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Posts posted by (NSW)Thace

  1. 8 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

    I also feel that.

    The similitudes are limited to "you're a biped running around a landscape and sometimes you can shoot and sometimes you can try to club things to death". Hardly a rare concept.

    Yeah but with the space creature shooting space marines in a forest with tons of lens flair I had flashbacks of starting Warframe for the first time. Also Avatar was a rushed Ubisoft game that wasn't finished when it launched and had very clear signs of ambitious assets that weren't refined probably due to time constraints, so its unlikely DE had this in their list of inspirations.  Though they did say they looked at pretty much every game ever and picked the best aspects they liked, so I guess theres a small chance one of them played Avatar with the nephew during thanksgiving and subconsciously used some of the designs. Then again, nothing new or original under the sun. 

  2. So I've been playing again since the Switch launch after a long hiatus. While I was playing Survival on Mercury with a lot of enemies on screen my head phones BLAAAAASTED the loudest sound ive ever heard in my life and made me pee a lil bit. I thought one of the Infected was gonna get me and it mildly scarred me for life. So then on another mission later (I think Saturn) It did it AGAIN!! It was so loud it hurt! It must have been some sort of audio sound file glitch but I hope it never happens again. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    I watched the video a bit and other than a few gameplay similarities I can't say they look alike at all when compared to the older versions of warframe. Maybe there was some inspiration taken from it though because Avatar was a huge deal back then.

    Yeah I mean overall they aren't the exact same, but I really noticed it during the shooting gameplay. its just something about the way it moves. There are just a lot of aesthetic and mechanical similarities that my brain noticed lol 


  4. So I stumbled on this YouTube video of a guy reviewing the 2009 game of the movie Avatar by James Cameron. Watch it and tell me what it reminds you of!


    If you watch through it, you'll notice some bizarre and uncanny similarities to Warframe, almost like this was a crappy bootleg or prototype. Seriously, the second I saw the combat I thought it was early Warframe! 

    First thing I noticed was the HUD and gameplay. The mini map, menu screens, abilities, XP indicators, enemy damage and directional damage indicators, 3rd person view and camera movement, aiming, movement animations, lens flairs, double swords, double pistols, bow and arrow, bo staff, giant warhammer with ground slam abilities and directional striking, planetary level select, objective pop ups, MMO quests and level design, environmental loot, invisibility ability, a simpler but similar leveling system, Kubrow looking things, 

    The forest on Pandora looks just like the tiles on Earth. The human marine base looks just like Corpus tiles. The marines look like Grineer. The Avatars look like Warframes (literally one looks like Rhino and another looks just like Volt) and even the music sounds so similar!

    I found this super interesting and I wonder if there is any reason for the similarities. Maybe just a coincidence, maybe it was inspiration for Digital Extremes. What do you think? 


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