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Posts posted by (NSW)guacxmole

  1. 1 minute ago, Retrikaethan said:

    maybe instead of putting all three down, have the mod be an exilus which puts a single one down that gives all 3 buffs and reduces the max number of them to 2?

    Yes, this exact thing would be great

  2. I'd love to see an augment for reservoirs that allows you to either put down a single large reservoir or all available reservoirs at once, for the appropriate energy cost. I usually throw down all 3 at once and this would be an enormous quality of life benefit for me as a wisp main. The mod doesn't even have to buff the ability i just want to stick all reservoirs down in a single ability cast. Pretty please!


    PS let us put armour on the moonless kavat you cowards

  3. After seeing the comment about the spawn being similar to the Juggernaut, i tried killing enemies as fast as possible after the light flicker and have had a 100% success rate ever since. I have also read that it will not spawn if you have a kuva weapon equipped for the mission. Hope this helps!

  4. Something to consider: If a player owns at least one copy of each mod in the essential parazon mod pack available in the market, it should display as "owned" - I just wasted plat purchasing 2 copies of the mod pack as i thought there was an error the first time. Many purchases in the market come up as "owned" after purchase - this pack should be as well to avoid any confusion or wasted plat. 

  5. In my experience making, destroying and rebuilding my clan’s dojo as the sole architect, I’d like to put forward some features that would make my dojo editing less of a struggle. 

    - The ability to rush room deletion if desired

    - The ability to move an existing room to another node without deleting and rebuilding

    - I’ve found the Clan Hall hierarchy to be frustrating and confusing, I’d like to be able to delete the smaller Halls once I’ve worked my way up to the largest one instead of being stuck with a bunch of redundant Halls

    - I would expect that if I had a closed circle of rooms with no offshoots to be able to delete any one of the rooms without triggering the “This room has child components” message. Instead I have to delete them in a specific order

    The current dojo building system works okay, but these aspects have become frustrating to work around. 

  6. Hi! I’m experiencing an issue where ciphers I have crafted for spy missions aren’t appearing in-mission, it will say “X available” in my foundry but “0 available” in the cipher hack puzzle screen. 


    This one’s pretty straightforward, not much more to tell. It’s been a problem with a variety of missions, tilesets, both Grineer and Corpus hack puzzles, I’ve restarted the game and my Switch and my version is up to date. 

    Any assistance would be good. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    There are tonnes of clans who manage that without being that exclusive or even "LGBT friendly". Common decency is a thing that exists, you know?

    What the OP seems to be positing is that majority of players are toxic homophobes. At least this is the impression he or she is giving off. But we know this is not the case.

    When did I say it is about mashing privates? If you didn't tell everyone openly of your orientation, how would people find out unless they dig into your life? If you do not like what a vocal minority does to you (the true homophobes are such), then why do you think it is alright for your vocal minority to dictate things?

    In a way, then what is wrong for homophobic people to group up to target gays? They are discriminated against by the supporters of the LGBT community after all, not just the LGBT community.

    The moment you talked about LGBT acceptance, it is already trying to bring in a politicised controversy. I simply make it obvious and don't hide the facts. If I talk about politics I see, I talk about politics itself and call it politics. Hiding it doesn't change its nature. S#&$ smells, no matter if you call it poop, faeces or excreta,

    At this point I have nothing more to say to you. May you enjoy shouting your disproportionately strong opinions into the void. 

    • Like 5
  8. 56 minutes ago, AvPCelticPredator said:

    Did u saw that this game is named: "LGBT Warframe" or just "Warframe"?

    Are you trying to say I should assume any space is unsafe for me unless specified otherwise? In that case, I wonder why people are taking such issue with me attempting to construct an LGBT-safe clan...

