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(XBOX)FE Toxsilk

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Posts posted by (XBOX)FE Toxsilk

  1. Maybe I speak for myself and myself alone here, but I miss the raids. I see topics talking about how they were boring and unrewarding and all I can do is wish they were back

    I came from another world, Azeroth specifically, where boring and unrewarding was the normality. I would sit for hours constantly repeating the same pulls after pulls until eventually 6 hours had gone by and all I had was a repair bill.

    Back when I was still relatively new to this game I saw the Law of Retribution and it was the first interaction with other player I had ever had. I had a desire to complete this raid, and in the process I met my very first clan. They were a batch of newbies like me. I remember sitting up night after night trying to get past the locked door because of our poor communication, or theory crafting in our clan meetings to see how we could get further. I remember sitting under a frost dome and laughing harder than I ever had while we all pushed our terribly modded weapons and warframes to their max.

    I never did get to finish the raids with my group and, I know some of the best players were able to finish in minutes. I see the topic of endgame brought up a lot. To me, the raids were end game. The raids brought interaction that I don’t have anymore. They gave me something to continuously strive for, something I could maybe never achieve, that’s what made it so desireable for my clan and I. Adding harder raids with larger rewards, I believe, would have satisfied people and given us all something to strive for. 

    Maybe im the only one who feels this way, but I found myself back then running to my clan every day to let them know the progress I had made, the weapon I had obtained, the mods I collected. I remember when our newest member showed up in the clan hall with his shiny new frame he had worked for and we all congratulated him. I don’t find myself being overjoyed by progression anymore. I miss the raids I experienced with a naive mind and, I miss the lackluster rewards. 

    Does anyone else feel this way about the raid system?

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