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Posts posted by TennoPrototype010X

  1.   On the first mission of the second dream quest (spy mission on umbriel/uranus) after hacking the second data terminal,the game will instantly crash.

      I suppose that there is a problem with the dialog boxes or with the quest (not the mission/tileset) because after hacking the second terminal,instead of something like a dialog box or warning appearing,the game just crash.


    (please help me,the spoilers are burning my soul)

  2. Hunter spawns cannot be "fixed", it's just that they have unreasonably small chances of spawning, and considering RNG also adds itself to this making them spawn is almost impossible besides specifically farming for them...



    The Loki bug has been around for ages, it also happens if you go invis right before a cutscene. It has no effect on the ability though. 


    I haven't been attacked by G3 or Zanuka lately, but Stalker has been visiting quite often. It is probably just the team composition you're running with, as larger teams have a higher chance as long as they are marked to be visited. 


    Loki invisibility after a cutscene is just a "texture bug" you continue invisible,this bug makes me visible.


    i know that the "hunters" spawns are random but i think this is a bug due to multiple marks in a small space of time.

  3. First of all,after the update that put Tipedo on the game,Loki is having a bad time with the hosts,when i played with loki solo it's ok but when someone is hosting the invisibility "crash" or something (i'll put a screenshot),the enemies can see me but the skill still on.


    Second,a problem that have been happening to me and some people,the Stalker,Zanuka Hunter (Harvester) and the Grustrag 3,aren't atacking on the missions,and when they atack is for things that happened months ago,just like the Stalker atacking me this month february of 2015 for bosses that i've killed on august of 2014.


    I'm asking for some fixes if the DE can do it. (sorry for my english,i'm brazilian.)


    Loki Bug : https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/10857130_647198175403626_8560225237940715569_o.jpg

  4. So i saw the preview of the vaykor syandana and i was just "OMFG,THIS IS AWESOME!",who don't get all happy with a "jetpack" syandana.But,the DE have trolled me,the vaykor syandana is a little metal plate.


    So what the f*** is wrong with it ?


    Vaykor syandana preview



    Vaykor syandana in-game





  5. First of all,the drop rates of resources like orokin cells and neurodes are actually terrifying,they really need a boost,since there is new prime things,and new players that need those for crafting a better arsenal.In second place,the Stalker have been really annoying this week,its because he decided to get after me for bosses that i've killed months ago,like lech krill, that i've killed 5 months ago,i've seen some people talking about his "disappearance",so i think there's something wrong with him. (Maybe vacations.) And one more thing,he's not dropping any of his weapons blueprints,is this an error or bug?he just don't let them fall.

  6. they'd have an extra 20$ from me already if i had gotten a discount, I refuse to pay base price for plat anymore, ESPECIALLY when the loggin rewards give more casual players more for the same dollar. Its more a matter of principal at this point.



    -but im probably in the minority. Im sure there are plenty of addicted players who give in eventually. I still have 200p saved up. I can be frugal and i am not a hoarder. 200 plat is more than enough get me through the game. I really wanted the discount to splurge on cosmetics and upgrade a few experimental weapons.

    well at this point you have to see that the DE needs money for themselves,they work and need money,but they let you play the game freely and get everything in the game one way or another, this is a fair way to get money and let the people who can't spend money in the game playing for more time and itens and getting all the things but with hard work, in my vision if they coud reward the player with some platinum for a month of login and 1 or 2 hours played in every day it will be even more fair with the player that cannot spend money, for me the greatest "unfair thing" it's the limited warframe and weapons space,i can understand that a player can't just take all the weapons freely but the warframes could be an exception,i got tired of working hard to get a frame and leveling it up to rank 30 and when there's a new warframe or i need a different frame for a mission and i don't have any free space to a new warframe, i have to sell my actual warframe to get a new and hard work on it to sell it again and again and again. So in my opinion the players need more or unlimited warframe spaces or a space for mastery rank.

  7. so i've been playing warframe for a year or two and i've neve seen the veteran players who have 3 or 2 years playing receiving some rewards or messages to say a "hello we're proud of you.",and since i've been playing trough a month or two taking login rewards it only gives me XP, i think we need rewards for the veterans and a look at the login rewards that are simply ridiculous.

  8. Sometime ago i've playing on eris ext. and unfortunately when i pass trough a door i've saw something moving on the floor and shoot at it,when i checked,it was a corpus without helmet in a capture target clothes. (he was alive and i've killed him ;-;)

  9. The Archwing quest last mission is crashing even after 2 hotfix.There is some people who can do the mission without crash and some who the mission is crashing everytime,so what is this?

  10. The last mission on the archwing quest when we have to use the archwing the first time is crashing every time, during the "Ext" stage or in the archwing mode,i'ts only this mission on the game that crashes without any reason, the other missions are normal but the archwing missions are aways lagging,getting some estrange bugs and crashing.So if my pc and internet aren't the problem what is ?

  11. well i've seen the level of invisibility on my loki,hes rank 9 so the invisibility is on 5 seconds. maybe i've forgotten about the new skills system, so ty for the help but i just don't have seen the hability level,so ty and im sorry for the unnecessary topic.

  12. In the archwing quest missions the game is crashing everytime,i can do normal missions but the archwing always crash,i asked my friend to do the 1 mission on my account and he don't have any problem doing the mission. 

  13. While in the 1º mission of the archwing quest after a few moments, my warframe,sentinel,allys and enemys become "invisible",i can see just my weapons,my emblems and some details of the enemy (like the orokin simbol on the corrupted enemys), also some parts of the maps become invisible and the game start lagging.

  14. The first mission of the archwing quest don't work,i enter in the mission and it don't load,don't even load 10%,the game crash or shows the insufficient video memory error.

  15. before the update the game was running without lagging,now it's hard even  to do the login,inside the ship is lagging,the mission don't load,if the mission load,it crashes,i want to know what is going on with the game.

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