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Posts posted by Fitzhugh

  1. The big three that bother me are:


    Ember needs to be given new stats or have her abilities redone.

    How can such an offensively themed "in your face" wildfire type of frame be as soft as her? Her stats are pretty middle of the road for her role health/shield-wise, but she has NO armor. Other than her 1, all of her other abilities have mighty short ranges and her middle-of-the-road health/shields and garbage armor doesn't make much sense to me for the type of frame she's supposed to be.. 


    Banshee... completely overshadowed by Nova.

    Sonar increases damage dealt, but you have to aim at specific points to be credited with that damage. M-Prime has an equal range, can either speed up or slow down enemies, depending on what you need/want, gives bonus damage that you DONT NEED TO AIM FOR, and offers an AoE explosion on death. M Prime is just too loaded of an ability for Sonar to compete, especially since M-Prime scales better in endless missions because 2x damage is enough to do the job. Sonar's 5x damage is overkill for what people currently need and it doesn't offer the utility and ease of use of not having to aim for weak spots on primed enemies that M-Prime has.

    That, along with how garbage and inefficient Sound Quake is, makes Banshee a benchwarmer.


    Hydroid also needs a looking into.. I feel like this 1 and 4 do pretty much the same thing (and they look pretty similar, they aren't very distinct and I think it takes away from the uniqueness). His Tidal Surge is an ability that lends very little synergy to his kit. If you wanted to CC some enemies, just use your ultimate.. It does more damage and CCs enemies while allowing you to keep some sort of distance. If you have the energy, your 1+gun is still safer than just waving into the middle of a group of enemies in a room. I really like the Curative Undertow mod for his undertow though; I think it's unique as an ability and promotes team-play quite well.

  2. As an owner of Excalibro Prime, I too, wish his stats were better and his "prime" aesthetics were more pronounced in some way. I mean, I own him, how cannot I not wish for these things? 


    Do I need those things? Absolutely not...


    Firstly, I do want him to be more "pretty" more than anything else, but that is only because it's one of those rare times where I own something other people don't and that my desire for more "swag", if you will, is rooted in nothing but selfishness. With that being my motivation for wanting a slight visual tuning, I find it quite hard to ask for such. 


    Secondly, I have this reccurring fear that if DE puts any more attention or effort into Excalibro Prime, they would eventually remove it's exclusivity. Because this reason, I am terrified of drawing too much attention to a frame I love. Besides, I am still recovering from the nightmares regarding what DE's first impulse was towards Excaliburs on Viver.


    Ruk has a lower base level though.  Do note that bosses like to scale now, so only bring one boss-killing weapon to prevent them from scaling to like level 45 and making it take that much longer.


    Appreciate the advice here.. I did not know this!

  4. After returning from a long hiatus, I've tried to reinvent my fascination in the game by creating goals that included building anything and everything shiny. In doing so, I've been through a TON of orokin cells.. too many.


    Recently I've hit a wall, that wall being a lack of orokin cells. I had plenty when I stopped playing, but since I've returned and have been dropping dimes I have found myself with none left. I've looked around on the wiki and such but I was hoping that maybe if I asked here I might get some magical answer which I don't think I've found yet, assuming it might exist.


    So... What's the best way to farm these guys?

  5. I see why people hate you...


    You are too busy not helping or roleplaying.


    -The one spell Frost is picked up for is the one you refrain from using? The one ability that makes him incredibly powerful?

    -The one spell Nekros is mainly used for is the one you ignore? The one that everyone brings him along for in survival?


    A couple things broseidon. First, it sounds like you are purposely trying to piss people off just so you can label yourself as some victim who is being oppressed. You aren't some special innnovator way ahead of your time, you're a jerk just like the people who call you out for being ridiculous. There's a reason people aren't happy with you bringing strong frames to missions and then not using those frames respective abilities, the ones that get those frames labelled as "strong" in the first place.


    Secondly, I've been playing a lot of Nekros lately, and if it's not in void T2+ survival, people don't give a S#&$ whether you use desecrate or not. Not once have I had someone get mad at me for not desecrating enough. So unless you've only run T2+ void survivals on your Nekros frame, you're bullS#&$ting us.


    Finally, you love to take oddball frames without practical builds into games and complain as to why people do not like you, yet you admit to excluding Nova players because you "don't like michael bay films"? So you are making fun of the community you play with because they don't like your impracticality and so they exlude you, yet you turn around and do the same by excluding Nova players? What sort of twisted hypocrite S#&$ is that?


    People don't like you because your a jackass who doesn't play for the team. I prefer a jackass Nekros/Frost who uses all of their abilities over a jackass Nekros/Frost who doesn't.


    Get real, dude..

  6. She doesn't have a lobster tail butt.



    Dafuq is dis?




    Honestly, what's it supposed to be? I like the idea of Trinity's supporty kit when I very first started playing and becoming a founder, but to be completely honest with you, her looks were the only reason I've never bothered to get her.. Front is ugly, back is ugly, everything is ugly.

  7. In all seriousness I think we need a sniper.


    ^Please.. Something to make real use of these high damage, low rpm weapons that we have plenty of.


    I would love a Water themed Warframe. Particularly a power where she projects the water into a lance as a weapon, yummy


    OhMyGod... Made me think of a concentrated, pointed Banshee Sonic Boom with a larger range

  8. I mean, do people see it to be worth it? Am I missin somethin? I know every person has their price and well, it's just 150$, but 150$ for fake things?

    It's all about disposable income... I have tons of disposable income and I find myself sitting on money not being spent. All my necessities are met or paid for and I am financially stable. Why not use my leftover money to buy things that I enjoy. Playing video games is my hobby afterall. 

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