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Posts posted by BlindeyeInsight

  1. So my wife and I played together from about Update 10 to around Update 12 and then suddenly she started getting headaches. We were able to narrow this down to a "Handheld Camera" effect that is constantly on, even when standing perfectly still. She is one of many gamers who can get motion sickness from games like this. Usually it's worse in FPSs, and 3rd person games have never effected her before until then.


    And even now that I'm back into the game 4 Updates later there is still no option to turn this off.

    I have seen time and again forum posts talking about motion sickness in this game. DE could retain a lot of new players if they had the option to just turn off the Handheld Camera effect so the camera stays as still as possible while playing.


    Simple request I think. It is my #1 quality of life fix for this game.

  2. So disclaimer: I'm a returning player who hasn't touched the game for about half a year. I knew there was a new tutorial, quests were part of the game, etc. It sounded like I could finally convince my friends to play with me.

    I did some scouting first, played the new tutorial, did Vor's Prize and did some other quests. Everything seemed cool. So then I started trying to get my friends in.

    So here's the kicker. My friends want to play with me, I want to play with them... So why is Vor's Prize solo-only?


    Yeah, I'm sure some veterans might roll their eyes, perhaps even newbies will. But asking my friends, who are not sure about Warframe, to play a few hours of the game alone before we can play together is asking a lot. Given the option, two of my friends so far have put off Vor's Prize so we can do normal Earth missions. After a little while we now have all of Earth unlocked and I have to say "Ok well... If you want to do new levels you gotta finish Vor's Prize"

    There's nothing all that wrong with Vor's Prize itself, but if you could have a team it would solve this entire problem I'm having. It's a really big hurdle when trying to recruit friends. I hate having to apologize for the game and promise them that the game gets better the more you play. The game needs to be awesome right off the bat to convince them!

    So here's hoping my friends and I will get past this hurdle, but this quest should be changed so it can be done as a team.



  3. You can turn off HUD shake, that's probably the issue.


    There is an option to turn of the HuD shake.

    The problem isn't the HUD. It's the camera itself. Go anywhere in game, stand still. The camera shakes. Look at a corner of the screen if you can't see it right away. Now turn off 'HUD shake'.

    It's still there.

  4. My wife and I got into Warframe back when U10 rolled in. We've locked in hundreds of hours. We lose interest from time to time, but came back around U12 to check out the new HUD.

    Something had changed. My wife gets motion sickness from a few video games (watching other people play FPS is nausiating) but could usually handle 3rd person games like this. Suddenly she couldn't play a mission without getting a headache. Playing more than that makes her feel nauseous. We noticed there's this constant subtle camera sway that happens constantly. That and a lot of the other new features just make it sickening for her to play. I'm sure this is effecting others as well.


    I was hoping 2 updates later there would at least be some options to fix the problem. Here's what I'm looking for:


    - Have an option to stop the camera shaking. Should be still when idle, stay reasonably stable when moving.


    - In the new UI, instead of having the camera pivot on a menu (like in Mods), give us the option to have it pan instead.


    - Have the option to turn off any other sudden camera shakes (explosions, dying, etc. whatever else does it)


    I'm sure even being able to have one of those options would make the game playable to those who suffer from motion sickness.

  5. The Vacuum ability should either be a common sentinel ability, or a Frame ability. There are many games out there that just give you a wide pick-up radius for items to make things simpler, especially in fast paced games.

    Conversly, Carrier can just be about it's shotgun, and perhaps it can also open, smash or unlock lockers and crates instead of it's original ability.

  6. Q) There was rumblings a while back about a new enemy Faction. Now that Infested will be seen only rarely (or way too often depending on the new invasion system), it's possible we'll be needing the extra variety from mission to mission. How soon will we get to see or hear something about these new foes?

  7. I was really disappointed to hear that the Valkyr's ultimate ability is named "Hysteria". Though the word on it's own doesn't mean anything terribly offensive, it has an ugly history.



    The summarize quickly: Hysteria was a word used to trivialize the feelings of women in the past. The details are much worse than I'd rather mention here.


    I'd much rather if her ultimate had a name more like "Blind Fury", "Claw Riot", or just "Unbridled Rage". My favorite of the three is the latter, since it better matches her theme of being a rebellious captive much better.


    Please consider renaming this ability.

  8. In response to the "community hot topic" response to the request for alternate genders for Warframes. I don't see the logic in giving a new ability set to a reverse gendered Frame. There's nothing notably masculine/feminine about the way each Frame works. A male Ember would still throw fire the same way, female Rhino would still be just as invulnerable, female Ash would still be a ninja, and even a male Trinity would heal the same way. The gender choice should be a cosmetic one.


    You've already set a great precedent with having a 50/50 split of male/female frames, without making gender an issue like in most video games. Don't stop there.

    Outside of the sexism angle, creating a new ability set just for a gender swap sounds like a waste of development time. The swap request is really just asking for a new skin for the frame, not a whole new class. If you ever decide to go down the road of gender swap skins, do your programmers a favor and don't give them more work where it isn't needed.

  9. I think any mission could be a stealth mission, but I'd hate to see a "mission failed" just by being caught. Even outside your idea, I had a thought of how this could work out.

    There should be 'Security Terminals' spawning throughout the map. If you get caught, you need to fight your way to this specialize terminal and perform a hack (maybe a more difficult one, or 3 in a row in a certain time) to "turn off" the alarm.

    In your stealth variant idea, maybe there's an "Alarm" level that decreases in % the longer the enemies are in Alert mode. If it goes to 0%, then the mission is over.

