on the economic system enough to truly fix it.

    The best way you can help if to actually come up with a plan rather than simply say this one needs a reduction while the other needs a buff. Also

    "For high tier players, it is literally sitting until wave 40, get 10k Salvage and leave. It's not very engaging and not time spent in the new areas."

    ^ This is also for "High tier players" not lower.

  4. Re-host the event and fix the issues last time. Giving an event every 2 weeks allows people to know the schedule, and I've had people miss out on events because they were only announced the day before and while subscribed to warframe didn't get a weeks notice. Because of issues like that combined with their work load they missed out and have not played the through the events.


    Re-hosting events and allowing people to catch up on what they missed is a great idea, and even changing them only slightly and adding rewards such as 3 Rare5 Fusion cores would be fine.


    So I'll break this down into a list because people read better that way.


    1. Redoing events previously done every 2 weeks.


    2. Send out e-mails or notify a week ahead of events to be.


    3. Change up the reward system rather than have static rewards. (Bundles of Rare5 Fusion cores, offer large amount of resources (1000 Plastids, 2000 Ferrite, etc.) Weapon Blueprints, Warframe blueprints, Offer us a voucher for a free room in the dojo, Special event mods only available in the events themselves (not old ones but new ones), blueprints for Syandana)


    4. If planning a new event, notify all players on the forum or by e-mail 2 weeks in advanced.


    If these were done I think their events would be even more loved by the community.

  5. This is ridiculous, there is always someone about to complain about low drop rates but now a day we have people complaining they're high?


    Why not instead be thankful and think ahead and ask smart questions like:


    - Why might they be giving us a huge surplus of salvage and control modules?

    - Why would other drop rates be lower?

    - Is there any indication there might be a lowering in these any time soon?

    - How might I affect this because of my post?


    As you answer these four questions in order


    - They may be giving this to us because they intend to make us use them and perhaps lower the drop rate later.

    - Because in the past these drops were abundant and now they are highly valued and making them as such requires people to grind and play more.

    - There is as we've seen with patches drop rates change every few updates (U7, U8, U9, U10 not per patch).

    - If you post these and complain about high drop rates this may just make them lower it completely or force us to use the abundance we have stored up all in one go. Though it may not affect you, you're not the only one playing the game.


    To sum it all up, I'd complain about low drop rates before I ever complain about high ones.


    Also farm the hell out of the nano spores because I've played enough games to know when there is never too much of a good thing.

  6. The old mod drop system was fine, everyone was happy and filled with joy. Now with the new mod drops being rare it seems that out credit wallet is light and the defense seems less worth it every day.

    So may be higher reward drops for higher levels? Xini and pluto runs being excellent for farming cash/rare mods.

  7. First off to the "I'm not a speed runner", it is highly probable that your problem exist because you are more of a solo wolf style player rather than a team effort. So I suggest solo runs or duo with someone you know.

    As for the quick speak of a ranking system, this is would only be effective once the new clan patch comes out. So discussing it now would probably hinder the community more than help it.

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