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Posts posted by VVarLeader

  1. Shards are a weekly end game power progression after completing end game content. (Suggested Changes.)


    Suggesting to modify the system to remove fodder loot and make it a way to help "newer" players. (respectively)

    * (150% Tau) Archon Shard = Upgrade chance 20% per week. (accumulative chance on failure)
    * (100% Basic) Archon Shard = Now able to refine basic archon shards to create 1 tau shards. Requiring "X" shards invested at "Y%" chance per shard.
    * (50% Flawed) Basic Archon *traded* = Yields HALF power cannot be upgraded.

    These changes offer a way for players to help struggling players and allows inventory management & refinement.


    TAU red = 15% power strength (+20% chance per week via missions)
    BASIC red = 10% power strength (via missions & khal quests.)
    FLAWED red = 5% power strength (via failed upgrade attempts & trading)

    Tau Refinement success will be 5% per basic shard, via the helminith system using multiple shards to increase to 100% chance
    Refinement failure will cut the "basic" power in half and make it tradable to all tenno with a trade tax of 100,000 credits, additionally you can be vendor it for 10,000 credits.


  2. What is the bug.
    after Transferance in/out  All player input commands are dissabled outside of Movement. (unable to attack/use skills/transferance/gears/etc)

    How to create bug.
    Cast any ability/action in quick succession and Transferance in quick succession after while team is using abilities. (triggered through input latency spikes more often)

    How to FIX bug in game... 
    (die/enter revive animation state/arcwing death-dismount state, basically die or fall off map in operator warframe arcwing or necromech, if your state does not change you will be permenantly locked in transferance bug unless you die or fail mission (can happen on orbiter ship ocassionally and it BRICKS YOUR GAME! having to ALT+F4)

    How to QUICK TEMPORARY FIX (with in game command)
    create a /seppuku  macro  that triggers (PLAYER DEATH/Revive animation) This way you don't have to run around for an hour on Survival just to kill yourself in a tanky warframe.
    For balance purposes it could have 10 second cooldown or take 5 seconds to activate.

    RARELY & SADLY sometimes... this can trigger "IN OPERATOR MODE" if that happens you cannot even TYPE!!!!! the only fix is "DEATH" as the UI is completely bugged out.  ALT+F4 or CTRL+ALT+DEL or COMPLETE COMPUTER RESTART are the only fixes if the glitch occurs when switching into operator mode.


  3. What the HEK! vs Red-Rider Plinx-BB's! (weapon sound customization - in appearance tabs)
    Saw some of Tenno-Con discussion on the sounds... Braton & Hek "changes"...
    It got me to think of every-way in Warframe is customizable, all the player freedoms, the power fantasy, & the immersion, everything available at our finger tips...
    One of the very few things not customizable in Warframe are "WEAPON SOUNDS!", why is that?

    Why not provide players a way to access these amazing sounds along with others that developers and SFX creators work so hard to create?
    If you like the echo-heavy 50 cal. "Hek" sound, that classic mini-gun.... AK-zZVBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!, or a Plinx BB-gun... why not allow the player to interchange these sounds much like they do Warframe animations?
    A classic Wisp "Booty Animation" Rhino! holding a 1 "HEK" of a Plinx.
    And when that new player is like WTF is that gun! it shredding everything!
    Can't you tell its my Rainbow (6 Colored) "Red Rider BB-Gun" fully custom side arm a.k.a. "Lex Prime Incarnon" with plinx SFX and a gangster - tommy-gun nightwave skin - with all the best mods, and a 1 of a kind riven.

    Some people might prefer a "Silenced" HEK or Braton when hunting 3/3 sabotage caches on maps for mods and other rewards... to hear that elusive "HUMMING" from farther than 10m in a gun fight. (please increase the range to like 100m on these caches!!!! and to gradually get grow louder if you look towards the nearest door to the cache "invisible way-point marker for sound" or if you look in it's direction "as the crow flies". There's a lot of gun fighting in this game that's... "really loud!")

