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Posts posted by Inumeration

  1. LoR Raid

    Nightmare LoR Raid

    JV Raid


    Daily Forma bp hunt

    Help newbs

    Help clannies

    Help friends

    Forma a piece of equipment and build it up

    Test different weapons

    Test different builds

    Use equipment that you don't normally use

    Grind daily standing

    Part hunt for ducats

    Run quests if you have them

    Run a long duration challenge survival/defense



    None of those things need the newest, flashiest gear, most of those aren't even actual grinding. The game is what you make of it, if you turn it into a 30 back to back grind session, you are turning the game into a job but that's really a user problem.

    The raids are jokes, half of the things listed is grinding or grinding in disguise, helping noobs gets old, use equipment that you don't normally use is something you do regardless, conclave is alright.

  2. Yeah, that's why you don't grind til you burn yourself out. As a form of entertainment, go play a few rounds for that part, then join up with some buddies and do something else, then go to sleep. Trust me, the value of your "entertainment" doesn't decline if you don't have the newest gear.


    Do something else? What else? What else is there to do? Fool around in the dojo? Mindlessly kill enemies on excavation? 

  3. Learn some self control.


    Don't grind all night for a part, do three (or grind to the next round down of keys like 164->160), do something else, then go to bed. Span that for a few days, you'll hate the game less but still fill your time with doing other things. No one needs to have it all within the first couple of days and even then when this stuff comes out, it's not going to destroy the game for anybody, even if it's powercreep (primed frames are NOT). There are still highly viable weapons in the game for that.


    You're glazing over the fact that a game is supposed to be form of entertainment, not a job.

  4. See the issue with that line of thought is, if you are willing to pay 60$ as if it were a AAA title, why does the 20 or dollars of contribution bother you so much? My theory is that the F2P moniker has created a difficult spot for DE and its resources. No matter how you look at it developers need funding to continue supporting their projects. However, in a F2P this money cannot be gained through simple means like purchasing a game from your local vendor or paying for a subscription. Instead it becomes necessary to give content to the users, while maintaining a sense if apparent progression. As a result grind is mandatory to their well-being. Having said all that, I think the supposed uptake in grind is a combination of our needs as players, and their goals as a business. We want content without the necessity of funds and not over the top grindy. They need funding to remain viable. These two things clash in most if not every aspect and as a result the grinds seems to have increased to a number of individuals in the forums. I personally understand that the model DE chose with this system would likely come to this point. What I don't know is how or when the community's perspective will change to understand certain directions companies like DE takes are what they feel are necessary to keep the ball rolling whether we agree with or not.


    I agree with every single thing you just said, however DE's own mistake does not make up for the fact that the game is boring as all hell, because grinding IS the game. And if you ask me, planting seeds is far more productive than reaping nothing.

    How else do you suggest they manage to keep people's interest other than keep introducing new stuff?


    Can't exactly stop doing building upon the house and go back and fix the foundation that's about to crumble. Gamers have the attention-span of a goldfish and will move on to another house once they stop finding new stuff in the current one. Apparently they can't do both, or else they would've years ago. 


    A players current and only objective is to get all the stuff and kill stuff with the stuff you acquired, which is a very grindy process indeed, because this is what the entire game revolves around, and it's unlikely to change anytime soon since it sure hasn't the last 2 years. 

    I don't agree with it, but it is what it is. 


    Your argument holds no weight because Nintendo.


    I would also like to point out that a GOOD game doesn't employ these gimmicks.

  5. I know you developers already know what I'm going to say here and you are completely aware of the problem.

    I also want to state that I'm not some angry noob that wants everything handed to him. I myself have paid 20 bucks to support the developers, but I somewhat regret that decision given the direction the game is headed as of right now.


    I've had this game since about update 8 or so, and it seems with every new "update", you'll get a new warframe and a couple of new weapons... this is where it gets bad.


    Every time this happens, its out with the old and in with the new. It's a trend for these new weapons to be better than, if not everything else, most of everything.


    Added to this is the ridiculous grind for each part of the new weapons that almost voids out "i'll run this a couple times and get the parts and make it and use it and have fun!".


    It really is "let me run this over thirty times and hopefully I'll get this one part maybe I'll stay up later tonight and listen to youtube in the background. Oops, didn't get anything my 30th run better run it 30 more times" until you're just sick of it and shell out your money to just buy the parts from other people. (off chance that you actually get the parts)


    This cycle repeats over and over as with each update new weapons are added that are better than everything you gotta grind for those weapons.


    The whole mastery system is built upon reaching rank 30/getting affinity with weapons. Basically, there isnt anything to this game other than weapons and warframes.


    Now, I understand that companies have to make money somehow, and I understand that Warframe is free to play, but I want it to be free to play, not free to grind. A change in business model that overhauls the grind and power creep gimmick would be amazing. Personally, I would much rather pay 60 bucks for this game and have it be a done deal, with a system in place that would work without having such a grind.


    As it stands right now, all this game is is a grindfest. 



  6. New players since the update 9(vor update), cannot complete the tolstoj mission and move on because after Vor drops his first shield, he just stands and jitters around in a looping animation. All players are experiencing this, and yes, all players because this is definetely not a problem with the client because of the vast amount of players experiencing the same problem.


    Fix it now! I'm tired of having to replay mercury missions....




    I didnt mean to say since June, don't know why I said that,

    no, he has been bugged since the latest update, therefore all new players are stuck on Mercury.

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