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Posts posted by Tremox5

  1. Noticed that the animations for the Staticor have been changed. I know that previously it had the same left-right-left-right animation as throwing knives but now when fyring it without charging (just clicking fast) it uses only the right hand, which at fast speeds looks ridiculous, unnatural and just plain bad. This makes using the weapon weirdly unappealing. Are there any plans to change this animation or will it be kept this way?

  2. So I attempted to rank up my mastery level from 11 to 12 today. Upon spawning I made the mistake of jumping up high. That forced me to respawn, but upon respawning I fell trough the platform and trough the map twice, eventually "killing" me and so failing my mastery test. Now I have to wait 24 hours to do it again just because of this bug. Fix please?

  3. Alright... Just a simple suggestion, no concept art or serious design/mechanic plans.

    Name: Pacifist/Lurker

    Behaviour: Usually hidden on ceilings, crates, lockers, or just the infested spores on the walls/ceilings. Could also introduce some kind of new tile-set where the infected ship looks like something from the Alien movies. Whole walls turned into some kind of infected super-organism with particular spots where the these enemies "rest" (wait for pray).
    Would be interesting for this surrounding to be dark and creepy. Also this enemy should look that way also. Generally would like to SCARE THE FU... Fusion cores out of the player. Players should also hear some kind of hissing or sharp cracking when near some of these creature or when inside a room in which they are hidden. Multiple ones should be present in the room and all of them should trigger sound effects to further confuse the player. Add in some tense ambient music to boost the effect.

    Attacks: Sudden out-of-nowhere attacks manifested with loud and creepy screams. The first attack should just knock down the player. The creature should be fast and agile, kinda like Zanuka. Manifested with wallruns/ceiling climbing and just vanishing/blending in with the infected walls. General bleed and viral damage.

    Environment restrictions: As I said, infected walls/ceilings, crates, lockers - no way of knowing which crate/locker contains this creature, also well hidden in the infected mesh.

    Art or Reference Images:
    I'm sorry if I'm breaking the rules but. I don't have any kind of art concepts or know pictures to reference it to. Make it creepy. Skull head. Empty eyes, or red energy.
    Could be some infested version of the ?upcoming? Warframe pets/dogs. Maybe even insect-like. Would be interesting to have a flying version also.


  4. The Origins

    -Ever since I woke up from my cryosleep I have been asking myself what role do I play in all of this, who am I, where do I come from.
    I tried to search for information on every mission that I got deployed on, ignoring the initial objective of the mission and searching trough the ships that me and my fellow Tenno infiltrated. The most valuable files I found were in the Orokin Void. Quite an illusive realm. These ancient logs told of a vast civilization that thrived in our solar system eons ago. But apparently these so called "humans" vanished through the ages. Illustrations found depict a physical body structure very similar to the Tenno, but with no Warframe. Records indicate that their earliest home was Terra, Gaia or Earth as we call the planet today. My first venture to this planet held place during the Cicero crisis. I expected remains of the ancient beings, but all I could see were vast jungles infected with Grineer outposts.


    -My thirst for knowledge grew the more I got to know about the humans. Later on I found out that they had abandoned their home planet at an early state of their existence under the influence of a abusive and dominant female ruler called "The Violet Crown". They moved on to Phobos. There I found remains of their ancient structures. Unfortunately they were being engulfed by the Grineer empire. No traces of the human race itself. There is no more information after this point in their history except rumors and myths.


    -Why did this civilization disappear? Who is this woman called The Violet Crown? One of the rumors suggest it's the Lotus. But she can't live for thousands of years... Can she? Can the Tenno possibly be the children of this once majestic race? The physical similarities suggest so. But then are we related to the Grineer and Corpus since they look like the humans without their armor? Or are we just (as many suspect) clones, designed to look like them, fabricated by the Lotus?


    -I have so many questions yet no-one is here to answer them. And anyone that has accused the Lotus of cloning Tenno has been punished with classified measures. Some say that the Stalker is one such truth seeker, trying to annihilate anyone following her orders... I cannot be sure in these speculations, but it doesn't matter. I will continue the search for my roots... Or maybe I will parish in my next mission... Who knows... After all. It's a quest unknown...


    426 Words. (Not counting these.)

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