    Could go all out making it client side only. No restrictions: (loads of fun - and hours of craziness)
    * If client side only: a collection reward to own the weapon sound or 1+ variants of that weapon.

    If client & server side: a basic store cosmetic option could do the trick or even a helminith weapon modification.
    * Base type weapons together: throw/ melee/ gun/ bow/ rocket/ bounce explosive.
    * Initial Firing/Attack sounds only
    (NOT EXILUS SLOTS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOT DO NOT PUT IT THERE! Do not make us players choose between "COSMETIC FUN" and "VERY LIMITED POWA!" Even though it could work. for popular sounds like "The Hek SFX".)

    The only options we have now for sound customization are to tweak the crap out of our equalizers, cranking the Bass, Reverb, Echo, and other sound settings until they are just right turning our Plinx into a Dirty Harry Magnum. Sadly this causes the rest of the game could sound less great.

    Additionally this sound cosmetic change to customize the sounds of weapons will bring hours of additional fun to guns like the Plinx along with every single other weapon in the game! And still keep the game sounding great! Imagine all the possibilities! "Ahh the Plinx - Mosin Nagant carbine capable of deafening anything within 100 yards and turning midnight into peak daylight in a single shot" #youtube The "Mosin Nagant" is one of worlds loudest guns.

  4. They are all the same code link to your account recruit a tenno page the version just changes the style settings.

    BOLD italics underline Or some combination

    Most apps use different commands for formatting and some don't even allow the formatting.
    Worst case scenario just COPY & PASTE a link.

    Hope this helps. If you're still having trouble with it here's my links for the PC recruit a tenno perks so your friend can get the 7 day boosters.



  5. It's because you helped someone in game thrice upon a time.

    The recruit a tenno was modified a few times 1 reward per grandfathered iteration you had a recruit a tenno active.
    Basically since your an OG and you've been helping tenno for a long time you get more rewards.
    It's Kick ass & pretty snazzy if you ask me.


  6. TLDR
    In all seriousness, mechanically this will prevent unnecessary strain on fingers & hands, prolong the life of ones computer hardware, and additionally assist in creating "additional content" that provides exciting new ways to play the game. All of which will benefit the product... Warframe.


    Semi-Fire Rate too fast for humans?

    I noticed this issue heavily with the secondary weapon [AKBOLTO PRIME] as it has a semi-fire firing trigger.
    With a single attack speed mod  [LETHAL TORRENT] you can reach over 11 fire rate (11 shots per second).
    +60% speed
    +60% multi-shot
    It is a very solid mod which I use in most of my secondary weapon builds.

    A problem arises with the Akbolto Prime having a fire rate of 7 baseline growing up to 11+ shots per second with just this mod. (It can go even further up to 22+ shots per second with additional mods and can reach near 30 fire rate with rivens added to it.) However these rates are just too far outside the bounds of humanly possible to reach without over complicated macros or third party programs. And just think of the person and mouse being hammered by those 30+ rounds per second on semi-fire.. RIP, sore fingers, cramped hand, & broken mouse.

    Possible Solutions (and millions of new ways to build weapons, and have fun, created.)

    1. If an attack speed Mod is placed on a primary or secondary weapon it will allow you the option to modify the trigger type along with the bonus attack speed.

    • Option 1: Burst Fire: (3 choices) Allow all shots to be 3 shot burst, create an alternate burst fire (if none exists), or add additional X shot burst to a weapon with burst.
    • Option 2: Dual Trigger: Press and release trigger dual action. Think [Tigris] but without the absurd 
    • Option 3: Empty Clip: (2 choices) Alternate or Permanent Auto fire until the entire magazine is empty. Will stop if weapon is unequiped
    • Option 4: Full Power/Drawn "Beams & Bows Only" : (2 choices) Only fire fully charged & drawn shots it will prevent you from firing basic and half power/drawn shots. You have the option for on firing to charge+fire a shot or automatically charge charge & draw the attack between shots. Again you cannot fire basic or half shots you have to wait for it to be fully charged before firing, because balance. It could have 3 additional sub choices to only fire basic, half, or full shots. The reason for these options is because of the youtube video Warframe: Machinegun Opticor Vandal posted by Zanagoth. I thought the video was amazing turning a "slow" beam weapon into pure fun and madness.
    • Option 5: Fully Automatic: Requires a minimum of 3 fire rate mods to select.
    • Option 6: No Change: No additional trigger action is applied to the weapon. This is useful on low shot weapons like the [Bronco], [Twin Rogga], or sniper rifles.

