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Posts posted by (PSN)Fireworker77

  1. vor 10 Minuten schrieb SneakyErvin:

    One thing to consider though. How long will that "new car smell" last in Anthem. It is a demo that is playable, how much insta gib of enemies will there be at end-game? I've played other games with tactical enemies, but at some point you'll just faceroll them in seconds aswell, removing the whole point of the advanced A.I.

    Everything in every game always seems far slower and better in the starting hours. I played Inquisitor Martyr for a while, a "tactical" arpg with cover mechanics and everything. It was really cool for the first few hours until you got a set of decent equipment. After than it was the same old hack 'n slash as D3 or PoE, mowing down hordes of enemies to the left and right. I remember the first few elite "bosses" I faced. They gave me total hell. Later on with better gear, slightly more skill point investments and on a higher difficulty the same mobs melted in 2 seconds. The early game experience rarely lasts.

    Thats what I meant with " Naturally you can't test it that good in a demo".

    I hope this game scales "better" than WF because I don't want another mindless powercreep. We have to wait until it's released, I also didn't like the decision to start you at level 10 in the demo, and just throwing you in without any sense of why you are doing anything.

  2. vor 1 Stunde schrieb Kaotyke:

    No levels in the traditional sense, but only in difficulty scales.

    Same as selecting Easy/Normal/Hard/Very Hard/Dante Must Die in other games: Increased enemy damage output, HP and (if what the devs said is true) better AI tactics.

    The last one is particually important, since they dont have levels and seemly static stats on the weapons, the enemies will have time to apply those tactics. Such thing is very rare in Warframe because of its horde genre and the sheer power of the players.


    The AI is definitly something special here. Naturally you can't test it that good in a demo but sometimes (especially human enemies) tried to outflank me, get higher grounds or use multiple basic tactics to get me away from cover. (Deploying explosives that bypass my shielding, rush into my shields into close combat, snipers trying to jetpack to higher ground behind me, forming smaller squads and even retreat to better cover.)

    The problem here is, you have to let them play that out. If WF really has something to learn it would be better coordinated attacks and squads like the G3 with some sense of "combat movement". And here is also the big problem:

    Why use tactics when everything gets shredded in mere seconds. Maybe the WF AI is also very good but we never see that because they never live long enough to actually use tactics. (I have often seen minor Corpus units trying to stay closer to "Ice Eximus" or Nullifier Fields, maybe to be better protected. But in the End it doens't make any difference in WF.

    • Like 1
  3. I played the Anthem VIP Demo last weekend and I can tell you: Anthem is not going to be a WF Killer or even close to this!

    Let's put the obvious reason aside (Connectivity, server status, endless loading) because those happen at demos and will probably be fixed by launch.

    Yes, Anthem is a very fun and very unique game and I really enjoyed playing it. The enemies are powerful, you don't plow through hordes and bosses are very satisfying to defeat.

    But the game is nothing like Warframe!

    WF is made to throw any amount of enemies against you until you are overhelmed but in Anthem even lower enemy numbers are a serious threath to your javelin. There are bosses not even meant to be singled (atleast I couldn't handle him alone), where you are in dire need of a team.

    And the enemies in Anthem don't even have a level, we don't even know how they scale yet or if they scale at all.


    So please, for the love of both games: Stop comparing them with one another!


  4. The problem is as always the systematical abuse.

    I mean just yesterday I was attacked in chat for "leeching" and fishing in PoE. Funpart: It was not even a bounty, I normally entered the PoE and they were doing Incursions.

    If these people would be able to kick or easily report you, that would be horrible.

  5. There are alot of words oftenly thrown around to insult people, the word "gay" just happens to be one of those. The admins are not at fault here because a bot probably banned you, and the bot is programmed to effectively prevent toxic speech or abusive language.

    Write a ticket and try not to use the word "gay" next time, maybe refer to it as "homosexual" or "non-straight". I know this is dumb but I don't think they will reprogram the bot anytime soon.

    • Like 1
  6. vor 29 Minuten schrieb (PS4)robotwars7:

    let's get the real Lotus back first, we can worry about the statue version later.. 

    I hope we can choose to shoot her, would fit into this whole "good" "evil" karma thing.

  7. Hello my fellow Tenno,

    I have been thinking about an update for the G3 and Zanuka spawn system.

    I have finished the starchart and I'm just finishing the last missions and I have not encountered the G3 at all, (I got the mark way back in my first 2 days of playing) and I think that mildly defeats their purpose to "take revenge for the invasions". So I'm pruposing something else:


    Why not tie the Spawnrate to a number of killed Grineers? You would still get the mark the way you get it now, by doing Invasions against the Grineer but you could alterate the spawnrate by killing Grinner.

    You get the mark and a counter starts that counts all killed Grineer from there on and adjusts the Spawnrate by small %.

    Example: Every 10.000 killed Grineer adds 0,5% Spawnrate (Numbers are up for debate)


    This would give the G3 more of a "revenge" feeling, to come after you more, the more Grineer you headbutt into the endless Void of Death. 

    It would also help farming them because hunting parties could better farm them by raking up kills and luring them out more and more.


    Then you could also tie that Number to advanced difficulty, meaning the counter also impacts their Spawnlvl.

    Example: Every 10.000 killed Grineers ups their Lvl by +10 (Base level ist the enemies missionlevel they appear in)

    This would give them more impact, more difficulty and more meaning as actual elite troopers fueled by rage.


    (This does also all apply to Zanuka but with Corpus and their boardmembers getting mad at you for hindering their moneymaking)


    Please feel free to debate this, it could well be that I'm missing something very obviousalso. I apologize in advace for any mistakes made, english is not my native language but it should at least be understandable.



  8. When you are talking about Nerfing Frames oder Weapons, please remember the Newbies or the people that can't play 24/7. If you weaken the base stats of a Frame, then maybe you have a harder time at LVL. 150 upwards but the Newbie will get slaughtered at Lvl. 50. They do not have the experience to effectively play the nerfed frames as you have.

    If you have everything in this game, every mod / weapon / frame / etc. then maybe just take a break until new content arrives. Why play a game that doesn't make fun anymore?

  9. I can totally understand the problems new players have because the same thing happended to me. Did the Kubrow mission (btw. my one sucks) and had to search for it until I stumbled into the Mars-junction.

    And the I was left with "wait for 48 hours and good luck out there".

    I know junctions are the main route for new players but especially the new players dont know that. Maybe a little text hint would be enough or just Lotus straight up telling you.

  10. Hello there,

    I am searching for a Clan right now, and it seems that writing a Thread is a good way to do it.


    Gamewise: I'm playing Warframe for about 1 week, I'm MR 4 (MR 5 should come tomorrow) and playing Excalibur (Rhino is in production as I write this).

    Personally: I'm mostly on in the evening or late midday (UTC +1) and playing for about 2 to 4 hours. My mother tongue is german, but I think my english should be good enough to communicate efficiently.

    Clan: I'm looking for a smaller clan (around storm) in which you can still contribute (not all research done) because I want to help the clan and not join into a fully fletched armada where I'm just another generic member.

    Maybe this will reach some players and I find a good clan.



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