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Posts posted by Hakuro81

  1. 3 hours ago, CheeseGromit said:

    This annoys me, although it's probably great for those the need unvaulted relics. Axi D1 farming broke me (need to break, not uninstall) and I still don't have any Aksomati receivers. I wish one of the open world areas had the Prime Acess relics in the drop table. Better yet, an overall to the reward system to make targeted farming of a single item not such an exercise in frustration.

    Lucky to have a trade chat for that problem. Just buy it from other players for platinum or trade it for other prime stuff. You can check the prices of the parts on the internet. There are some websites especially for trading prime parts on some other stuff where you can easily find other players selling the parts you need.

    As long as you like to play together with other people, I think you might be able to do some trading too 😉

  2. You really should do something more to Kuva Liches.


    The main problem is to find random teams doing Liches. And it's getting worse the more time passes, because the initial hype is already gone so lesser people are hunting their liches or even bother getting a larva.


    So how do you take a step to get people together a lot easier than it is now?

    There are sooooo many possible missions to where the lich can appear and you cannot see if groups are already doing them... mostly they are in the standard missions or something else.

    So give us a better view on the missions in with type of mission groups are active and open!


    You can even make it easier for Tennos to find each other by reducing the Lich missions to only 1 or 2 nodes for each planet and let them change each 5-15 minutes. Either the missione can be replayed some time before they change to other nodes or they just disappear after done and Tenno get new mission after the set timer.

    So Tenno have less choice to do missions on planets, but get new ones after the timer does its work and you don't need to save the nodes for each tenno in the background.



    You could even advance this kind of method by having the lich on the some planets for each tenno, but change the planets each day so the lich is moving around. Depending on the level of the lich you can limit this up to 5 different planets which count for each Tenno.

    You see where this leads? The chance to find random groups with a limitation of 5 planets each with 2 missions is much higher than having Tenno spread across nearly all nodes!

  3. I can just tell you how I'm feeling about the game right now ... already had an idea for the developers in this thread.


    So I'm playing that game for some weeks now. It's fun to play, but I feel it already getting a bit more boring each time. Why? Well ...


    Right at the moment I have to goals:

    1. Having fun with my friends. So I'm playing this with up to 4 other guys, mostly as a team of 3, sometimes just 2 and sometimes the team is full. It's fun to work together. Playing it alone is really boring, well it's like a short break in between, but don't like to do that long.


    Some would say go online and have a team with others ...

    I really would love to do that, but unfortunatly that netcode of this game is really S#&$, or is it the way this game chooses to stuck players with bad connections together? The thing is I'm often in games where it's laggy like hell or even worse. The KI is standing still, doing nothing more than getting killed in melee by me cause range weapons wont work in that case. Teammates are standing on the same place for minutes until they dissapear. Sometimes I can't collect loot either and the worst thing is that the game gets stucked for up to 20 minutes when the team is exfiltrating, giving me the sounds of enemies killing me and lurking over my dead body. After a long time the game is completing the mission ... well that's not just right, it's like surrendering, cause I don't get any loot ...

    On the other side I got the problem to not get into games of other players, cause the game says "session unavailable" until that team is full or another team is available. I set up the ports on my router, I know how that works. But if not everyone else is doing this, I've got that problem from time to time :(

    Well it's a bit more tricky I think, cause I got the some problem with a friend from germany (I'm from austria). So we put up the ports and it worked. Some day's later it didn't work any more with another friend, but still got the ports forwarded ... really funny.


    Ok this is not a thread for that issues, but it makes clear, that the online mode is really worse right now and at least half the time not working for me!!!


    2. My inital goal of the game was to get all weapons and warframes up to level 30 and own them. Well I think it's impossible to do that, cause there are to much. But it really is a problem for me to have more weapons. I already bought the smallest pack of coins to get some more slots, but thats really a small pack of coins, so I'm already stuck again and don't want to give up good weapons and warframes!

    That coins really feel very expensive compared to other itemshop games and I'm not willing to buy a much greater package until I'm getting 50% off bonus, when I'm logging in. So wether I get coins on better conditions, get another way to have more slots by working ingame for it in some way or I'm losing a very important goal in that game.


    You see my problem? Having problems with teamplay cause of that bad group management and don't be able to advance in my second goal is like killing the game for me over some time.



    Some might say there's more than that, but everybody is playing games in another individually way, so you can only agree with me, that I have a problem right now.

    I really hope I'm lucky with my login bonus the next days or something changes to get on my goals again, cause until now it was fun to play!


    That's it ...


    I can see the issue with the endgame right now too, but it's far away for me, so maybe I'm just checking how pvp is working here and then giving you my advice for the future of the game. Haven't seen enough of the game right now, to do that yet ;)

  4. I don't understand why free players should get slots. Even if it's a dedicated player, DE doesn't gain anything from your existance. If you are so dedicated you should spend some money for the game you enjoy to make it more enjoyable for you.


    You need free players for events and pvp ... and even in missionrunning, survival or defense. Not every player is in a large clan or does have lots of friends in this game, so you sometimes need some randoms ...


    In addition to that, free players who enjoy this game will get more players into it. So there could be some newbies who wants to pay for the game. If you don't have that, the game will get lost over time and nobody is there to play with you nor pay for the game. Wouldn't be the first time servers are shut down cause of that mistake ...

  5. I think a small solution to the weapon (and warframe) slots is, that you get some slots for each levelup you have. You are doing a special test each time and the only reward is to be on a higher rank ... wow, thats so amazing ... haha ^^

    Well ok, you can use some better weapons. But what about you are  earning a weapon slot each time and on rank 4 and 8 a warframe slot? Wouldn't that a nice reward for newbies?


    After that, there should be a special mission/event, very hard, where you can earn another slot for warframes or weapons. Wether you set a time of 7 days (shorter or longer) or you do a drop chance for that upgrade.


    Well, I think that would be a good solution. Players get the chance to earn slots, even if it takes some time and maybe a really good team and there's still need in more slots, so guys will buy your coins to upgrade their account in different ways.

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