    Again you still obtain the mod fire rate increases regardless on which option you select. However to "prevent" mouse damage as well as finger injury or the requirement of macro's to optimize gameplay I believe these would be amazing additions to the game. PLUS! It has the added bonus of giving thousands of new gun builds. 40,000+ modifications per each primary and secondary weapon just with speed mods alone on top of the billions of choices their already were. It effectively allows you to "customize" your weapons further, and personalize them to your liking. Heck we could even allow "speed mods" to customize automatic weapons to make them "not-automatic" for the LOLs.

    2. We could just do nothing and focus on story content...  Why did I specify "story content"..., because all new weapons, frames, mechanics, mods, game modes are just a new variant on the existing game-play. This simple system would be just that as well. A highly customize able variant on gameplay. A.K.A. an additional bit of highly customize-able fun inducing content.
    YES, there is difficulty in creating an actual system for this as well as troubleshooting it to have it work correctly. However, if it is created it will add much more customization and depth to all current and future weapons. This is not necessarily to make weapons the best, but it will allow the creation of thousands of new builds and customization's on a per weapon basis. To create further enjoyment with the tools at your own disposal. I mean what else is that Mastery Rank 28 player going to bring to that lith relic... an Ignis, a regular Lanka? or a fully customized Lanka to replicate Warframe: Machinegun Opticor Vandal for funzies. It might not kill an eidolon, but it sure makes things fun.

    In all seriousness, mechanically this will prevent unnecessary strain on fingers & hands, prolonging ones computer hardware, and it will additionally assist in creating exciting new ways to play the game. All of which will benefit in extending the life of your product... Warframe.


    PS: Here's the reference video and screenshot of one of the comments on the video...


  7. Every ability and attack Melee, Guns, and sometimes Warframe abilities are being canceled by Auto parry. I use a Gunblade (redeemer prime) on Nidus with a variety of other weapons. Nidus is a tanky warframe with this build I mainly use his #2 ability + the Redeemer gunblade. This is a crazy deadly combination.
    Build Nidus: Max range, High effency, Minimum Duration, +Armor, +Health, +Adaptation, +Hunter adrenaline, This is a heavy ranged CC ability spam build. It works great for all 1-120 farming, and a solid build for any generic content
    Build Redeemer: gas/magnetic, 4x 60/60 mods, + condition overload + status (95%-100%) + shatter armor, and player choice of extra mods.

    THE BUG: I am continuously locked into an auto-parry animation during combat. This prevents the use of strong melee attacks with a gunblade (a.k.a. gun mode, pew pew, pew) while under enemy fire. It becomes literally IMPOSSIBLE to use the gunblade as a "gunblade" during combat. As auto-parry even resets the combo moves and the sometimes the combo itself mid attack. In a nut shell while under enemy fire by a horde of enemies your are infinitely locked into a parry animation unable to use your melee weapon, your gun, and certain warframe abilities.

    1. Do a Mission: Any area with a high density mob spawns that contains "enemies with guns". Survival & Elite Sancturay Onslaught work well for this.

    2. As soon as you have 5-10+ enemies in front of you that are not crowd controlled. You will be locked into a parry animation indefinitely unable to attack and unable to charge your gunblade: The only way to remedy this is: you die, you take cover, they die, or they are all crowd controlled.

    I get that the auto parry function is handy... HOWEVER! its removing your ability to play the game, use guns, use melee weapons, and become "NINJA!". Some warframe abilities are even canceled by the parry animation as well. There are times when I want the ability to parry function completely removed because of the game play hindrance it is creating.Or at least a chance to be turned off completely, or only trigger during a 3 second window of not attacking. However, the best fix would be to have it canceled by any attack input, and resume auto-parry after the action is made.

