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Posts posted by Temp950

  1. I have a new PC that is pretty powerful, with a Geforce RTX2070 super, 16gb of DDR4 Ram and a Ryzen  7 3700x  8 core processor at 3.6 ghz. It usually runs warframe with no problem at 85fps with all the settings maxed out. But I noticed today that when the Acceltra was fired by someone on my squad, my frame rate plummeted to 45fps or so and stayed there till he stopped firing the gun. I haven't noticed this happening with any other weapon. Is this happening for anyone else or is something wrong with my card/drivers? My drivers are up to date as of a week or so ago. 

  2. I just disable ordis completely. he keeps repeating the same irritating lines over and over again, especially if you spend any length of time in your orbiter building stuff. On top of that, he keeps reminding me of a quest that I finished a long time ago but that the game still thinks is unfinished, the limbo theorem.

  3. Since the update that made holding the melee button execute a heavy attack, a lot of fast hitting melee weapons are now nearly useless with blood rush builds, since they keep doing a heavy attack. This effect is especially bad if you have a riven with +attack speed or are playing a warframe that can boost their attack speed, such as Gauss, wisp or harrow. No matter how careful you are, at some point the game decides you have held the button too long and does a useless heavy attack that ruins the combo you had built up and maintained. With some weapons such as the Ninkondi prime, this happens infrequently, allowing you to build up a 12x combo but then suddenly wasting it if you aren't paying attention and hold onto the melee key for more than half a second. With other weapons such as the Dual Ichors, its impossible for me to even get the combo counter past 5x, and most of the time the combo counter only builds up to 2x before its gone in a pointless heavy attack. No matter how fast I am at tapping the key, that tiny fraction of a second is still enough for the game to do a heavy attack.

    I understand that there are other bugs that affect more people and thus take precedence, and this mainly affects PC users who rebind their melee keys and use melee weapons with fast attack speeds. But it has been quite a while since this was implemented, and the problem has been there from day one. I don't know if DE is even aware of this issue right now. This bug/feature is neutering a lot of my favorite weapons even more than the melee 3.0 nerf already did.  

  4. Since the change a month ago, holding melee attack now causes a heavy attack. This wasn't a problem with slower weapons, but while using a weapon like dual ichors, that has a riven with attack speed on it, its impossible to build up a combo meter because just the slightest click on the melee button executes a heavy attack. Can we please get an option that turns this off? I already have heavy atack bound to the same key as my alt fire, and all this does is make some of my favorite weapons a pain in the neck to use. 

  5. Is anyone else running their fps at over 60? I have mine set to 85 but each time I start the game, it is capped at 60 again. In options it still says that it is set to 85. Fixing it requires me to change the option to 60, and then back to 85 again. After that it runs normally until I start the game next time. Whatever graphical issues I had with the old blood update were mostly gone with the dry dock update, and the game looks better than ever. But this problem is still there and I can't seem to find anyone else having the same issue. 

  6. how do i blink now if i have sprint set to toggle? can we please get separate options for sprint toggle/hold for archwings? or a separate keys for sprint hold and sprint toggle, like we already have with crouch? i have crouch set to shift, and sprint set to a mouse button, and it gives me great control with waframes since i don't need to constantly hold down a key to sprint. i just turn it on at the start of the mission and don't touch it again. but with archwings, this results in me having very little control in flight. now with the removal of blink, I can't use the new replacement for blink at all.

    edit- nvm, i rebound capslock to roll, and it blinks now without removing afterburner. A separate sprint toggle/roll option for archwing would still be great though.

  7. how do you use the new blink if you have sprint set to toggle. Also, how one earth do you play this game without having sprint set to toggle? which key do you guys use for sprint, and which one for slide? I have slide set to shift, which would be sprint in any other game, and sprint set to a somewhat hard to reach button on my mouse, since I don't use it except once at the start of the mission and don't want to accidentally disable it. with archwings, I now can't blink at all. hitting the sprint key just brings me out of afterburner and slows me down drastically. I wish there was an option to toggle sprint between hold and toggle for archwings alone. or better yet, that archwings were left the way they were. 

  8. How are we supposed to blink now if we have sprint set to toggle? can we please get separate buttons for sprint toggle and sprint hold? or better yet, an option to choose whether sprint is a toggle or hold function on archwings separately?  It was already an issue since sprint toggle meant navigating those narrow archwing missions was a headache as you would keep slamming into walls. now with this change, blink has been replaced by some grappling hook thing, and blink requires a tap on the sprint key. This doesn't work if you have the option for sprint toggle turned on. all it does is slow me down instead of blinking. 

  9. 18 hours ago, NovaShG said:

    Second this. Blowing all of your crit because the game constantly buffers an input and translates it into something you really dont want is a bad combat mechanic. Mouse 3 is already there in case people want to heavy attack, and since the insane amount of crit from blood rush relies entirely on combo, unintentionally blowing it feels really bad because you could be going from like tier 2/3 red crits down to white/yellow numbers, which is effectively a 99.95% dps loss.

