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Posts posted by Kirialos

  1. I would rather them having cut scenes that can't be skipped of their arrival, that would be cool.


    e.g same as the post above with stalker


    Stalker: Stalker's entrance would be mostly the same with the light's flickering but after a while once he stops speaking, all of the lights just go out, and then just a moment of silence, then he appears. It feels more like an Assassin to try to hinder their target as much as possible, and plus, he is mostly black so he would receive a good bonus from it. Plus, some players pants with the lights just going out all of a sudden and dead silence then death.(Sorry to those who have trouble with the Stalker)

     and then him appearing with his famous quotes.

  2. That is all nice and all but i don't see that filling in the game/genre themed criteria


    (unless you refer to Scrubs series which while hilarious, is not what i am searching for)


    Yes it was referenced from Scrubs :D and we are just average gamers... well mainly free to play gamers we do pay for games.... sometimes....



    but its cool :)

  3. Well I just recently started a clan with my mates from back home. just some in jokes here and there we are extremely comfortable with ourself so we called our clan. "Guy love" because...


    reason. :D


    we currently dont have a clan emblem and we not really bother about clan sizes atm but you want to join we will surely welcome you. But bare in mind we are UK player i don't know if that would effect the time frame when your online and we are. we usually play at night and sometimes during the day when we mood for farming and s**tz


    but yeah hit me up if you feel like joining!

  4. Ah Exteel.

    I enjoyed the game so much that it dropped me from an all-A student to A-B-C-sometimes D-even F's students.

    Warframe is the only game that satisfies the craving.


    Dude... Don't tell me you was like me, 

    I feel you bro.

  5. Yknow you can get them every mission on the planets location of Morphics, i had over 100 Morphics and then i used it for blueprints. And now i have 11 Morphics.


    Much like him I also when to a planet where morphic can be allocted and i would go for the defence misson with Corpus and go for 15waves at a time, you should get around 2-5 Morphics at a time unless you use thiefs wits and other mods that boost your loot bonus 

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