    Auto Parry "lockout" Possible Fix: Allow any "offensive action" & "offensive key press" made to instantly cancel both the auto-parry action & the auto-parry animation. Have auto parry resume 0-1 seconds after the previous animation sequence ends. (I was thinking 0.25 seconds)


    ALSO! melee channeling.....
    (please increase the visual noticeably of it either on the UI, your warframe, or both) 
    It is so hard to see when ifs actually toggled in combat... Especially during high end content like ESO or hour long survival missions.<-- There are words there...
    Suggestion 1: Maybe make an energy meter bar that's "ON FIRE!", during melee energy channeling.
    Suggestion 2: maybe make particle effects cover the "entire" weapon during your melee channeling into a "{{{{SUPER SAIYAN LIKE MODE!}}}}" or a very noticeable warframe color glow effect.

  8. So... Whats a legitimate way to BUFF atlas? .... 
    The Solution...
    Is in the intro to this video...


    Sorry just saw this video and it sounds like a proper buff to Atlas because 1 it doesn't work. However... IT SOUNDS AMAZING!

    @DE please make Atlas work good.

    Love the game keep it up.

    PS: I come from Warcraft, and we need bigger shoulder armaments. PLZ K THANKX  ❤️ XOXO
    PSS: Is it possible for Tennogen armaments to be created? I challenge all the tenno to make an shoulder armament that blots out the sun!

  9. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:


    Grab 2 cups and connect them with a string, LOOK ITS COMMUNICATION.

    Your saying ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS 
    are 100% of the time ON DISCORD 
    on the SAME SERVER in the SAME CHANNEL, ready to hear you say anything...

    Even discord could benefit from a "Friend Notification Log" don't give me, the just use discord. Your missing the point I'm getting at.

  10. It's just notifications. It's not a chat per say.

    Its just a chat log that records friends status & notifications. And it allows it to be updated from the chat. It would be no less confusing then the occasional person that replies to the wrong whisper, when trading.

    It's just there to help friends connect faster when things of note happen. It would just look like this if you remove "in-line" whispers.
    | Party | Friend | Clan | Alliance | Region | Recruit | Trade ||| Whisper | Whisper | Whisper |________________
    | You: Whats up all! Whose down to do some space ninja craziness!
    Friend-1: Anyone want to help on this E-Prime for this Nightmare mission.
    | Friend-2: Hey check it out guys, I got this awesome Rubico Riven [Rubico Dexcrita-Roxers-Boxers]!
    | Friend-3: Anyone want to grind AP for MR? I just got an affinity booster from my login.____________

  11. So here's my IDEA...

    People have friends lists... Most people like playing together, but it takes 7 clicks just to message someone, and most of the time its easier to message in random chat for groups or queue with randoms then actually play with friends. Going through multiple User Interfaces (UI) to even get to a friends list, let alone message someone or send an invite if the UI is bugged and doesn't let you invite from your friends list. Improving the social networks of a game increases longevity and retention. So making it easier for players to group up with friends & communicate with each other should increase player retention, and improve Warframe as a whole. Especially with rail jack coming out.

    WHAT IF.... we got a "FRIENDS CHAT" for friend notification and status updates
    This will primarily be for friend notifications, and it will give us a way to actively see what our friends are doing and if we want to join them in game.

    1. All your friends can see what you type... Non-friends see nothing. 
    2. Anything you type will update your status notification on your friends list.
    3. A chats / minute could be implemented to prevent message spam and server stress issues.
    4. Typing:  /AFK, /away, /brb, could update your status on your friends list to that status silently, any mobility input will remove away status.
    Whispering causes: "Username is away. This message was sent successfully."
    5. Typing: /Busy, /Dnd, /DoNotDisturb could set your status to busy and has to be manually over ridden for it to be removed.
    Whispering causes: "Username is busy. This message will be received they extract from the mission."

