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Posts posted by (XBOX)CursingCafe9759

  1. We are both veteran players returning from a long time of hibernation and feeling burnt out of the game, this fortuna update got us really excited and hyped up to come back, see how the game is fairing and try to rekindle our warframe flames and get back into playing it(Btw awesome job with that Mesa prime 11/10)
    However here is where it begins getting complicated, I'm posting this also on my friends behalf his IGN LewdPeaceKeeper also on xbox one, he needs me to post this because he is experiencing the same problems as me however he also can't log onto the warframe website no matter what he does, tried loging in with xbox live= loging failed, manually inserting his credentials and email=loging fail and as you may know he unfortunately ends up not having a voice to report on problems or even participate and interact with the warframe community because of this website bug, with that out of the way now to the real or deal the MR ranks being lowered my friend LewdPeaceKeeper is a real old school player, stemming back from a time even further back than void keys, rotations, having only five free respawns etc and once he got burned out of the game after playing through the plains I also didn't feel compelled to keep playing and so we gave ourselves a much needed and deserverd rest from warframe, omce we got back however we found out that our MR ranks were substantially lowered for example LewdPk MR 16 at the time was brought to MR 9 and I that used to be rep 11 have been lowered to MR 8 and this is unfortunatelly really affecting us and how we play the game, to know that all of the time and dedication that we have put into the game have been lowered just like that for no reason other than us not playing it for a while and to confirm our claims we also have access to weapons that are mastery locked to our previous Mr's that we can still access since we built them before having our Mr's reduced In LewdPk's case is his pair of aklex primes wich he wouldn't be able to wield, build or trade in case he really wasn't Mr 15 above and in my case it is my Boar prime wich also is Mr locked but I can still access it, modify it and have it equiped all whilst we can't build new "Mr locked weapons" 
    if you've managed to read this far know that we are very thankful for your time, effort and we would be really grateful to have an answear and a possible solution to our problems so we can all go back to enjoying this great game at its fullest.


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