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Posts posted by Wolfguy423

  1. 11 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    So the issue isn’t the game. The issue is you don’t know what you’re doing. You very likely don’t have any of the appropriate mod equipped or leveled. You’re probably still using the starter weapons. You’re basically unfit to face the plains. Just complete first bounty when you need to and return to the plains when you have a better grasp of the game.

    you don't have to be a jerk about it. a little more constructive criticism would be awesome.
    also there is no probably about the starter weps. i said i still did in my original post.


    8 hours ago, Zelmeno said:

    Mods for survival on the frames and damage on the weapons until you get the hang of things. Having mods like Vigor, Vitality, and Redirection on your frame is key for not getting killed. There is also a mod station on the orbiter for leveling those mods up to make them stronger. Also keep in mind that this game has a leveling system on top of adding mods into Frames and Weapons. So being level 16 you only have half (more or less) your shields and health you could have. This is important to know because most mods work off % of your current base stats. 

    Most people have tons of bronze mods, if you are having trouble getting starting you can always ask if anyone can share. No idea what time zone your in but I be more than happy to share some common mods to get you started.

    i have mods increasing my hp, shields, and armor in my frame and weapon damage, range, reload speed and the likes in all my melee weapons with all the mods almost maxed out.
    i have a few 3 starred ones and a few 6 starred ones. i just simply can't build any decent weapons due to lack of mastery and lack of ingredients because i keep dying trying to get them.
    most of the baddies i'm running into are like level 25-30 when im lvl 16.. yeah i can kill em but they just keep coming and eventually kill me.

    but seriously the flying guys are stupidly fast and insanely hard to hit with anything. they're literally speed glitching across my screen.

    11 hours ago, Ventura_Highway said:

    If you're on later I'll help you build some nicer weapons to work with.

    Dude that would be awesome! i have a bow, katana and throwing knives.

  2. the baddies are leveled way too high for my Current war-frame (Excalibur) and equipped weapons. Especially the flying guys on the plains on earth!
    im level 16 and have an army of psychotic baddies within seconds of finding a base destroying me with ease (free roam level). I also still have the weapons I chose when i started, because i can't build anything (due to lack of ingredients and mastery?). I get tired of spamming mission levels and just want to free-roam! but, i can't due to the never ending, wanna be Terminators that you call enemies!
    I'm all for a challenge but this is suicide.
    Seriously fun game. but i think it needs a lower level of play for casual gamers like myself.
    (I have Venus unlocked as well but it's the same story there).

    P.s. Holy God, Nerf the speed on the flying guys!

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