    This chat would primarily be used like a friends list notification feature, found in other games.
    Except it is streamlined to be more efficient and accessible.


    | Party | Friend | Clan | Alliance | Region | Recruit | Trade ||| Whisper | Whisper | Whisper |________________
    | You: Whats up all! Whose down to do some space ninja craziness!
    Friend-1: Anyone want to help on this E-Prime for this Nightmare mission.
    | Friend-2: Hey check it out guys, I got this awesome Rubico Riven [Rubico Dexcrita-Roxers-Boxers]!
    | Friend-3: Anyone want to grind AP for MR? I just got an affinity booster from my login.____________

    | Party | Friend | Clan | Alliance | Region | Recruit | Trade ||| Whisper | Whisper | Whisper |_______________
    | You: Whats up all! Whose down to do some space ninja craziness!
    | Friend-1 (whispers): Whats up I've been waiting been waiting for you to get online.
    | Friend-2 (whispers): Hey long time no see.
    | Friend-3 (whispers): Not much just leveling my new primes.
    Friend-1: Anyone want to help on this E-Prime for this Nightmare mission.
    | You (whisper) Friend-1: Ya I'll help you invite.
    | Friend-2: Hey check it out guys, I got this awesome Rubico Riven [Rubico Dexcrita-Roxers-Boxers]!
    | You (whisper) Friend-2: Wow! That riven is awesome! 200+% crit & 200+% crit dmg, that is so broken!
    | Friend-3: Anyone want to grind AP for MR? I just got an affinity booster from my login.

    | You (whisper) Friend-3: Ya man I just crafted a few new primes myself they just finished.___________

    It's just for notifications. It's not exactly a chat per say, because you respond in whispers. Its just a chat log that records your friends status & notifications. However right clicking on your input text (or using secondary fire for consoles) would allow you to select a notification update to talk in the chat without going to your friends list.

    As for anyone that thinks this would be worthless here's an example of actual usage.

    | Party | Friend | Clan | Alliance | Region | Recruit | Trade ||| Whisper | Whisper | Whisper |_______________
    | You: LFM index high risk nonstop 5+ hours
    | Friend-1 : Need help on mars spy mission can anyone help?
    | Friend-2 : Eidolons are up in 5min, need Volt or Chroma for 6x3
    | Friend-3 : Farming [Axi Relic C4] for Chroma Prime anyone wana help?
    | Friend-4 : Cracking random radiant Lith Relics LFM 3/4 need 1 more friend
    | Friend-2 : WOOT! Just got 3 [Arcane Grace] from my Eidolon groups in 1 night cycle!
    | Friend-5 : I'm bored someone whisper me lets do something...
    | Friend-6 : Anyone running HR index? I just got a daily booster I want to farm it for an hour or more.
    | You: LFM index high risk nonstop 4+ hours__________________________________________________

    | /whisper Friend-6 Do you still need a group for the index? Sending inv now_________________________|😊|

    You would be playing with friends more often and having a great doing so, forming groups quicker as well. You wouldn't need to make pickup groups as often with entire groups of random players that might ruin your gaming experience by having to carry the entire team. This will come increasingly more important once more coordinated content comes out, such as Railjack, Raids, and harder level content 100-400+ content.

    Why not just invite all your friends to your clan and just use clan chat? Many people are in clans for different reasons. Decoration Contests, Lab Perks, A small group of friends, A large community of gaming strangers to socialize, Bitesize Players, Casuals, Hardcore Players, No-lifers, Generic Users, & Losers, (27 million registered to be exact).

    Asking someone to leave a clan to join yours might hinder their preferred gaming ventures. And some clans refuse to increase ranks due to the player cap:resource requirements for decorations. 

    Just friending them allows you to game together and each pursue your own enjoyment of the game. Improving communication among you and your friends will also build stronger friendships. Both in game and out of game. (Who knew you would get a life lesson from reading a Warframe forum post.)


