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Posts posted by (XBOX)DamienYouth

  1. 2 minutes ago, Ada_Wong_SG said:

    I usually go for stealth kill, this can be used to level up frames with stealth capabilities 
    Loki, Ash, Equinox, Ivara etc, the 500% affinity boost is what you are after, 1-2 run is typical to get level 30 without affinity booster.

    Yeah. I hear you. My MK1-Paris bow leveled up like crazy. Other weapons were at level 15 when this guy reached 30 all because I used to stealth snipe most enemies on early levels. Volt has that neat additional damage based on movement thing, and you can pretty much one shot a lot of things. Remember literally one shotting the Specter on one of the junctions (Mars or Phobos I can't remember). Pretty nice.


    6 minutes ago, Ada_Wong_SG said:

    In the event of stalker, zanuka or G3 shows up you just miss your opportunity at getting a dread blueprint or something, 
    which revive will also consume your XP gained especially when soloing.

    This will help a lot. Thanks. I made that mistake quite a few times. Got greedy, dropped the rifle, the sidearm and just took the melee to a mission only to be wrecked by enemies who throw you off your footing, blast stuff, perma shockwave or firewave or something.

  2. 5 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Eh, I honestly never found this to be a huge drawback,
    I always take at least one maxed out weapon (or at least nuking / support Frame).

    Getting in my share of the kills, even if that's "suboptimal" for leveling, is just good manners IMO,
    and you'll still get plenty of shared Affinity, not least if your Squad sees you not leeching and thus stays for more Waves.

    Uh, I actually haven't played a single squad game. I'm just going in solo now. Doing that bosses like Krill and Vor together against a level 15-20 Cronus is kinda tough. 😞

    Doing the low level missions again seems kinda tiring, but, I guess it's fair enough and I'll hoof it. Maybe even level up my Kubrow while I'm at it. Also, could be fun trying out the new skills and weapon synergies on lower level enemies and enjoy the visuals. 😛

  3. So, I started a couple of days back, and I've been doing sleepless nights since then. Opened with a Volt frame, MK1-BO and the MK1-Paris bow. I've got Rhino, Excalibur, and Frost building. However, once they're built, do I have to grind them through all the lower levels again to level them up? Because I see that with weapons, the newly crafted ones on level 2,3 cannot really handle the upper levels bosses or huge waves like on Ceres. I have to switch back to the level 30 weapon for that. This causes my new weapons to lose out on a lot of XP since I actually play the new levels and speed run the older ones.

    Basically, I'm kinda confused. Am I supposed to go back to levels like the early ones on Earth and Venus to level up my new Warframes or is there something I'm missing?

  4. I did about 10 runs before it started dropping power cells. Maybe because thier servers are too high on traffic now. I had that "not connected to network" flash a number of times on runs where I didn't get power cells. Also as a 3 day player, this is way too tough for an into quest.

    Edit: Had to go back to my ship and equip the level 30 bow and level 30 melle weapon to do it. Once I had that, it was actually pretty easy.

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