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Posts posted by T.A.K.A.I

  1. On 2024-07-25 at 4:05 PM, Megazawr said:

    still no fixes for these old detrimental bugs:

    • slams from operator launching you in the wrong direction or failing(probably may be fixed with the new low frame latency option)

    I've seen this today, but i think this happens just with Excalibur Umbra, but only on public match.

    On 2024-07-25 at 4:05 PM, Megazawr said:

    still no fixes for these old detrimental bugs:

    • If you use quick melee then quickly do a heavy slam attack, it can sometimes do a regular slam instead or do no damage at all(but you'll lose combo in any case)

    I see this happen all day...

  2. @updating: and this happened again on the 3 part of  the sortie, defense on the void.

    @updating 2: Happens on any map, with all focus school.

    I was playing on the 2 part of this actually sortie (mob defense on the void), with Excalibur Umbra, Ceramic Dagger and Death Cube. When i try to use the common attack to gain more combo multiplayer, i was just falled to the void underground. I used stuck, but this still continue happens.

    The "common attack" is when u use ground slam attack. I do this jump with warframe, press 5 to change for the operator, and press E to attack with meele on the ground to activate the Naramon's skill to gain more combo multiplayer when attack enemies.

    On the video, u can exactly what happened:


  3. I just wanna know if someone did on Elite mode. We tried 3 times, came on the last round, but is impossible, because we need to defend the center, collect the glyphs and/or kill the necramech for reduce the time. I think maybe this "Eroding Sense" ('The Auricle and Vitreum take damage over time, collecting the required Vosphene Glyphs will halt the degradation and partially heal them.')" is too much, making this mission too difficult, even for elite mode. Maybe if this heal more, would be possible to do it.



  4. About his prices, u can check yourself on official website Warframe Market. Particularly, i get the rare drop, unless this cost little (Knell barrel, as example) and the uncomom drop would be some part that i need to complete any set (i dont sell parts of warframes and some weapons and pets that costs at least 50pl their sets). But, yes, u can get the rare and sold this to obtain some uncomom drop that u need, and maybe left some plats. And for ducats farm, obviously u must take the rare drop, even u already got this drop.

  5. 4 hours ago, goblin.sky said:


    I love the hounds, we need beter skins for them, please D.E. i'm jewelry designer (zbrush sculptor) this immage is a concept mash up.

    Link broken.

    I agree, but we need too new ephemeras for sentinels/companions or rework on kuva ephemeras (they are very boring).

    • Like 3
  6. On 2024-03-26 at 8:55 PM, Zakkhar said:

    You already have more options with Railjack and Steel Path. You just choose not to use them.

    You and me knows that I'm not the only player doing this. 🙃


    On 2024-03-27 at 5:20 AM, sly_squash said:

    So you're saying you want all void-fissure-able mission types to be available as void fissures all the time, just sometimes they swap between lith/meso/neo/axi/requiem?  So there's always a capture fissure somewhere that you can do?

    I dont mentioned requiem, just the others is importants to me, but yes, that's the ideia.

    On 2024-03-27 at 5:20 AM, sly_squash said:

    Maybe it could be nice, but idk it's kinda weird given that the fissure expirations are staggered.  That means if your one-and-only capture fissure expires and becomes a defense mission, then you'll be without a capture fissure until the next fissure expires.  Also you'll be able to predict that, if the next void fissure to expire is currently a neo interception, it will become neo capture.  With sophisticated enough analysis, you'd probably be able to predict the whole schedule ahead of time before things even switch.

    Perhaps some of the charm of void fissures is the randomness.  It also makes for mildly-interesting cost-benefit analysis.  Maybe you settle for the rescue when there's no captures available.  Maybe you settle for the interception when there's no defense available.  Or maybe you wait and hope it comes around next rotation.  Who knows?

    I recommended this ideia exactly to dont need to predict what's the next type mission on specific void fissure mission, when I want to do fast missions. And capture is just an example, could be what ever what you prefer.



  7. The game have differents missions on void fissures (capture, rescue, exterminate, interceptation, disruption, etc.), but not always we can do the type we most like. So why we could not have all the missions types on void fissure open at same time? And, them can be reset, at same time, just changing his type. Example: axi (capture) is on, but when reseted, this void fissure can be defense or what ever other type.

    I like the disruption mission for long farm, but I like too do capture or exterminate for fast farm. I'm sure we have a lot players that play like that too, with their prefered mission types.

    I would apreciate see that in game, on the future.

    • Like 2
  8. I'm on PC, and I just can't use it or stay on it for a long time, because the game forces me to get off Kaithe all of a sudden. I need to summon the kaithe several times in a row, and hope the game doesn't force me down.

    Furthermore, the skill becomes unavailable, for no apparent reason.

    It is impossible to play using kaithe.

  9. Já adicionei as portas UDP no firewall do pc (windows 10), tinha adicionado até as TCP, por via das dúvidas, já pedi pro pessoal do provedor da minha internet liberarem essas portas, pedi até pra criarem uma reserva DHCP, já testei o jogo, jogando com o firewall do windows desativado, mas continuo tendo problemas de lentidão pra achar esquadrão, e quando acha, tenho problema de delay/lag durante a partida toda, e agora começou a dar migração de host pra mim depois de uma travada na tela de carregamento. Se eu sou o host, o pessoal do squad tem o mesmo problema. Não sei mais o que fazer. Não é a primeira vez que esse problema volta a acontecer. Eu entendo pouco disso, a reserva DHCP eu vi num vídeo tutorial que seria útil, mas pelo jeito não tem ajudado a resolver isso.

  10. Where's his rework?! 😢 Our boi needs it. 😓

    Until this dont happens, lets dream 🤗😎🤓

    Some tips:

     - Decoy/skill 1:

    • clone can continue don't causing damage significant, but needs a lot more hp and/or damage reduction...(on now days, this clone is like a paper, everyone know this...).
    • some % of damage causing to loki are transfered to his clone until him disappear or die.
    • when 1 is active, loki is immune to any effect status (or some specific status?! slash?).
    • when 1 is active, loki recovery hp, and his clone lose hp on same time.

     - Invisibility/skill 2:

    • some seconds of total immunity and/or negative status's dissipation, on casting.
    • during invisibility, the skill duration is increased for each enemy killed.

    That's it. I think it would be cool. 😄

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