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Posts posted by PvtMaguire

  1. Recently i have been playing the Oestrus mission on Eris to farm Nidus and have started this thread to make some suggestions about the mode.

    1. the Drop chances of the antiserum/Blue box things is too low, often 2 of the 3 terminals are dead by the end of the first round making for a slow and painful experience in subsequent waves. In my opinion the drop chances need an increase otherwise the only message you will be seeing in the Recruit chat for a while will be "H Oestrus NEED ATLAS".

    2. the enemy spawns are not spread out enough. especially on the map with 3 the three floors and the giant generator in the middle, often the infested only spawn at the top level by A leaving B and C with no enemies further causing them to rapidly die, with nothing u can do about it except bring Atlas.

    I feel these are the two main problems with the map at the moment, possibly there are clipping issues but i haven't really noticed them much. if anyone else has any feedback for this topic please write below

  2. 1 hour ago, MrM1 said:

    The Glast Gambit is all fun and games until you get this mission 'Win with max 10 points ahead'.

    DE: ''Hey, that's a pretty nice idea, right? Let the player pay 160k credits and if they fail, they'll lose all of it. Shouldn't be a big deal, huh?''

    Oh, you want to know what I mean? Why I am mad? Ok, listen up: It sounds quite easy. If you get the 10 points and the enemy has 0 for some reason, you don't expect anything bad. But suddenly some random enemy invests 11 or even 20 points at the very last moment. Because you have to be ahead only up to 10 points, it is quite difficult to keep the balance. And if you got 20 points for those cases, you'll realize that it is either too less or too much, so you lose. After losing 3 times (=480k credits lost) I decided to get another strategy: Let the enemies invest in small parts and invest just by 1-2 points ahead each time. Sounds great, but in practice it is also a terrible idea. I couldn't handle that. ''Try  coop, maybe it'll work'' was my worst decision ever. ''Why?'' you ask? -Trollers. Those people who invest about 30 or more points to let you lose. ''Maybe that player didn't understand your objective, mistakes happen'' yeah tell that to the people who do that 4 times in a row, maybe even more since I just quit after those 4 times.

    This mission is impossible in solo, and in coop, it is also just terrible because of the trollers.

    ''You're just salty, take some time and get better strategies'' Huh, yeah. I lost about 2 million credits on this.


    DE, this is by far your WORST mission I've ever played. It's a shame because the idea is good but it was brought to the game like you don't even care about people like me (unlucky af).

    PS: I still didn't complete the mission.

    I found taht by bankiing 9 points and then camping the enemy spawn was a good way to win.. i had absolutely no trouble after that point of realisation

  3. Recently i have been playing the Oestrus mission on Eris to farm Nidus and have started this thread to make some suggestions about the mode.

    1. the Drop chances of the antiserum/Blue box things is too low, often 2 of the 3 terminals are dead by the end of the first round making for a slow and painful experience in subsequent waves. In my opinion the drop chances need an increase otherwise the only message you will be seeing in the Recruit chat for a while will be "H Oestrus NEED ATLAS".

    2. the enemy spawns are not spread out enough. especially on the map with 3 the three floors and the giant generator in the middle, often the infested only spawn at the top level by A leaving B and C with no enemies further causing them to rapidly die, with nothing u can do about it except bring Atlas.

    I feel these are the two main problems with the map at the moment, possibly there are clipping issues but i haven't really noticed them much. if anyone else has any feedback for this topic please write below

  4. 16 minutes ago, ZoneDymo said:

    This is again one of those times where it seems appropriate to say, Dont like it? well dont use it, nobody is forcing you to.

    If most people dont like it and dont use it why is it in the game ? - if everyone stayed quiet about what was wrong witht the game then the game would NEVER EVER progress to what it has become - E.G the Universal vacuum nerf to 6m - people gave feedback(partially crying and hurling death threats which is totally inappropriate) and it got changed back to 12. we as the community (partially) shape the game

  5. 5 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:


    In that case great, but I would still suggest amending the thread title and original post because right now your title isn't likely to get much attention from the devs... I am just being honest here. Some of them have said they don't read directly, in your face negative feedback, so this thread may not even be read. On the other hand, if the title and op are simply suggesting changes to make it better, they will be more likely to catalog it as feedback and possibly change it. 

    ty for feedbacking on my feedback :) (btw i totally forgot how to change the name :3)


  6. 2 minutes ago, ZoneDymo said:

    I love the Riven Mods, hell my only problem is for them to possible be way too OP considering what some people on the Wiki showed they got.

    Its fun that you dont know what you are getting, I wanna keep it just as is

    the people on the wiki are probably 1/1000 or more - the likelyhood you get a mod like theirs is so low - however the chance your mod gets worse is a lot higher

  7. 1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    LOL asking them to "just remove it" is completely unrealistic. 


    They spent a lot of time on it and they aren't going to just up and take it out of the game because you say so. 


