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Posts posted by Nakano15

  1. 7 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    1) FWIW, you can use those arrows next to the Mod,
    the one furthest on the right sets the number to the total amount,
    then click the second one from the left to make the number go down one.

    Funnily enough, this is easier / faster with a controller, you just hit RT (R2) then LB (L1) and you're done, heh.

    But yes, a way to, say, customize the middle click command, to not simply select the whole stack
    but leave a player-chosen number of Mods unselected has been requested multiple times before, so ... DE pls.

    2) You mean when you choose your starting Focus school (or rather, Lens) in The Second Dream?
    Yeah, wouldn't hurt to actually get the option to preview the schools rather than just having to rely on vague descriptions.

    (That said, now that you don't even get a free unlock of the chosen school anymore,
    and with how Lenses are kind of trivial to procure, it's not a huge issue.)

    1) I'm a Keyboard and Mouse player. And that may be a good idea, but is still a bit annoying.

    2) No, I mean literally the window where you spend focus to level up the Tenno abilities, It's extremelly confusing, the addition of certain elements of the info text being just icons doesn't help either, since there is no idea what the icon is about.

  2. This thread is literally a copy of the thread I've made on Steam forums, because not only is better than typing everything again, but also I guess here has more chances of the developers checking it out.

    The original thread is found here, though.


    There are a few things on the game that are quite nag, and a change would make it a lot better to handle.

    One of them is when browsing items anyware, includding the market, the items could show an icon telling that you mastered that weapon, if the player did so, instead of making you click to then find out if you have mastered it or not.

    The second, is that messing with duplicates of mods is really annoying, I generally sells the copies, and keeps at least one copy of it in the inventory, who knows when I'll need that mod?
    The problem is that to be able to pick all but one of the mods, I need to click it, press backspace, and then input the number of mods I want to sell, and I have to do that for all mods I want to sell. That is really annoying, and overtime gets tiring aswell.

    The third, sometimes is not very perceptible the number of stacks of an item, that generally happens when I'm trying to sell items on the Ducats stand, the numbers are so small that I barelly can see them, sometimes, in a quick look, I even end up missing it, the numbers could be bigger.

    And fourth, redo the entire focus tree window, sincerelly, icons without anything to tell what is it about will make one lost, beside the rest of it also makes one lost.

    Well, that's my feedback.

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