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Posts posted by (NSW)gkathellar

  1. It's really strange. Minions in boss fights are normally there to provide some mix of (a) a momentary diversion or (b) opportunities for players to refill meters/pick up consumables/etc. But these guys don't do either. They're not really a diversion because you have no reason to pay attention to them while the Wolf is up, and they're not useful because of their invulnerability. What they amount to in practice is more DPS for the Wolf, and sometimes a damage immunity when they sponge shots meant for him. It's frustrating because they look like enemies, but they're not really enemies.

  2. The Wolf, at least for mediocre players like me, just makes the entire experience unpleasant. If he shows up - which is an event I can't control in the way I can Stalker appearances - I can look forward to spending 5-10 minutes staring at the ceiling waiting for a revive and 5-10 minutes spamming normal attacks against the game's single least interesting boss. Hell, if I have a good secondary, being on the floor is sometimes better, because I can take my stupid potshots without having to dodge. And then he doesn't drop anything. It's horrible.

    And why are his pals invulnerable? If he really needs flunkies, just make them out of paper mache and let him summon more periodically. That'd at least be interesting. As is, you just sort of ... try to proc radiation on them, and then go back to fighting their boss.

    16 hours ago, Auranim said:

    Yeah he just showed up on Hydron as well (you know, Hydron, the place where the entire squad is wearing a full unranked kit to level?). The two smarter squadmates instantly aborted the mission and I tried to take him down along with a Nidus, with no way to summon my more prepared clanmates because the objective was complete (which it wasn't, by the way, it was wave 3 out of 5 so what the hell).

    Needless to say, we ran out of ammo before even getting him to 50%. Nidus gave up too, despite his tankiness and independence of weapons. Maybe he got sick of resurrecting me every 4 seconds because it was either the Wolf throwing a massive hammer at my unranked Frost or his UNKILLABLE buddies throwing molotov cocktails at my feet while I try to distance myself from the boss.

    Not fun.

    And people get pissy at you if you just want to ignore him, which adds a social element to the awfulness.

  3. Just finished the War Within about twenty minutes ago, and when I finally got back to the Orbiter - the proper return, after meeting Teshin on the mountaintop and dealing with the scepter and whatnot - the quest suddenly loaded to its halfway point, when the Operator first wakes up on the Orbiter with dream-Ordis playing music.

    Looking on the wiki, I see that maybe this is a known bug? But War Within is long and kind of frustrating, so that seems bad. If there is a fix other than just pushing through it again, please advise.

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