  12. If you bind your  crouch key to mouse wheel UP or mouse wheel DOWN.
    It will spam trigger stealth/void   and bug it so it shows your invisible at all times (even if you aren't invisible) 

    This is just a display bug, because you are still able to be shot/targeted by attacks. 

    But it can be hindering since you might think you are invisible when you are not.

  13. Some people like Nightwave.
    Some people dislike Nightwave.
    Some people like Old Alerts.
    Some people dislike Old Alerts.
    Some people like Both.
    Some people dislike Both.

    What changed?

    Nightwave: you need to earn approximately 40k-50k standing to get old alert rewards. except you can pick them.
    Old Alerts: 1 mission & get rewards, most people missed 50-80% of alerts due to multiple alerts activating during off-line hours.

    Why people dislike each system?

    The reason people dislike the nightwave is because if you "no life" the game you get less rewards from nightwave and more rewards from old alerts.
    The reason people dislike the old alerts is that there were never any "good" rewards to pick from when you logged in. Requires luck or no life.
    Wolf Creds = old alert rewards & you pick them, but you can't no life grind the rewards with more play time.
    Nightwave Tier = unique rewards and very good things. (large time investment)

    The main reason people are disliking the new system is that it takes Multiple hours to receive "any" reward from the nightwave system. People are wanting a fast easy method reward & a grind method reward. It already gives great season rewards as umbral forma and cosmetics (that's not what people dislike) it's the quick common rewards seeming lack luster, and it feeling like an unattainable grind (or lack of).

    POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Instead of giving wolf cred for only for tier rewards. (SUGGESTION)

    1. Have wolf cred be rewarded on the first completion of 10k standing once per week with 30 cred
    2. Have wolf cred be rewarded at a reduced rate for every 10k standing with 10 wolf cred so u can earn up to 40k-50k for multiple rewards
    3. Have wolf creds be rewarded by completing Nightwave Challenges or By capturing saturn six fugatives. +1-3 cred to capture all 3 or per completion of mission

    Not all rewards would be 50 creds.
    1 wolf creds (capture/kill 3 fugitives & completing daily challenges)
    3 wolf creds (capture/kill Wolf of Saturn & completing weekly challenges)
    5 wolf creds (capture/kill Wolf of Saturn within 5 min & completing weekly elite challenges)
    10 wolf creds (first completion of 10k standing reward)
    15 wolf creds (low tier battle pass reward) it actually feels like a reward if you combine it on top of the other rewards
    30 wolf creds (mid tier battle pass reward) it actually feels like a reward  if you combine it on top of the other rewards
    45 wolf creds (high tier battle pass reward) it actually feels like a reward if you combine it on top of the other rewards

    So if you chain farm missions on average saturn six fugatives / wolf will invade at the following times once mission/bounty/round at the following interval (something like this is already in game BTW):
    Week 1 - S6 invasion / 60 min / 30 min
    Week 2 - S6 invasion / 30 min / 30 min
    Week 3 - S6 invasion / 15 min / 20 min
    Week 4 - S6 invasion / 10 min / 20 min
    Week 5 - S6 invasion / 7 min  / 15 min
    Week 6 - S6 invasion / 5 min / 15 min
    Week 7 - S6 invasion / 4 min  / 10 min
    Week 8  - S6 invasion / 3 min / 10 min
    Week 9 - S6 invasion / 2 min / 5 min
    Week 10 - S6 invasion / 1 min / 5 min

    Spawn rate of Wolf = 10% consistent 1/10

    It you add up all the methods of wolf creds this will effectively:
    Give more creds when you play less.
    Give more creds if you play more.
    Give you a way to slowly grind wolf creds as well.

    45 wolf cred rewards per week with daily, weekly, & elite weekly max
    40 wolf cred per week rep (45k standing reward per weekly max)
    1,3,5 saturn six   capture/killing (repeatable)
    Battle pass tier rewards 15,30,45 wolf cred rewarded every 2-3 weeks on average
    Completing everything would effectively give you 90-100 creds per week by completing everything with random S6 invasions calculated in.

