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Posts posted by Keke

  1. Sorry if this is in the wrong place, wasn't sure where to put this.


    I think i've read somewhere someone having the same problem so I'm fairly certain it's not just me, however I tried searching for a thread and couldn't find anything related to this so I apologize if a thread for this problem already exists.

    I also apologize for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes I've made and hope everyone understands what I mean.


    I have jump bound to Q and toggle crouch bound to SPACE. This makes ascending and descending feel awkward in archwing missions since they are hardbound (is this the correct term btw?) to SPACE (default jump) and CTRL (default crouch) which I assume is not intended.


    A bigger problem arises when I'm doing Grineer missions while playing solo. Each time an enemy manages to initiate a lockdown I have to go into settings and bind jump from Q to SPACE since the grineer hacking minigame is hardbound to space.


    This problem has been around for a while and hope it gets fixed.


  2. Having a hard time choosing between Giygas from Earthbound, twin victims from silent hill, teddybear mutant from ghosthunter and the brute from Amnesia TDD. I guess i'm going with the brute though since it is has both a terrifying appearance and the noises it makes are absolutely dreadful IMO. Some people say the brute sounds like a cow or a whale and thus don't find him as scary as the other creatures in the game. What kind of twisted monster cows do you have on your farm people!?


  3. I love the current handspring kick animation, I just hate how it transitions back into a slide. I want to be able to continue on by sprinting right after the kick to keep up the flow. I know I can just press crouch right after the kick to do exactly this, but this fix would make it so much more convenient.

  4. As of today I am now experiencing almost the exact same problem, the only difference for me is that my camera is automatically panning slowly to the left nonstop. I am using the Razer Imperator mouse.


    EDIT: Nvm, It was my Xbox 360 controller plugged in to my computer that was conflicting with the mouse. Derp.

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