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Posts posted by devox15

  1. Tested with wave-type projectiles such as Fulmin, Quellor alt-fire, Arca Plasmor.

    When fired through volt's electric shield these types of projectiles expire much sooner.

    For example, from 18 meters away the fulmin shotgun mode hits quite easily. Then cast electric shield and fulmin will never hit at the same range.

    Same goes for Quellor's alt fire. The projectiles simply stop existing at much lower than the normal range. This is visible both with and without terminal velocity on the weapon.

  2. When firing through volt's shield, Quellor's alternate fire seems to have reduced range. Even with terminal velocity after 8 meters the projectile disappears entirely, compared to over 20 meters on the exact same build when not firing through the shield. This removes the quellor from eidolon viability and makes it a pain to use elsewhere as well.

  3. Heavy attack oriented melee builds feel very clunky right now because you need to swap from gun to holding the melee with a normal melee attack before you can heavy attack at all.

    Heavy melee and alternate fire are already separate keybinds, can we please make it so that if they're on different buttons pressing heavy melee will just go straight into a heavy attack?

  4. When mirage has her 3 Ecplise active in the light there are 3 very ugly bugs that occur:

    1: Certain attachments do not respect energy color and are always colored bright blue, this can be seen on the morgaine helmet and the prisma daedalus shoulders, of many others also.

    2: Channeling effects, now applied after heavy attacks, are stretched out all over her body instead of only on in the regions they should be.

    3: Those effects apply to her clones' bodies and do not become transparent, making it very hard to see through the clones. 


    Please can Mirage's 3 get some fixes? And while you're at it make it a toggle.....


  5. Please Please Please let's get some attention on this topic. Status all over is so broken. Some attacks never proc any, procs were made to never trigger on killing blows, some attacks proc some sometimes and not other times. I don't understand why there's been zero attention paid to this when it's a fundamental system of the game that's completely broken right now.

  6. On Kogake Prime, I'm using the heavy attack with 100% status chance and it doesn't proc status hardly ever. This can be hard to see because the associated radial attack does to a lesser degree, but the leg swing itself, which does most of the damage, is not. 

    A similar issue is occuring with Skiajati, where I always get the forced slash proc but can never proc anything else with the heavy.


    • Like 1
  7. Using a 100% status chance weapon has many issues. I have been using a heavy attack gas kogake prime build that should proc gas on the majority of hits. However, I notice in simulacrum testing that the true status chance is far far lower than this. 

  8. On 2019-11-01 at 11:20 AM, lukinu_u said:

    You know True Steel is only 60% right ? The problem is not how they nerfed it, it's the mod existance.
    Why does melee mod should have insane value stacking with time ? Bloodrush is +720, Weeping Wounds is +480%, Conditon Overload is Primed Pressure Point at 2 status and grow stronger, it make no sense...

    In the current sitatuation, status oriented melee weapon are not good, because with the +480% from Weeping Wounds, you can reach 100% status with only 17.2% base status chances. It clearly show how broken is the system.

    This is exactly true. Why do weeping and bloodrush even exist? So obviously busted. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

    No. Glaive Prime, various nikanas, a rapier, a scythe. If you want to do this, use the glaive. Also use a Warframe with invisibility. The only reason this works is because of bleeds - Blood Rush + Weeping Wounds bleeds just as well.

    Bleeds kill armored enemies. Who would have thought.

    Weird that you list weeping when it's currently busted. 
    Yeah br will bleed just as well. Or you could not have to ever worry about dropping combo and constantly continuously be healing to full. Doesn't seem like every alternative to BR is just bad from where i'm standing.

  10. 1 minute ago, Traumtulpe said:

    It's not like I haven't tried Corrupt Charge, Killing Blow (additive with Primed Pressure Point btw.) builds that use only heavy attacks. Blood Rush builds are better.

    Lemme guess you tried a two handed sword or a polearm and you used CO. Pretty clear what type of play you're doin here and I think that speaks for itself. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

    There are only Blood Rush builds now. If your weapon doesn't have BR it is either a glaive, a gunblade, or bad.

    I'll give you a hint. If you assume the only way to use melee weapons is to stack up high combo forever then yeah blood rush is mandatory. But it's not the old combo system anymore. You literally don't get anything for having high combo other than BR. It doesn't take 2 hours to get a 5x multi anymore, it takes like 20 seconds. If you decide to keep playing as if literally nothing has changed then yeah you're gonna feel like BR is mandatory and everything is crappy. But honestly, that playstyle is what's bad now. 

  12. Yes, but only if you build for them. Obviously it's not going to be worth it on a blood rush build.

    Killing blow, corrupt charge, etc. A lot of them have forced slash procs too, like nikanas. I'm getting guaranteed slash procs that tick for 24k with a rivenless skiajati. Oneshots 165 corrupted heavy gunners, charge up time is only 0.3 seconds.

  13. Just want to encourage people to play around with your builds. The new system for me feels a lot more flexible and fun, even if we aren't as completely overpowered at high combo anymore. I see so many people just complaining that blood rush/condition overload aren't oneshotting level 300 enemies anymore. Didn't you get tired of having to fit that OP combo onto every single weapon? It honestly feels liberating not having every possible melee build totally overshadowed by maiming strike/br/co.  Obviously the current changes aren't perfect, some of the stances definitely need another look and building for heavy attacks/life strike is hampered by corrupt charge just totally not working unless you're the host. But try coming up with some new builds before you call the changes bad.

    • Like 5
  14. If you use Tainted Shell ( - spread, - fire rate) on the Exergis, then only the base three projectiles will benefit.

    Any multi-shot projectiles will have the original, unmodded spread pattern.  

    This is especially bad because the Exergis is clearly designed to use tainted shell, it comes with the D polarity and has a really long drop-off range so it is limited more by the spread. Please make this weapon work with Tainted Shell.

  15. 1 hour ago, ModernGreg said:

    Pc, using both XBOX wired controller and PS4 wireless controller, I press B (or circle) and I will swap to my melee weapon but after that I can press B/Circle as much as I want but it doesn't do anything.

    Exactly this. I've restarted my computer and steam and warframe multiple times. Launching from steam. Melee 2.9 turned into basically we removed melee from the game.

    • Like 2
  16. Just like it says in the title, Zephyr's Tornadoes don't react in any way to AoE damage whenever you are a client instead of host.
    If you hit a tornado with the blast from an Ogris or Tonkor or any other area weapon, the tornado doesn't respond in any way whatsoever. You don't see a damage number and the enemies in the tornado don't get damage shared to them. You can't even change the element of the tornadoes. 
    This bug happens 100% consistently every single time you play zephyr as the client. It's been reported over and over again for a year.




    It's a huge bummer to shoot a big rocket into your ultimate ability and then nothing happens. This is a big issue because it basically makes Zephyr's ult feel horrible for AoE weapon users. And it's sad because Zephyr would actually be in a really good spot if the ability just worked as intended; it would be a really good damage steroid. It simply doesn't work a huge majority of the time. Please let's get some attention and show some love on Zephyr 🙂 

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