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Posts posted by Axianamus

  1. 2 hours ago, Get_Singed said:

    She better still be vulnerable to fire damage or her ult would negate her passive.

    Ember is meant to be a caster frame, if not THE definitive caster frame. Giving her an exalted weapon is counterintuitive to this.

    I mean did you read it? It's not a weapon. She's using fire. Fireballs. Jet of fire. Not a weapon. I compare it to an exalted weapon because they change the way you attack. That's all.

  2. This is nothing like valkyr's ability though. Except I guess it has a melee attack. So does Titania.


    Oh, I'd also like to point out that she's still vulnerable to fire damage in this state because I like things that make no sense. They make me giggle. Like for the longest time rocket launchers were stealth weapons.

  3. I'm calling it Inferno. Because some guy on reddit called his idea for inferno and I steal idea's. I'm a nice guy like that.

    His thread here. His ideas are nothing like mine but it inspired me to think of this


    Ember is consumed in fire and she enters an enraged beserker state. I'm thinking a pissed off fire god. On activation she explodes in fire, releasing a fire wave similar to her current 3. The flames that engulf her deal AoE damage around her in a fairly short range. She gains a flat amount of damage reduction. To keep this balanced this does not scale with mods. 60 - 75% possibly. Or maybe she gains flat bonus armor while it's active, this would scale with mods. (Flat because her armor is so low normally that a percentage based modifier would be terrible)

    Now have you ever played ESO? The Sorcer has an ability where you basically punch things with lightning. That's what this does. Your fists erupt in flames. Primary fire shoots a fireball similar to what we currently have. Just more damaging. Secondary fire unleashes a jet of hellfire from both hands. Melee attacks in this form use a brawling stance and deal AoE explosive and heat damage with a high status chance for both.

    Essentially this is an exalted weapon. Except it's exalted everything.

    Actually lets just change the name to Lord of Fire or something equally edgy. Harbinger of the Flame. I don't know. I painted flames on my liset and dog. Obviously I'm super cool.

  4. 1: Vauban Prime

    2: One of the tennogen jetpacks

    3: An armor pack, any of them

    4: Smoke or saturated color packs, or really any of them that's not infested.

    5: Kavat armor

    6: Blood Rush

    7:A paying job in the IT field with decent hours.

    8:Nova Asuri Delux

    9: Xiphos

    Thanks to all who and have a great Christmas.

  5. It would take 20 seconds for an enemy in the void to die from damage alone. I was thinking 100 damage but that would be near useless high level. I had thought about just armor stripping but that would make it useless against 2 of 3 factions. The reality is in any realistic situation 5% health per second is too slow to be of any real use. I wouldn't be opposed to dropping it as low as 2% however since it is a passive.


    His ult I just wanted to be useful. His current ult is not IMO and I couldn't think of a way to make it useful. It would also make for 2 different build based on his ult. Similar to Nova. A longer duration would increase the damage wave and allow for limbo to be used as a nuker, whereas a shorter duration would allow limbo to be used as a CC cannon as well as emergency banish in an area around him to protect an objective.

  6. No one knows what to do with limbo. He's in a bad spot. Most of his abilities are situational and can actually hinder the team.

    Passive: Enemies banished to the rift are slowed and the rift chips away at their health and armor. Enemies in the rift take 5% of their health per second as finisher damage, lose 10% armor per second and are slowed by 20% Allies gain 2 energy per second while in the rift.

    1. Banish: I think it could use a charge mechanic. Press for a single target. Ally or enemy. Hold to generate a small AoE that only banishes enemies in the area. Unlike cataclysm, this doesn't generate a bubble of rift death. It just banishes multiple enemies. But not allies. The AoE range on it is smaller as well.


    2. Rift walk: I think limbo should automatically get the benefits of rift surge in the rift, maybe on a smaller scale. Rift walk should shift him into the rift AND give him a 30 - 50% damage bonus. As is now there's no real benefit to bringing someone into the rift with you without having to cast 3 different abilities to achieve anything worthwhile.


    3. Rift Surge: Allies inside the rift, in range of the ability (or infinite range. That'd be okay actually) are granted increased armor and damage. Damage dealt by allies in the rift heal limbo for 1% of the damage dealt.


    4. Cataclysm: Limbo supercharges himself with rift energies. Causing himself to exist in both planes at once. Over the next few seconds (3 to 4) violent rift energies are released from limbo at random in every direction causing damage to all enemies in range. The culmination of the ability ends in a massive cataclysm that rends enemies asunder and banishes surviving enemies into the rift while suspending them in stasis for a few seconds.

    Keep in mind that because limbo exists in both planes during this ability he can be damaged and damage enemies in both planes, making him vulnerable until the ability climaxes. It leaves limbo banished at the end of the ability to deal with his new friends.

  7. I came across this on reddit. May have been posted here, may not have been. But it's a crazy good idea and I think it needs to be shown off here as well. I don't know this guy. Never spoken to him before.




    From what it looks like, it's a multi staged mission similar to raids. You complete one objective, move to the next. There are side objectives that affect rewards and how later stages are played out.


    Some people commenting are worried that this would make missions unnecessarily long. So the suggestion was brought about to make it an alert. I'm fine with either. Alert or standard mission type. 

  8. My ember prime's world on fire can tick 6600 damage. The AoE stun from the 2 is also fairly powerful. Is it a bad choice? Yea, I would say so. But an experienced player can make the most of it. The 2 has a pretty large AoE, and it stuns as well as providing a huge damage amp for any fire damage that hits the enemy. On the off chance you actually have fire damage on your gun, and not just blast or radiation, you're going to do a fair bit of extra damage.


    Let's say you have 100 damage and 90% fire damage. 190 damage total. My ember can put out up to around 572% increased fire damage. Which means your 90 damage turns into 604. ish. Your overall damage just went up around 3.5x what it was. Now if you're dealing with heavy gunners, they will take 25% increased damage due to having cloned flesh, and the only enemy that takes reduced damage from fire is corpus bosses, techs, and targets. None of which you'll find in a void mission. Aside from targets maybe.


    Long story short, if you're playing with an ember who knows what they're doing, mod your weapons appropriately, and they will help you amp your damage a considerable amount.

  9. I want to punch people until they explode. It was made apparent to me that you can in fact punch people, but they don't explode. This is an issue. I want brass knuckles with blocks of C4 duct taped to them.


    "But that would kill you!" Well yes, but it would still be awesome. Also space ninja's. They can dodge the fist induced explosion with space majiks.


    Sign here for Fist Induced Explosions.

  10. Interception specific maps, such as earth's maps, would be fantastic. That one earth map with all the bridges and whatnot is fantastic. It's large and open, and yet with the layout and ziplines it's quick to get around. I think every game mode should have a unique tileset. Not just reuse the same defence maps already there.

  11. Hey DE, the Halikar needs 500 Oxium to craft. I'm assuming that this is similar to the Akzani needing 200 Morphics back in U14. Is this actually a bug? And if so, please fix? :)

    Also, sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place. Still new to the forums. :D

    Zehpyr is 600. I doubt it's a typo

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