    I think turning it into a toggle-able option is a good alternative to just reverting it, because maybe somebody else likes heavy attacks. However, I personally don't even want to touch heavy attacks if my regular attacks are already doing thousandfold more damage

    yeah and with the nerf to blood rush, losing that combo counter turns my weapon into a pillow and i quickly wind up dead against enemies I rushed into the midst of expecting to kill. This happened to me several times against the lich since he does his stupid grab animation and kills u if you don't knock him on his knees quickly. losing my 12x combo counter for one silly attack prevents me from doing that. I get that a lot of people find this change convenient, but at least give us an option to disable it. 

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  10. I  hate this new change. I don't use heavy attacks at all, yet keep doing them on accident now since I play as gauss and have a fast attacking weapon. This costs me my entire combo counter for one silly move. At least give us an option to disable this. It worked fine before since heavy attacks cost nothing, and doing one accidentally wasn't a big deal. now the cost is quite high, so having it happen unintentionally is not such a small problem. 

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  11. Since the recent hotfix that made holding the melee button execute a heavy attack, I am constantly losing my combo counters thanks to accidentally initiating a heavy melee attack. This is especially annoying when I have a fast hitting weapon and am playing a frame like harrow or Gauss that can boost their melee attack speed. holding onto the mele button for anything more than a split second quickly costs me my entire 12x combo for one heavy attack, and it seems unavoidable. Can we please get an option that disables this new feature? I have the heavy attack button unbound since I don't use it at all, but I couldn't find any option that would allow me to disable heavy attack from the regular melee button.

  12. I have my frame rate set to 85, but since the update, it is always reset to 60 fps when I start the game. I was hoping one of these hotfixes would solve this issue, minor as it is, but it is still there.

    I have to go into options, change my FPS to 60 (it still shows  as being set to 85, despite being 15fps lower), and then change it back to 85. Then it works normally, until the next time I start warframe. 

    I have also noticed that 60fps feels almost unplayable now in warframe. despite my fps holding steady, it feels like I am playing at 30fps, due to this microstutter and input delay. I thought maybe this was because I had gotten uesd to playing at 85fps for so long, but no matter how long I kept it at 60, that laggy gameplay never went away. it got more pronounced in missions with a lot of enemies and effects, and enemies spawning now sometimes hangs up my computer for several seconds. I went from playing with my settings maxed out to having to play with most of them at medium and a few things like particles completely disabled or set to low. And even then the preformance sucks compared to how smooth it used to be before.

    I have a GTX 980ti and a intel 6600k with 32gb DDR4 ram. I don't notice this sort of poor preformance in most other games, so I know its not my computer crapping out suddenly.


    Does anyone else have the same FPS issue? 

  13. 22 hours ago, Syln said:

    About kuva weapons, forma dump and mastery : Rank above 30 shouldn't bestow any mastery it give a feeling of being forced to waste formas on weapons that i don't really care about even if i can transfer them to a better version, it doesn't really matter if i don't plan to use said weapon in the first place.

    I think that is the whole point. waste platinum on formas to squeeze that little extra mastery out of it, and purchase more platinum. I am just not even going to bother with formaing them past what I would normally. its just not worth it for some of the weapons. 

  14. can we please have some way of changing the weapon rewarded by a lich, or swapping liches with other players. or the weapons at least? Or better yet, not get duplicates over and over? 

    I know the game is meant to be about grinding for stuff and RNG is essential to it, but there are three levels of RNG in this, and throwing in another seems excessive. At the very least, don't tell us what weapon we are going to get from killing the lich until we kill the lich. There is little motivation to go and grind for hours when you are just getting a worthless duplicate. 

  15. 10 hours ago, supernils said:

    It's actually a buff up to 3 status effects ....

    sure, up to 3 status effects, after which it gets outpreformed by the old condition overload by a massive amount each status. For most enemies under lvl 90 or so, it shouldn't matter since they die within one or two hits with most weapons. But for higher level content, its a definite nerf. 

  16. On 2019-11-09 at 9:57 AM, Jynx41174 said:

    No, they didn't Nerf Condition Overload... They just changed how it works.  If you're having issues with Hybrid Builds (Blood Rush/ Condition Overload combo's) then Drop Pressure Point or it's variants from your Mod order, you'll have an easier time of it and you'll thank me later.


    Yes, they did nerf condition overload. It is kind of crazy to even suggest otherwise.  It used to be incredibly powerful before, and now it is not even a tenth as powerful. Either you don't understand how condition overload used to work or you don't understand what the word "nerf" means. That is a totally different question from whether they were right to nerf it. Condition overload was overpowered before, and according to DE, that was unintentional. So fixing it makes sense, for the most part.  

  17. this is just incredibly aggravating. it takes at least two hours or so to kill a lich, and that is assuming that you have all the requiem mods. Doing it when you are going to be getting a damn d uplicate of the same weapon just sucks. At least don't tell us what weapon we are going to get until we kill the lich. that way its not so disheartening knowing that all that time spent is essentially going to get flushed down the drain. Or allow kuva weapons to be traded with others of their own kind or broken down for a significant amount of kuva. 

