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Posts posted by Draxiss314

  1. Phatose, all that tells me is that I misunderstood the context they were using co-op in, rather than telling me if DE is a worker cooperative. So that just leaves the question further open to interpretation.

    Loza03, I had a bit of a different reading. The Steel Meridian is aggressively anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, not moderately imperialist and fascist. They are pretty clearly against the Grineer (which really means they should be ALLIED with Perrin, but whatever). I suppose you could say that both the Grineer and Steel Meridian use violent means to achieve their ends, but like . . . what? So does literally EVERYONE, and they're fighting multiple empires. The Tenno commit war crimes near-constantly, and they're the supposed good guys.

    I think I agree with your reading that Perrin represent Liberal Capitalism, but trying to read a value statement about what the game's authors are saying about Liberal Capitalism runs into some issues.

    First, it's unclear whether the game is really trying to say that the Perrin are good. If you ally with their enemies, Steel Meridian, they will try to kill you. In fact, considering their emphasis on diplomacy and negotiation with those with power, I can see a reading of the game in which the Perrin represent Liberal Capitalist hypocrisy. The Perrin are perfectly willing to kill YOU if you ally yourself with the faction willing to commit violence against those in power, and I haven't seen any evidence that they'd be willing to engage in that same level of violence against the Corpus themselves. The Steel Meridian, in contrast, aren't as violent as they seem. They actively send Tenno on missions to rescue Grineer who defect, including Grineer who are actively nonviolent.

    Second, Fortuna came out after Perrin, and is much more explicit in painting Fortuna as a Capitalist Dystopia. Explicitly Captialist talking points are emphasized. Eudico says some pretty clearly Marxist lines (I vaguely recall something early on her talking about valuing the work of Solaris), and the antagonists same some pretty on-the-nose comments about the importance of personal responsibility and discipline. I suppose you could argue that Ticker's emphasis on charity of systemic action is an example of the proponents of Capitalism's emphasis on philanthropy and charity of systemic assistance to those in need, but she clearly doesn't have any other option and her dialogue doesn't support the idea that she thinks this system she's set up is good. Actually listen to the lines Angry Suburban Mom Spider says during her boss fight; she's basically spamming 'pull yourself up by your boostraps' rhetoric. Also, replace any time Nef Anyo references 'the Void' with 'God' and you've got the Prosperity Gospel. A lot of these talking points aren't just spouted by hardcore conservative capitalists; even moderate capitalists will say things like 'equality of opportunity, not outcome' and 'personal responsibility.'

  2. Well first, I want DE's employees to be fairly compensated for their labour and not pushed to the breaking point. Crunch is both real and very bad.

    I wasn't around for a lot of the older stuff, and I do think that there are times when DE is very clearly listening to their 'base,' but I've also noticed how many different little ways the game has become more aggressively exploitative in the meantime. You are actually performing labour for DE when you play their game. They gather statistics and that plat other players pay you with in exchange for your labour had to come from somewhere. It's kind of complicated to explain, but if you expand your definition of 'currency' to include anything that grants an entity power, DE knows how to exchange one kind of currency for another. Basically what I want an end to capitalism.

    Oh yeah and I guess the gameplay should be good to.

  3. Is DE a worker co-op? Their 'summer internships' FAQ on their about page says,"(. . .) we’ll be happy to consider you for an internship or co-op position at Digital Extremes." I also found out that they're owned by a parent company but I don't know enough about company structures to know for sure how that affects DE internally. That's about the most I can find; I have no idea if 'co-op position' is just a meaningless buzzword in this context; it's pretty vague.

    I've been thinking about this in the context of the Fortuna storylines. Fortuna is so on-the-nose in so many ways, but I can't help but notice the dissonance between the anti-capitalist message of Fortuna and some the design choices in Warframe as a whole. How did the team behind Fortuna manage to get away with the relatively radical messaging of Fortuna? Is this just another case of co-option?

  4. Why not just give you the Riven as an unclaimed item, like every other slotted item? You can't do anything with the Riven, but you can see what you're waiting in anticipation for, once you have the requisite sixty plat. Seriously, why is this not a thing? Why is this not a thing for stuff you can buy from Baro, for that matter? 