    List specifically what is wrong with the Riven mod system, and what you would do to fix it. That kind of feedback is valuable to them and often leads to real changes in game. But screaming to have it taken away will get us nowhere fast. 

    i have earlier in this feed


  8. 8 minutes ago, Santiak said:

    The thing is, some people actually like that, because it brings excitement to the choice that they're making. :)
    Same reason people gamble, do extreme sports, or discuss on forums (;P) - the very real possibility that something can go wrong and cost you dearly, makes winning so much sweeter.
    It's a subjective thing that we'll never agree on, I think, but we don't have to agree in order to find a compromise both parties can be content with. ^^

    I can totally understand where you are coming from however in my opinion the rewards do not outweigh the risks: for example you bet on a horse race and u invest 20 and if you win you get 100. if you lose you have lost 20 but if you win you have gained 4 times that amount, 80

    heres the riven system (and btw there are a lot of factors but the relative chance for an increase or decrease in benefits (If the stats dont change type) is around 50%) so you invest a good mod and 900 kuva - if you win you get a Good mod but if you lose you get a bad mod and the kuva you invested was wasted.(also you lose the "OK" mod you had before)


  9. 1 minute ago, Multicom-EN- said:

    If the damn guards and kuva thingy spawned on every mission I wouldn't really care. But the way the RNG is now.....just no.

    an increase in spawn rates would help but really you would still be plagued with the fact that youve lost the mod you farmed earlier and what youve farmed now in return for a worse mod


  10. 1 minute ago, Stonehenge said:

    Yeeah, yeah, yeah i get it, you are pissed off. BAM, as you said. Don't worry for me, i 'll find a way to enjoy the risks i take without writing a topic about how i'm angry if i loose what i farmed. Cheers mate.

    I'm angry but im not complaining to the community or the developers for I understand that people have worked hard in order for  this system to be put in place - that being said the system in my opinion is a bad one which i disagree with and so i have written a topic on the forum so that it might be seen and the problems with the system which i earlier listed might be addressed and therefore the system may be changed by the developers - this isn't a hate topic, its angry feedback

  11. 1 minute ago, Santiak said:

    I personally don't think a chance at loosing is inherently a bad thing. It can add a lot of excitement and encourage players to seriously contemplate whether or not to go ahead with a choice, rather than just aimlessly and blindly throwing time and money at a mechanic.

    However, if that's your main gripe with the system: They could always implement a "revert" mechanic, where you'd be presented with the new stats versus the old, and could pick which you'd prefer. Whichever you choose, the ressources you spent are consumed.

    i would absolutely not have a problem with that system because atleast you wouldnt have lost what you have already grinded for

  12. 6 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

    Yep, absolutely, depending in fact of what weapons and benefits. Some of them won't interest me, others will certainly do.

    BAM you've been hit with 2 negative cycles in a row - are you satisfied that you  spent your 1800 well ? Of course not - it took time to farm that kuva and you wanted your mods to get better but they got worse and you dont get that kuva back. you've just lost an "ok" mod and a rare resource for investing your time into a grind game which is supposed to reward you for exactly that (Also the benefis of that mod have changed to be useless for your weapon)

  13. 5 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

    It's a mistake to not think about what you are doing. I didnt spend any kuvat into any riven mod because i knew i was not aware of all i had to know. You just rushed it. Why not rushing, but dont blame others when you realize too late you wasted or lost something.

    so knowing what you know now - that you could potentially loose out for investing kuva  in your mods - would you do it ? (also i knew what i needed o know and i was experimenting with the system to see how it all worked and i discovered that it did not work well)


  14. 2 minutes ago, Santiak said:

    I actually like the Riven mods - with the one exception that @Brasten so elegently puts forward; how it interacts with later substantial changes to the overall system.

    Now, we may have differing encyclopaedic definitions of what a "grind game" is, but to me, it's a game that involves the repeating action of attempting to acquire a high-powered item, or the like.
    In ARPGs, you hunt the same item over and over, just to get a perfect or near-perfect - or at least a better - roll. You invest time into farming for it, and, since you're playing such a game, likely find such an acitvity enjoyable; hunting that feeling that's akin to the one you get when, in a treasure hunt, you finally, finally find what you were looking for, or in ARGs when you finally crack a code, discover a hidden link, or what not.

    With Riven mods, we get exactly that: An excuse to keep on attempting to improve what might already be good, at the risk of possibly making it worse.

    Are there changes they could make? Of course:
    - The resource requirements could be lowered (to what amount would require time to collect data, of course).
    - They could add increased costs that allow you to keep X amount of modifiers, say, keep 1 modifier => x2, keep 2 => x4, etc.
    - Weighing of modifiers so you don't end up with too horrible modifiers, but can still get relatively bad ones; something that insures you'd always have some sort of reason to try and fit it, even if for a very niche build.

    Seems like a good "grind game" end-game content to me, or at the least basis for it - and far from garbage, in my opinion.

    in a grind game you grind to win and get items or experience or whatever your grinding for - in the riven system - you are grinding for a chance to loose


  15. 7 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

    Sometimes I wish game developers were just a tiny bit less obsessed with excessive multi-layered RNG. Re-rolling riven mods sounds about as exciting as re-rolling legendaries in the D3 cube (aka not at all). 