  18. 5 hours ago, MystikNeko said:



    I just want to know from you why the heck you enjoy the new (IMHO game destroying) melee mechanic

    Opinions from Inaros+Gram mains preferred since those players are fuked most

    i hate it, so much so that I don't feel like playing the game much now. maybe its different for other weapons, but with the ninkondi prime, the new combos are just awful. the previous simple one button combo is now replaced with one that requires the right mouse button as well, which feels really awkward and results in you zooming your gun half the time unelss you equip your melee first. the old windmilling system is back, which makes melee a pretty mindless slog of mashing E and running around.


    Blood rush is nerfed so badly that many of my favorite weapons are now crap against sortie 2 and higher, and once again I have to use my kripath or the gram prime in those missions rather than weaker weapons boosted up by blood rush  or condition overload.   

    I just hope this whole mess is temporary and they stop screwing up stuff that wasn't broken to begin with. I liked the previous melee changes. it made switching weapons more fluid and encouraged switching between melee and guns. Now this change does the exact opposite by making blood rush nearly pointless unless you have a high combo counter, and then introducing a god awful heavy attack system that drains your combo meter for a slow attack that does little damage.  

  19. On 2019-11-03 at 11:27 AM, Arn_Magnusson1 said:

    Please make blood rush as good as it was before i dont like it and then you just are buffing condition overlaod. But its still a good update it is just my and one of my friend personal opinion hope you guys will revert blood rush 🙂

    No, they nerfed the crap out of condition overload as well. Although Blood rush probably got hit the worst since it no longer takes crit chance mods/rivens into account, and it discourages using both range and melee weapons since losing the combo counter drops the crit chance like crazy. Before you could still do decent damage with a 1.5x or 2x counter. now you do almost no increased damage until you hit the 5x or 6x counter, unless the weapon has high base crit chance. This whole update just blows. it took most of the fun out of the melee system by going back to the silly windmilling quick attack system, removing pause combos and replacing them with ones that require you to not move forward, and others that require the use of the right mouse button, something that feels awkward to use unless you are equipping your melee weapon at the time.  

    On top of that the lich system is such a boring grind that I wish the option had been there from the start to opt out of it. All this would have been bearable if they hadn't decided to nerf the crap out of melee suddenly and make a bunch of my crit chance rivens worthless. 

  20. my ninkondi prime is now far less effective beyond lvl 30-40 missions, even with its damage + crit damage + crit chance on slide riven. Red crits are just completely gone, even at the max of 12x. The weapon is almost laughably ineffective until it gets to the 10-12x multiplier and can do orange crits, thanks to the ninkondis rather low base damage. The main thing making it a good weapon was its decent range, quick attack speed and the ability to push its crit chance up using blood rush and sacrificial steel. But thanks to this horrible nerf, sacrificial steel doesn't get counted in to the calculation like it used to. I'm fine with blood rush being nerfed from 165-60. it was insanely powerful before. I don't agree that it was necessary, but it wouldn't have been too bad. But by making it not take modified crit chance into account, they went overboard. It also means mods like true steel and sacrificial steel are now useless, and my melee crit chance rivens are also made useless. This change doesn't affect weapons with high innate crit chance as badly, such as my gram prime. That is still much weaker than it was before, but at least its still able to take care of lvl 100 mobs without too much problem. 

    All the melee nerf has done is to force me into using melee weapons exclusively lest I lose that 12x combo. The heavy attack system is so useless that I can't understand why they would do this. Even channeling was better than this. Why on earth would we want to waste a minute or more of building up the combo counter for one slow attack that throws a few enemies around? I simply unbound the heavy attack key once I realized how pointless it was.

    I also hate the new combo system. The combos are awkward to use, and some of them require that you don't touch the move forward button, making them even more clunky to use since you have to be standing still, moving sideways, or moving backwards. They also feel like they took all the fun of learning new combos from a stance, and they require no skill or learning curve to execute. The mindless quick attack system is also back, encouraging people to just run around mashing E. All in all, it feels like a massive dumbing down of the melee system to make it easier for newer players while making it mindnumbingly boring for everyone.

  21. please bring back the old system. at least give us the option of choosing between the old combo system and this new, simplified one. certain combos like the Ninkondi's pause combos are now replaced by one that requires you to keep your hands off the move forward button. this means you can only do these while standing still, moving sideways, or backwards. It also takes any learning curve and feeling of satisfaction out of learning a new combo. I get that the point of this is to make things easier for new players, but this just feels like mindless button mashing now, especially with the return to the old quick attack windmilling style. I liked the combo system introduced last time as it meant I had to actually engage a bit more than simply mashing the melee button while running around. 

    Blood rush has also been overly nerfed or it is not calculating crit chance properly, at least on some weapons such as the ninkondi prime. with its 22% crit chance and sacrificial steel increasing it to 44%, blood rush should be giving about 26% per combo counter stack. but with the combo being capped out at 12x, all I am getting are orange crits (which don't happen at all until 7x), when my crit chance should be at around 350% and I should be getting red crits consistently. 

    This would make sense if blood rush only goes off base crit chance, since that would give a little over 200% crit chance at 12x. I hope this was not intentional, as the 105% hit to blood rush's stats was already bad enough. 

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