  5. Same thing *just* happened to our party as well. Wolf was level 75, exterminate mission timer kept going anyways. That is 44 minutes I'll never get back. We didn't even have bad weapons, either. I was using a maxed out kitgun an there was at least one other party member using something that did a little more damage. Wolf is just designed waste time, I guess? 

    Considering we don't have the option to spawn in other enemies while this is going on, the mission effectively becomes unbeatable. 

    Basically, bumped. 

    The obvious solution would be to make have the mission timer pause while Wolf is causing a ruckus. Also the obvious solution would be for Wolf to not be a boss that requires Rivens. 

  6. Considering how much I use Nezha, and that I never discovered this, I'd still say it's something that needs to be addressed. Like, if we press our three again and there's no other valid targets, just let it shield our Setinel. It's not that hard. 

  7. 5 hours ago, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

    you can actually do that you just need to move your character at the same time so that your sentinel falls behind a bit so you can get your crosshair on it, heres a clip of how to do it, seems a little clunky at first but it becomes second nature quite quickly if you run safeguard a lot.







  8. While we're talking about it, would be REALLY nice if Nezha could use his 3 to target his OWN HECCKKKKING SETINEL while he has Safeguard equipped. It's incredibly frustrating to realize that, because of a quirk in the camera, you will never be able to center you camera on your Setinel unless you get very, very lucky and they get stuck on something. 

  9. The only reasonable explanation is that he's going to be grind-able at the end of this. That's all I can possibly imagine. Also, why isn't his drop pool diluted with mods that aren't trash? Like seriously, there's literally nothing else but the hammer parts that's rewarding about fighting him. 

    Speaking of which, why is he not worth Nightwave Standing?! He's incredibly difficult to kill and he has unkillable minions that make the fight even more unpleasant. It feels like we're not getting rewarded at all for beating him. 

  10. One of the first things the Linux Mint installation page instructs you to do when installing their software, if you have an Nvidia GPU, is to blacklist Noveau. So yeah that isn't an option. 

    What's 'going green?' 

    As far as I can tell, I've had this problem for a pretty long time. I turned off Vertical Synching in-game to increase performance and lower the chances of my computer melting its way to the core of the Earth. 

    It looks like I'm exactly set at DXVK 0.90 under my settings for Warframe. Will rolling it back to 0.89 cause other problems? I thought this installer required me to keep everything up to the latest edition, but maybe that's something else. 

  11. I'm running mine under Linux Mint 18.3, and I play the game while running my Nvidia 1050 GPU. I'm running it using Lutris. Considering someone else is getting the same problem under a completely different setup to mine (if I'm to understand that hardware setup correctly), it doesn't look like it's a Linux-related problem. 


    Update: I was not reading that correctly. The setup of nonchip uses a Linux partition. Well then. That dashes that hope. 

  12. 27 minutes ago, lnfine said:

    (. . .) I don't play fullscreen and I have a laptop and play the game on discrete videocard while the desktop renders on the integrated one. So problems don't bleed into the rest of the system usually.

    I have never been able to get that to work; I just gave up and set my Nvidia card to the active card. I tried Bumblebee, I tried Primus, I tried a whole bunch of random tips and tricks that somewhat related to what I was trying to do, but nothing's worked. 

    Forgot where I was going with this. I guess that that's not an option for me? I'm otherwise the same; I'm on a laptop and don't play in Fullscreen either. 

  13. On 2019-04-03 at 8:44 AM, SilentMobius said:

    DE were pretty clear about in the Dev streams preceding the release of the Liset and the New Player experience circa U14. I assume they thought that The quest chain Vor's prize having Ordis describe the landing craft you recover from Vor as the "Liset" (With the external shape matching the windscreen shape that you first see) and the area below the ramp that Ordis introduces to you as the "Orbiter Compartment" was enough to convey that.