    But what's the objective of a stealth mission? Kill everyone without anyone knowing?

  10. I agree with having SOME kind of difficulty scaling. Don't know what it would do, but being a new player post-U10, Mercury/Venus is incredibly difficult without mods. Whereas now that I'm heavily modded in the middle of Mars/Saturn that I feel the game getting easier (outside of Survival/Defense missions)

    We'll have to revisit this idea after Armor 2.0, because who knows?

  11. What you're asking for is a pretty huge time investment for the developers and likely isn't worth their time. If I would modify the drop tables, I'd just add more potential mods to drop for common enemies.

    If I wanted to be real greedy, I'd ask that when a blueprint drops, it checks my inventory and makes sure to give me something I don't have. But I realize that goes against the design and the business model of the game.

  12. Wow, what a split of opinion. I realize that I am coming at this from a casual standpoint. If I was playing hardcore these mission types probably wouldn't phase me as much. I think a really great game can appeal to all sorts of gaming "lifestyles", and I was hoping my idea wouldn't rub hardcore gamers the wrong way.


    I should say that when I do managed to get a team of 3 of my friends, Defense and Survival missions become possible. That's usually once a week, maybe more if schedules line up. Most of the time I have 1 teammate, so I'm usually Duo-ing, not soloing.

    I don't like the idea that the game is telling me "You're not good enough yet, go back and level" when we could probably tackle the missions AFTER the Defense/Survival in our way, and could probably Duo the boss. I've Duo'd every boss so far.

    (To be clear of where I'm at, I'm stuck in the middle of Saturn, Mars, and I can't get to Jupiter because of Lua.)

    I don't think the big deal is gear so much as it is skill. These missions are a huge spike in difficulty, compared to the others. We've finally been able to defeat the Stalker, and so we got Serration. One of us got a Dethcube sentinel recently, so that should help. I built a Rhino. None of us have beginner gear, and although nothing notable (except my Burston rifle) is at rank 30, a lot of our favorite things have Reactors and Catalysts.

    We haven't just stopped playing. We ARE trying to level up (farming Earth and Mars atm) to tackle these missions again, but it's still annoying to have these roadblocks in our way.

  13. I think these mission types need to be in the game, but they are VERY difficult to do without a 4 person team. In fact, I've even failed these when playing through the matchmaker. I personally like to play with my friends, and that usually means I'm in groups of 2-3. I want to get to later planets and keep progressing. So therefore, I don't think Survival, Endless Defense or Mobile Defense should be along the direct path of Missions that lead to new planets or bosses.


    Also Survival and Endless Defense have greater rewards for sticking it out, so if you're just looking to complete the mission just to move on, it can be difficult. Most players you find through matchmaking will want to take on more Waves or just get ONE more Life Support system. This increases the chance of failure, meaning having to re-do the mission over and over.

    If these missions cannot be optional, then their difficulty/reward should scale with the size of the team. Soloing a Defense maybe caps at 5 Waves and the waves are smaller. Life Support in Survival gives more % back, and less enemies spawn. Mobile Defense has less Data Terminals and less enemies. In all cases the rewards are diminished.

    This would let the players enjoy the game with whatever size of team they want.

  14. I find it pretty easy to decide which primary and melee blueprints to buy, but when it comes to choosing a secondary weapon I'm always at a loss. It's so bad, that my Lato has been rank 30 for a while now. So I turn to you, Tenno!

    So I need a Secondary that will serve well as a long-range weapon, since I prefer to leave medium range to my primary (currently a Burston). I bought the BP for a Vasto, but 4 neurodes is a tall order for a newbie like me. So if you can help it, please avoid suggesting a sidearm that requires neurodes to craft. Also, I'm not going to buy a sidearm with Platinum. Finally, I'm only Mastery 2, so that will limit my choices as well.

    I've been looking at the Lex, Viper, Kunai and the Bolto, but I'm open to any suggestions!

  15. Well the old system does sound a bit worse. Perhaps there's a way to strike a balance between the two? The current system doesn't feel as good as it could be.

    I at least think that they need to mess with the drop tables some more. I still feel like I shouldn't be finding so many damage mods for my secondary, while my primary becomes more and more useless.

  16. I've been wracking my brain over this for a while.

    I've been really hoping to get some Rifle mods to increase my damage (Serration, elemental mods, Piercing hit). All of which are considered Common or Uncommon, but when they drop off of only specific kinds of enemies, their rarity is much higher than advertised. The way it's going, my Lato does more damage than my Burston, just through mod drops. I want to actually use the "primary" weapon I crafted, and seeing it ping 7 damage off level 20 Grineer Lancers is incredibly frustrating. Even just a single Serration or Piercing Hit drop would make me happy, but I don't see why I'd have to farm a Survival/Defense mission to get what is supposedly an "Common/Uncommon" Mod. That would make more sense for a Rare, wouldn't it?


    What design reason is there for Mods to not just be randomly dropped by any unit?

  17. I actually like the community. A lot more helpful than other games.

    Still, tutorials for all the parkour moves, and special attacks (Slide attack, Jump attack, Sneak attacks and is the Charged Attack even in the tutorial?) would be helpful. Naturally, all tutorials should be optional, but they should be there. Even for the advanced tactics.

    Some things you find out on your own, like being able to pull yourself up onto ledges. But other things like wall running, long jumps and such aren't covered.

    You CAN rely on your community to help you, but it shouldn't be mandatory. That's just being negligent in design. I can imagine, however, for an expanded tutorial being low on the list in an Open Beta, but I hope it is, in fact, on the list.

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