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Posts posted by TwistedLogic81

  1. 4 minutes ago, Eyn_Sof said:

    To anyone who says "its still june so its ok" they wanted to release it at the end of may and left early june as a buffer.

    Now i dont know about you but usually when they said something like that, it means that they are polishing the update and most of the update is done.

    As someone who knows about programming i know that even small problems can become hard to fix, but everytime in the past when a problem cropped up that delayed the release they posted about it.

    PS. PSO2 was a thing even before but only japanese servers and fan translation(though japanese servers are surprisingly stable)

    Actually, it was meant to be released in April. 

    • Like 6
  2. Ash hardly ever performs a finisher after teleport. He just teleports to the enemy and then just stands there. Is there only a chance that he will perform a finisher or is he supposed to do it every time? He does it like 1 in 10 times, the rest of the time I'm just standing there like a lemon waiting for him to do something. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    Likely the default self-healing. I did a test with over 300 power strength to get Venari to 167 then allowed the cryopod's health to drop about 6,000 points before activating Venari. Even though she still marked the cryopod, it was only healing 10 points, the default value. Definitely not 167 per second. I on the other hand went to full health from under 500 in around 4 seconds or so:


    So it is definitely not working with defense targets even though you can still mark them.

    Ah, that's disappointing.  Thanks for testing Tenno. 

    • Like 2
  4. I'm confused now, I just did a solo defense mission, and I was able to mark the defense target with Venari's heal posture, I let it take some damage first and then she healed it right back up. I have no idea what's happening now.

  5. 2 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    So this was all done because of this event? Meanwhile everyone with Limbo is still cheesing it.

    Knowing DE, they'll probably change it so that Sentients aren't affected by Limbo's stasis.

    • Like 7
  6. It's only the Oplink that can't be healed, not regular defense objects. They said that the Oplink was not designed to be affected by Warframe abilities. 

    Edit- never mind, I didn't read it properly

  7. On 2020-03-29 at 9:56 PM, Marine027 said:


    Why do people praise this? Instead of making lets say Zephyrs slow fall toogle like Limbos dash rift, it needs a slot and for what? 15% Strength? Another bandaid to only make things more complicated.

    They introduced passives and not know waht to do with most, some are more usefeul and others just exist because they introduced passives.

    Bad game desing, i wish they never introduced passivees simply honestly, just make it part of there kits, end of story.

    Wait.. what? You can toggle that off??

  8. 14 hours ago, DarthIronclad said:

    Well the heal is working from a test video i watched on youtube...so is prob a bug...

    Also with this weapon being able to heal, hema basically got power crept...as from the video the heal from the basmu is def more stronger than the hema...


    The Hema fully heals you from a headshot, not kill, just headshot. The Basmu does not. 

    • Like 4
  9. 1 minute ago, SmokinDice said:

    no you have to do it several times, space you can do 4 murex PER mission, for about 1800 points, so you can repeat this 3 times for your 5k

    ground works a little diffrent and you need a really good team to rach high numbers, you CAN reach 5 k per mission, buts thats unlikely, with an okay team you should be able to reach about 2k+ per run.

    so basically both will take about 1 1/2 hours to complete your 5k, then you wait and do nothing for the rest of the time

    Ah, ok. Thanks for explaining. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, 3rdpig said:

    Simple solution, don't play their event. Or even better, only play the Murex missions with a Limbo. When everyone stops playing ground missions then someone at DE eventually will notice and some changes will be made. But of course, like the dog in the burning cafe, Reb and Meg will play it on Primetime on the dev server and tell us how great it is. And then they'll nerf whatever weapon we're using the most.

    I just hope they do the space mission and dont get any codes sent to them. 

  11. There's no point playing. Half of the event is broken, most things dont work. I'd rather they just pulled the event and said they'll bring it back once they've ironed out the kinks. Because right now, there is 0 point in playing. Far too many times, I've got to 100/100, done 3 space missions where we've done 5 waves and 3 ground missions each getting to 17 waves, at the end (once) I got a tier 1 emblem and no bonus payout. 

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