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Posts posted by WolfieAspenBlaze

  1. this is a little bug that happens with the Corinth Prime when you equip a skin on it

    I'm using the Corinth Solstice skin that I earned a long while back. and what happens is that my frame literally bends his/her left arm to grip it above the hand on the trigger

    I have 2 screenshots to show this

    #1: on Equinox Prime: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2043596191 

    #2: on Frost Prime: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2043597267

    notice the position of the left hand

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  2. 37 minutes ago, Daxidol said:


    I am still able to loot/interact when entering Operator mode however, doing so picks up all of the loot that's following me and allows me to interact with objects (though not Murmurs obviously, sadly).

    Happens when I'm host too. Playing on Wisp if that's relevant.

    one thing I found that fixes it is full-on dying. I tested it by letting a Grineer scorch down me (which also made it so I couldn't hold X to revive). I just waited till I bled out and when I respawned, it was fixed

  3. This is a bug I've discovered that seems to happen during Lich missions. I don't know what causes it, but these 2 things seem to happen. screenshots provided for proof.

    1. I am unable to use the interact button (X) on specific things like stabbing Thralls, hacking consoles, and even reviving my pet


    2. All and any loot I go to collect wont register as collected, it just floats below my warframe

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