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Posts posted by TheMikman97

  1. None of the bows ingame are capable of firing 3 or more arrows at once and causing insta kills on impact (not anymore) on these levels.

    Lv 70 Infested.

    Have you ever heard of the Dread? or Killing healers first? or, you know, MODS?


    EDIT: i forgot but yeah, just 2 arrows instead of 3, too bad you still oneshot anyway

  2. DESCRIPTION: Since the deployment of U18 i can't join or play missions as i'm stuck in the loading screen forever

    Who - Me

    What - Loading and Mission Problem

    Where - On a Nintain Alert


    CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? - Yes, every time but once when instead of staying forever in the loading screen it just crashed


    EDIT: i now managed to join once in solo, but nothing loaded and i kept falling anyway to my demise

  3. If weapon without a single ROF mod has no way to sustain itself by pick ups then we have an example of bad design which should neither be protected nor encouraged.


    DE should hire this guy, he did a better job than their entire balance team by himself

  4. I agree that it needs a buff.

    But not that much actually.

    A maxed Ignis already kills everything faster than you can say Clem til level 20-25 or so.

    Of course you can argue that a Lato can do the same, but a Lato doesn't kill two dozen enemies at once.

    I dare to say there is no other weapon in the game that comes even remotely close to the killspeed of the Ignis in low to mid-levels. Especially with sinister reach.

    If you just take out trashmobs with it and complement it with something like the Marelok for heavies, you can take it to more high-level stuff.

    And with Ember and an Accelerant-build it's viable for endgame.

    I think a status buff would be perfect for more crowd control capabilities. So it will be the king of low levels like it already is, but also a lot more viable for high levels and also more viable without 5 Formas and a maxed Heavy Caliber.

    Damage should be buffed only a little, otherwise it would be too strong considering its room-clearing capabilities.

    20-25, do you see the problem there?


    Ok , they could build a money back after nerf system ... dont like the weapon anymore ? Here are the 80-120p back on your account.


    It worked quit well in WoT with the Premiumtanks ...after a Nef you could decide if you want to keep it or get your Ingame Gold back ...


    But we will see ......



    I feel like with how DE's nerfs work they'd go bankrupt by doing something like this



  6. What we should do, as a community is making a forum post for "Weapon X Is fine as it is and here is why..." every time some jelous kid cries for a nerf on said Weapon X.


    Because that's what it is, jelousy.


    1) "gun" is strong after 6 forma and has hard and tedious building requirements;

    2) High-level player goes in a low level mission to try it out after polarizing it;

    3) N00bz get their kills stolen by both the gun's strength and the player's skill and speed;

    4) instead of going the constructive way of: "he's so strong i want to be as strong a him" they get mad and cry on the forums;

    5) DE gets pissed at all the crying players making noise and overnerfs as a result, just to be sure of never hearing from them again

  7. I agree, who needs balance in a PvE game anyway? I'm going to start posting that Boltor Prime needs a buff to over 9000 damage. For so long I have been of the opinion that balance was a crucial part of creating a challenge in a PvE game, but I see now that I was wrong. We don't need balance, we need weapons that kill literally everything before it breathes.


    Hey, I've got a great idea, why don't we ask DE to release a weapon that kills enemies before they even spawn! Imagine how much better the game would be, you'd be able to complete any mission in the game with ease. And it's truly a co-operative weapon, it kills everything so that your teammates don't have to.


    What fun!


    What's the matter bruh? u mad cause your sentinel is stealing your kills in your level 5 apollodorus runs?

    i don't know how the vulklok was OP, it didn't oneshot anyone in raids... and if you take your casual low levels into account sweeper oneshots targets too, while also stunning them and showering them in procs, but apparently that's fine as it only shoots 10m right?

  8. The real Problem is not syndicate weapons having too high mastery requirement, it's Boltor Prime And Soma Prime, Scindo Prime, Tonkor and other end game weapons having a too low one. mastery requirement should be looked at again and rebalanced, placing stronger weapons further into hi levels where they will not be considered overpowered or gamebreaking by low level players oneshotting butchers on terminus

  9. Just an extra idea for his lore:

    One of the grineer higher up capture one of the tenno cyropod and experimented on him and tried to make it to work under them but then he regained his self (could be maybe flaws in the experiment or something to do lotus help) and able to be break from the grineer's control and as usual fight alongside lotus.

    Though your lore sounds really more badass XD


    This sounds like a grineer Valkyr



  10. The Simulor has been introduced for the solee purpose of being the new cephalon and future synoid gun, so expect it for the Suda primary.


    for the Steel meridian i think drakgoon or buzlok.


    For Arbiters i'd really like a True Vectis upgrade, but i think Sybaris or Tiberon are more plausible

  11. It's not about a few weapons, is an entire damage and enemy scaling system that isn't working.

    Just go on a simulacrum and put an high level heavy unit from the Grineer or Void faction(from 65 to 95), you'll see how many weapons are NOT capable of defeating him without spending a huuge amount of projecticles and ammo magazines against. This is the real problem, not the weapons damage.

    After saying that, we can say that many weapon that have been released years ago, like the Dera, are quite expensive and need an high MR. Even tho they're not capable to put down a lv 30 heavy unit in a decent time, and Heavy Caliber especially for the weapon said above completely broke it, changing from a high precision rifle to a stormtrooper one.

    We need enemy scaling and damage 3.0(this last if it's really necessary) and we need it now, cause right now the end-game of Warframe is only artificial difficult and a race to put down the enemy before he use his aimbot and completely destroys you, that's it.


    You can also try to put a heavy grineer aganst a tech at level 70 and higher, and see how the tech gets shredded before the armored grineer gets his health to 3/4

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