    Some of the wolf cred reward prices may need to be reworked/tweeked some for balancing purposes for the increase in wolf cred sources. But this can be easily done.
    Nitain 5 = 15-20-25
    Mod 1 = 20-25-30
    Warframe 1 = 25-30-35
    Cosmetic 1 = 30-35-40
    Weapon 1 = 50-55-60 
    Reactor/Catalyst = 75-100-125

    So, I've talked for some time...
    I've given you a way to be rewarded for minimum play time. (casual)
    I've given you a way to be rewarded for maximum play time. (hardcore)
    I've given you a way to farm the items you want for your play style and a way to grind for everything you need, even  if you cant access all the content.

    *NOTE: the nightwave tier battle pass rewards are reward enough however...
    (possible alteration to tier rewards)
    Giving us a reason to stockpile and burn large amounts of wolf creds. 1000+ wolf creds = tier reward of choice. This could be done effectively once per event. Example 1000+ wolf creds = 1 umbra forma. It acts as a second Carrot on a stick for players that own most rewards or a way to farm for something you might not attain otherwise if you started late.

    I would like to know what others think of this modified Nightwave concept. It combines what I think are the best of both Nightwave and Old Alerts. It gives consistent rewards & visual progress for all time invested. Where each thing you complete you are rewarded,  much like the old alert system, and you have a way to straight up grind for the reward you want as well. Plus you get the new Nightwave Tier (battle pass) rewards.

  14. I am experiencing a bug with the UI and arca plasmor. Damage display is WAY OFF! it also seems weaker in game but I have not payed attention enough the actual numbers.

    PIC 1 arca plasmor 150 base damage (bug)
    PIC 2 arca plasmor 150 base damage (bug)
    PIC 3 arca plasmor 600 base damage (normal)

    Apparently the issue is caused from a dragon key, it doesn't actively reset and update the UI after you remove it, it requires you to play a map without it before it updates.

    pic 1

    pic 2 

    pic 3

  15. I came across this on youtube.

    An entire clan of people exploiting the report feature to ban players that were attempting to Benifit/Help/Educate players on various aspects of the game.
    The reason, they cant scam players with inflated prices if they are educated.   
    I literally saw this and saw it as a possible exploit/bug  in the reporting process.
    I wanted to bring this to the attention of the [DE] community to relay this information.


  16. Hello all, 
    I'm curious to find peoples thoughts on this idea... So quest & events do a lot of fun things with the game. Especially those Revolving around the chains of harrow quest.
    Would anyone else like to see some of the Lighting changes during during the harrow quest and the enemy and mob spawns added to other areas of the game? with moderation and scarcity of course, as to not hinder normal game play?

    So here's my idea... implement the lighting effects found in the harrow quest and the modify some enemy spawns to mimic the feel of harrow quest.

    In a nut shell... (clicky reveal thingy below to see the full post) 


    In a nut shell just the lighting and visuals could change the game play up enough, modifying mob spawns for jump scares and the like, would instill fear especially with those pesky nullifies and maniacs. With the rarity / difficulty of this mode making "end of match double reward booster" would suffice, however a farm-able cosmetic or "ACTUAL BLACK ENERGY" that's not invisible wouldn't hurt. I do believe that there should be some  areas that are still lit, for players that do not like "the darkness" but keep these few and far between. Only appearing on certain tile template parts. Maybe even make a cypher item on the void trader that kills the lights on certain tile sets, for a hefty ducat price when using a security console when on a ship,  *warning* the rarity of this mode must be a thing... 1/100 chance by default when on a ship or 1/20 upon special event *invaded* when on a ship.  These are just examples but i think the rarity of this should be a thing. If there is a cosmetic reward have it be obtainable not to inflict hate towards the mode, 50% or higher drop rate should suffice if its the only way it can be attained due to rarity of mode.

    Create an event trigger that kills the lights / power within the zone on certain tile sets.
    Possible Triggers: On Successful Sigil Invader 5% chance, Alert or Wolf of Saturn quest, 0.5% chance on random mode when 66% complete.