    Would it have been insane to have some kind of riven mod crafting system where you could farm resources to add specific stats that you wanted and then progressively upgrade them over time or something? It could still be a grind, but at the same time could have been an amazing source of customization/choice. 

    exactly - in your version of the riven system you would actually be garunteed to win for investing into the game


  16. 13 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

    It's just that in fact, all this thread for that :

    You are just extremely offended. I mean, who told you to put all the new ressources you have just farm into a new mod that gives you positives and negatives stats ? Why didn't you just take a step back ? It's a fresh material, you rushed into it and now you are pissed off.

    Well, guess what there is a risk factor in it, like someone told you before. That's all the fun part in it.

    So it's garbage because you made a mistake ? I don't think so.

    so its a mistake to invest kuva into the riven mod system ? which is what is totally intended for you to do - if its a mistake then no one would do it and therefore the system is broken and should be removed or changed - it shouldnt be a mistake to invest time into the game

  17. While playing the war within I noticed that it was possible to pick up more than one key for the elevator in the third level subsequently when you put the keys into the consoles you were only carrying one key and the other two no longer existed meaning the mission was impossible to complete without dying and deliberately restarting 

  18. 2 minutes ago, Aburith said:

    The only problem I see with this new system is that we have a limit to the number of mods? I think it adds some variety to the game. Is it promoting grind? Yeah, but this is a system similar to other games I've played; they're doing fine, but I'm not a fan of them anymore. Implications of this new system? Most definitely will spread to secondary and melee weapons if it runs its course without any hitches. 

    So, idk, my only concern as I've said is that limit to riven mods. Basically, it means you're going to have to ask yourself what are the 15 best rifles in the game and farm for the best riven mods for those. Going to create some nasty problems.

    Also, some of those unlock requirements are ridiculously hard. But, then again, having seen some of the effects in wiki, could/could not warrant them. 

    I totally like the idea of completing a challenge to receive a mod because it makes the grind interesting however I am annoyed that I have now wasted 2700 kuva into my rifle supra mod and twice out of the 3 times it has gotten worse which means I've spent 2700 kuva (which takes time to farm) on a worse mod 

  19. 6 minutes ago, Tveoh said:

    New system, with an interesting concept behind it.   Makes it unique...   No need to remove it.   Cause if we go by the "cause people hate it"  Then we should get rid of all the frames that "people" say are bad, all the weapons, all the mods, all the companians, and all the missions.  till we are all using hte same build, same weapons, and playing the same mission over and over and over again,  with no vairity at all...

    U don't loose out on having a frame or weapon - you get SOMETHING for investing materials into a "bad" gun - with this it is possible to Loose

  20. 1 minute ago, Imaru said:

    Because, like I said, it is a brand new system, so by definition a large portion of the player base (that hasn't even unlocked it yet) don't use it. Give it time to be tweaked, and if, after a while, it is still not to your liking, you can complain about it, but not like this. At least be constructive in your criticism. 

    Here's why it's bad and why it needs to be changed or removed :

    the chances on each mod are totally random (meaning your first riven mod could be a totally negative mod with no benefits) and only work on a specific weapon (which you may not even have)

    after you have grinded for kuva from an enemy which has an unreliable spawn rate you can invest this kuva into cycling your mod for a chance for it to get better or worse which means you could get totally screwed over despite the fact that you have just invested time and effort into the game

    if your mod did get worse then you could cycle again but then it could get better or worse and even if it did get better it might not be at the same level as the first version - so you have just wasted 1800 kuva for a worse mod

    a possible improvement of this might be to make it so that it has a chance to succeed in being cycled or to fail - so a 75% chance to cycle AND ONLY GET BETTER but a 25% chance to fail and remain as it is - ATLEAST then you could waste 1800 kuva but your mod would still be the same (of course there would be a cycle cap to stop the mod getting infinitely better) - also instead of each mod being for a specific weapon make it for a weapon class e.g rifles , shotguns 


  21. Just now, Sarattas said:

    Lets remove everything!

    This forum is just ridiculous.. I would like to see some balancing changes maybe, but i really like the idea of those mods and challenges.

    Its risk factor. If you think your mod isnt good enough you can try to make it better (or worse). If you dont want, just dont do it and keep your mod as it is.

    But the mod I get after doing a stupidly ridiculous challenge like killing 4 enemies in a single aim glide might not be even that good to start with and these riven mods are rare to come by anyway so if I keep it as it is then I might just have a totally useless mod

  22. 3 minutes ago, Imaru said:

    The system isn't even a full day old, maybe give it time to see how it breaks down.

    Also, if I recall correctly you can cycle your mod to another one. And in the worst case, if you really don't like the system just don't use it. I don't think it should be removed less than a day after it is introduced. 

    if I'm not using a system and a large portion of people who also hate the system aren't using it - then why should it still be in place ?

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