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, LSG501 said:


    Doesn't come across as very inclusive to me...but then we are just reading things from a forum.  That bit reads as if you're anti straight men and women

    That’s interesting. Because your comments read as if you’re anti-queer

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

    If you still plan on the LGBT inclusion clan, then just pm the person who wants to join that the "Clan chat will/may have LGBT related topics under healthy-casual reasons, I did not mention this is recruit because of how the chat system currently works. Is this okay with you?" 

    This is something I hadn’t put much thought into, and it may actually be a good solution for the time being.

    Until I’ve served my week-long ban, that is.

  11. Just now, Datam4ss said:

    To a certain section of "liberal left wingers", anything that is somewhat not supportive of their agenda is "morally wrong" and "shameful". I think you know what I am referring to.

    I am glad where I stay in this world is not full of them ... yet.

    Pretty sure people calling you out for pushing an agenda isn't misrepresenting what you do.

    Just because they say they are against your clan idea isn't because of you. It is about what your clan represents and the ideology that it is trying to shoehorn into Warframe.

    As I mentioned, Warframe is not a government service, but a private service with its own rules. If a straight man goes to a gay bar, they have right to refuse him service, much like how a Muslim or Jewish restaurant can refuse service to a gay couple. 

    Of course I am pushing an agenda, openly. Which is that reasonable players and Devs don't have to give in to a vocal minority. 

    This is a typical explanation for a certain segment of the populace - they have a "if you are not with us, you are against us". I have nothing against you, just something against your action.

    I have no beef against gay individuals, at least not in public, but I do have something against openly discussing what should be private in the public. I guess this is called basic decorum and manners, not homophobia. Or should I now make a clan that only allows nymphomaniacs or those who masturbate three times a week, not more, not less?

    Just replace LGBTQ friendly in your argument with "white", "masturbater", "nymphomaniac", "schizophrenic" or "male/female" only, the whole thing suddenly sounds a lot less pleasing to the reader. Forgive the language, but I have to make a point.

    But all these states of being are people too. You can not argue inclusiveness with exclusiveness. You cannot ask for acceptance if you do not accept others.

    The point that I believe you’re missing is that being queer is about more than mashing privates. My gender and orientation affect the ways in which I interact with the world due to discrimination recieved on a near daily basis. Seeking community with understanding and like minded individuals is a natural response to this. 

    By the way I believe you’re the first person in this entire thread to mention the words “liberal” “politics” or “agenda”, you appear to be the one bringing in politics. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, (XB1)AlingsasArrende said:

    Look, why don't you people just chill a little and let OP have his discussion in peace? He just wants to hang out with people who does not shout "fggot" whenever they get upset. Anyone who uses a headset to play with others must have heard this and multiple other offensive terms. So OP wants to find people who will not be shout LGBT slurs to him. It's perfectly reasonable. Please ask yourselves why you find this so provoking.

    This is exactly the point I’ve been trying to make all along. Thank you for summing it up so well. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    First part, I'd actually disagree with that.  The fact they're only actively looking for LGBT players excludes non LGBT and LGBT accepting players. 

    I never stated I was actively seeking lgbt players. I said that i had been banned while attempting to recruit for an lgbt oriented clan. 


    1 minute ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    I’m not talking in general. I’m talking about the ones I’ve met specifically.

    My best piece of advice for if you want to be accepted. Have a sense of humor for who you are. It worked for me.

    If you knew me in person you’d know I post nonstop memes, jokes and S#&$posts about being mcfreaking g a y 

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, LSG501 said:

    But why do you even need to do that in the game. 


    9 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    . Sexuality is irrelevant to games

    My sexuality becomes relevant when people post nonstop homophobic garbage in the region chat. Gamer culture is largely built upon saying edgy stuff to get a rise out of people. 

    Making this lgbt focused clan came about as a direct response to witnessing sporadic but constant remarks by edgy people in region chat. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Literally every clan I’ve ever been in in a nutshell. Literally the only people who I’ve seen make anti gay remarks are the people who are gay.


    Sorry what? In what way do we make anti gay remarks? Is there some more specific context you can provide for me here? 

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