    On say a survival map or defense map it would be very difficult to play effectively. So the only zones that would be affected are space ship maps OR specific building compound maps. To assist players with visibility on these maps create generated & script lighting areas on Defense points and in specific room or hallway loadouts.

    How would it be implemented? 
    1. On the possible maps have an addition lighting template on the map. where the light sources are removed at specifc areas on the logrythmic generated templates. So... remove the lights on say 20 of the 30 templates.   
    2. Have the darkness trigger within first 1-5 minutes of a mission as long, Upon first part of objective completion, on 50%-66% of objective is completed, upon entering combat with objective.
    3. Lighted areas, having lit areas would not be required but having an alternative to the darkness might put additional strategy into the map, say on a defense or survival. Where you can position yourself to use the lit areas as an attack objective.
    4. Possible Changes outside lighting: you could make clusters of enemies spawn from vents within 0-10 yards of you.if your squad stays in the same room X amount of time. or when passing over a vent within a certain time frame it spawns 1 enemy per player in game once every 5 minutes upon passing within 10 yards of a logarithmic random vent / locked door

    In a nut shell just the lighting and visuals could change the game play up enough, modifying mob spawns for jump scares and the like, would instill fear especially with those pesky nullifies and maniacs. With the rarity / difficulty of this mode making "end of match double reward booster" would suffice, however a farm-able cosmetic or "ACTUAL BLACK ENERGY" that's not invisible wouldn't hurt. I do believe that there should be some  areas that are still lit, for players that do not like "the darkness" but keep these few and far between. Only appearing on certain tile template parts. Maybe even make a cypher item on the void trader that kills the lights on certain tile sets, for a hefty ducat price when using a security console when on a ship,  *warning* the rarity of this mode must be a thing... 1/100 chance by default when on a ship or 1/20 upon special event *invaded* when on a ship.  These are just examples but i think the rarity of this should be a thing. If there is a cosmetic reward have it be obtainable not to inflict hate towards the mode, 50% or higher drop rate should suffice if its the only way it can be attained due to rarity of mode.

    Apologies for a bit of rambling but I do believe, with the right amount of rarity this could be an amazing addition to the game. It would effectively double the map load outs in certain areas. Add excitement when the event triggers because of bonus rewards. Though the maps would be navigated the same in theory, what lurks in the darkness and around every corner, will catch you by surprise.

    Who knows they could even make this an annual event that functions like (nightmare) for one week during the year to make a farm-able version of it.


  17. 276?cb=20171213152530
    Fisher Hai-Luk, age 57 
    Username: TheCrazyKavatLady469

    I am a fellow kavat lover seeking a
    [Loyal Companion] with [Charm], whose into [Mischief] with a [Shock Collar], willing to [Pounce] & [Bite]. They must wield a [Large] [Charc Eel] with [Enduring Affliction], [Melee Prowess], [Primed Reach], for that [Finishing Touch] to help get me off... my [Rebound]. I am an experienced [MR 30+] woman and I can teach you the differences between an old lady who smells of fish during the day, and a skilled dominatrix whose mastered the art of love making by night.

    [Valkyr] main, with [Hysterical Assault]

    (everything beyond this point is not part of the contest post)
    My idea was to show the unseen life of the NPC. Being shes a middle aged woman 45-65. I went off the stereo type of the crazy cat (kavat) lady. I had to make some sort of obvious fishing reference  so I used the charc eel with some crude humor thrown in. The dominatrix spin is the icing on the cake, I took what I considered to be a Russian accent and ran with even though I thought it might be too left field. But then I thought a professional dominatrix does not act like one during the day hours, in-fact they are quite pleasant to be around, and most of the time you would never even know. It's the perfect fit, she just has a day job, and she uses the plumbing comments as a cover-up for her night job.Thus I put all of these together and came up with a middle-aged fisher "of men", crazy kavat lady, dominatrix, with a preference to catlike berserker warframes, likes shock collars, is pouncy, and bitey, . You will never look at Fisher Hai-Luk the same again...& Your welcome...
    This entry was submitted by VVarLeader (PC)

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