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Posts posted by Valkieress

  1. On 2019-05-23 at 12:16 PM, Smilomaniac said:

    So, no matter what syandana you put on her that isn't a backpack, her flap will clip through in multiple places and it looks like an absolute disaster.

    I get that sometimes you want to have things flowing off of the warframe, I can even understand that you don't want to look immature with the 'flowing sprint butt' and I understand that sometimes you've rushed a frame through a little bit, but this isn't alright.

    Your game already takes up a premium 36 GB, most of which are probably textures that people will have to spend money on to get and a lot of us did in fact spend actual currency getting the tennogen or plat to buy your own cosmetics. The very least you can do is do the minimum amount of visual QA and make sure that it looks halfway decent on release.

    Thank you for the work you have done, the new tileset is amazing, the new game mode isn't half bad and the ropadopadingdongshamalamahumpadingersupercalifragilisticexpialidocious bossfight is a step up from the norm, even if it's riddled with bugs. Now remove the damn flap or hide it when there's a syandana on.

    I do wish it could be toggled even if it’s only when wearing a syandana, I love Wisp and would love to use Tennogen on her but currently it’s a hot mess. 

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