    The average player is not going to be watching every dev stream or search for that particular dev stream. Additionally, the average player is going to have very little idea what's going on during the tutorial section other than learning the basic controls and learning that Vor is a hammy, two-bit antagonist who never shuts up. I don't remember that comment, and given how many players comment on threads like this saying they thought their Orbiter was the Liset, they didn't remember that comment either. Basically, it's a piece of information that DE failed to convey very well in-game. Maybe, I don't know . . . *showing the Liset Docking with the Orbiter* or *showing the rest of the party in their Orbiters instead of Landing Crafts* would tell a different story. 


    TL;DR: Lots of people who don't avidly watch the devstreams or obsess over the lore were confused, and justifiably so. The difference between the Orbiter and the Landing Craft is not well-presented in-game. 

  14. Particularly for trade chat, the ability to include or exclude certain terms is a life saver. However, there's still some flaws in the current design. You cannot filter for a list of strings whose elements may appear in any order within a larger string and you cannot choose circumstances in which to not exclude a string, if you normally exclude a string.

    Since even I'm having a hard time understanding what I just wrote, let me provide an example of a common problem:

    In the trade chat, Person A is looking to sell the Nosepicker Prime Fingernail. Person A is not looking to buy anything. Because the unfiltered trade chat is a never-ending torrent of chaos from which there can be no escape, Person A first sets their filter to include only strings containing 'wtb [nosepicker prime fingernail].' Suddenly, that never-ending torrent becomes a tiny trickle! Person A realizes that people will often be looking to buy more than one thing, and it's possible that someone else listed a different item in front of '[nosepicker prime fingernail].' Realizing this, Person A changes their filter to instead look for 'wtb' and '[nosepicker prime fingernail].' Suddenly, they can see a lot more offers! However, a new problem emerges: many of these offers are people looking to buy things that have nothing to do with the Nosepicker Prime, and many of them are other offers to sell the Nosepicker Prime Fingernail. What can person A do now? Well, they can solve part of their problem by including a 'NOT 'wts' ' term. This eliminates one of their problems, but Person A is still left trying to figure out how to deal with the other half of their problems. Person A is still figuring that part out. 

    What Person A doesn't realize is that they've created a whole new problem for themself. See, there was another person, Person B, who was looking to buy the Nosepicker Prime Fingernail as well! However, Person B was ALSO looking to SELL the Nosepicker Prime Nugget, because they have four already. Because the trade chat forces you to wait a decent chunk of time before posting again, Person B is incentivised to put all their 'wtb' and 'wts' terms in the same comment. Thus, Person B posts 'wtb [nosepicker prime fingernail] 69p wts [nosepicker prime nugget] 34p.' Person B will never pass Person A's filter! Person A's filter eliminates anyone who uses 'wts' in their terms, even if they'd also be 'wtb.' If chat filters had more precise and nuanced logic, this problem could be avoided. 

    Alternatively, an auction house-like trading system would be nice. Just . . . just saying. 




    DE fix please. 

  15. In the Archwing Mission Type, there is an arbitrary limit to how far 'up' and 'down' we can look. We cannot perform 'backflips' with our cameras. In fact, there's a forced up-down orientation in Archwing Missions. Besides taking away one of the most fun elements of space flight in games and generally not making sense, it doesn't mesh well with how enemies attack you in-game! Enemies will come at you from every direction, and sometimes the most efficient path to turning and aiming at them is to look straight up or straight down, but we cannot do that. Basically, forcing an up-down orientation creates problems and solves none.

    Basically, stop that. 

    Instead, redesign the Archwing controls to account for pitching, rolling, yawing, strafing, elevating, and moving forward/backward. As I'm a PC user, I can only provide an example of this usage for the PC: mouse movements for pitching and yawing, 'w' and 's' for forward and backwards, 'ctrl' and 'space' for elevating up and down (relative to your own 'look vector'), 'a' and 'd' for strafing left and right, and 'z' and 'c' for rolling clockwise and counter-clockwise. You can still use 'shift' and 'shift' + 'space' for boosting forwards and all that, even! This would improve the quality of life of Archwing Missions by a LOT for me and I suspect other players would find they'd have an easier time, too. 

    I'm not saying this is a 100% fix for how awful Archwing missions can be, but I think it's far more important than people realize. 

    What do other players think? 


    tl;dr: Let us fly upside-down, please. 

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