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Posts posted by (XBOX)BranchBox

  1. 3 minutes ago, MickThejaguar said:

    Ignoring a problem doesn't fix it. AI has always been an issue for DE and I see Khora as the perfect chance for them to get it right if they'd put in the time. And with the bulk of Khora's survivability coming from Venari's heal, it'd be an awful idea to remove the ability the ensure that Venari heals you primarily. 

    One of her abilities is literally to command her companion. Like a tamer. If your argument is that only one of her abilities is in line with that then I could argue the same about your proposed changes. But even then, there's and argument to be made that all of her abilities fit this theme. Two of her other abilities involve trapping enemies, i.e capturing a beast, and the third is her whip, which is commonly associated with training large beasts. The weakest example is maybe Strangledome as nd that's mostly because it's not the originally planned ult. Originally she was going to have an exalted whip but that ability was scrapped after some backlash involving the IPS changes that her kit was originally tied to.

    And this change is unnecessary because Khora actually fits her theme for the most part.

    Strangledome needs a bit of work to better help it fit into her kit, primarily it synergized better with Whipclaw and didn't ragdoll the enemies occasionally (ragdolling needs to die) it'd be a fine ability.

    Ignoring the problem isn't what I meant. what I meant was that in of itself, the problem wouldn't be so detrimental if it wasn't an ability. I don't think one heal on a player or an affect on an enemy warrants having a kavat take up an ability slot when it can be made passive and give khora something more direct to her kit. Considering that there are many healing alternatives in the game, Khora being an innately squishy frame, her getting cover from her dome (in regards to what enemies focus on), and her still getting a hela from venari as a passive, I don't think it's as essential or that it would be as much as a determinant as you might think.

    Agree to disagree honestly. You make a fair point though about the ability changes, tbh my main gripe is the character design and what it has to do with being a 'beast tamer' especially in regards to her abilities and the visuals of said abilities on top of that. You are right though the only thing that would then make her cat like would be her 4 and nothing else with my changes

    Again I'm in agreement that Strangledome could use more functionality/change and yes lol rag dolling should die (with all the hate it gets in general I'm surprised it's even a mechanic in the game still)

    There are implementations to make the ability work with Whipclaw however the benefits from this are negligible and could perhaps use an increase in values.

  2. 29 minutes ago, MasterBurik said:

    My concern with yours, it that is still allows Limbo to completely pull enemies away from the team. Your state changes also allow Limbo to dictate the rules of engagement AND influence their mobility (see: Volt Speed hate). While players can opt out of some of that, these traits can still easily lead to a net decrease of team KPS.

    I disagree that is will 'pull away' enemies from the team as you will still be able to dmg enemies regardless of what state the rift is in. That being said I did forget about the speed thing with volt and should of been more wary of that

  3. 8 minutes ago, MickThejaguar said:

    Beast tamer. Her theme is beast tamer. Hence the whip. Which is why making her transform into her Kavat is nonsensical. Honestly I don't think and of your changes for her are realistic or address her core issues. Namely, Venari's AI is bad and needs fixing and Strangledome is mostly pointless because Ensare is essentially the same thing but with a much better synergy with Whipclaw, her main source of damage.

    Suggestions are thought to paper. That being said, if it is 'beast tamer' then why is her Kavat so passive and the only beat for her to be tamed is just that? What I'm saying his if she is to be a beast tamer then her abilities should be (More so) focused around that as I personally find them to be a bit of a stretch past the whip. The transformation suggestion comes from me changing her theme from 'beast tamer' to 'duality of warframe and kavat' thus change the transformation. While it is quite outlandish, I think the mechanic would be a cool addition to the game and if not for Khora then for somewhere else in the future.

    I don't see Venari as anything more than a passive so removing her as an ability and making all of her functionality built in makes her bad AI irrelevant or no worse than any other Kavat

    I also see Khora as being cc focused thus the redundancy never really bothered me too much (same thing with Titania and her cc abilities) however after using Khora a lot I will say this:

    Her ensnare is better for grouping dmg and is to be used with her Whipclaw and high dmg weapons that have good burst properties. Her Strangledome while not having synergy with her 1, is actually a really good agro pull and provides her with a lot of outside cover from enemy fire unlike ensnare. While it doesn't have synergy with her 1 and the whole dmg aspect of is completely useless the abilities do have separate uses despite them both being cc based. Is that to say that they shouldn't be changed? No, but what I am saying is that they do have distinct separate usage from each other.

  4. 21 minutes ago, MasterBurik said:

    Regarding my suggestion on his 2: Hitscan and continuous beam weapons wouldn't be affected by the suggested augment, and the projectiles would be benefiting from auto-aim and a damage boost. The KPS difference for projectiles could go in either direction, depending on the static delay time and how much bonus damage were to be applied...but the Banish change is a net increase to KPS nonetheless.

    Regarding my suggestion on his 4: No conditions were added that don't currently exist. It was a retention specifically designed to protect the defensive nature of Cataclysm, while opening up the rest of his kit to more Offense/Support/CC.

    • Rift Tears: Dual state of existence. Anyone within a tear can both harm and be harmed from either plane (Rift or normal space).
    • Cataclysm/Limbo's Passive/Haven suggestion #1: Singular state of existence. Can harm or be harmed only by those within a Rift state (tears included).

    Both allow for all forms of combat. Rift Tears improve overall teamplay (no more isolated targets from Banish), while Cataclysm retains its bubble state for target isolation and defense protection.

    For his 2 I would want all weapons to not be affected and to always be usable/ not stuck in place

    For his 4 your suggestion doesn't add any conditions that don't currently exist, mine at large removes them

    My focus with the dual state was more passive hindrance to enemies; One doesn't allow for gunplay and keeps all melee options open and should this be annoying then he can switch it for full cc and gunplay. If you don't like that player(s) can potentially get harmed in the rift then then fair point but my main focus is too allow the player(Limbo's teammate) to always have some way to provide dmg and for there to be way where limbo can have his rift up and potentially not effect friendly gunplay at all.

    I do like your suggestions for boosting the dmg and the earlier mentioned change to his 1 though

  5. 14 hours ago, Scruffel said:

    Okay, trash talking a Warframe from the very start. Great job lowering my expectations so quickly.

    His 3 creates Rubble, not just his 1; unless you're talking about your change for his 1st ability than I don't know what you meant by that. Also I have played Atlas on things past level 50, and he can play pretty well in those regions, it's all about consistency and momentum on your part to constantly gain armor. I'm not disagreeing on halving the decay of his armor, but then you're also doubling the armor gain as well? That would be a little too much and would go over the top, his decay is there for a good reason so I would only see the need to reduce the amount. His Immovable passive change actually sounds unique and interesting, and could probably be a solution to some people's problem with that. 

    Wait what? First off, he's a Brawler and a Rock-themed frame, so his 1st ability already makes sense to him (plus it already fits his other theme since he's literally moving through the earth and stone). Second off, why are you changing the move almost completely? It's a very good ability with a lot of great strength so I don't really see the point of doing this. Also you're saying you don't want people to spam the original ability, yet what's stopping people from using your version of the ability to infinitely stand in-place? You could say "Oh but it will drain his energy as he does it", but then wouldn't be the exact same restrictions would be the same, just running out of energy? I don't see how a fully invincible lock-on move that's instantaneous would be less effective than a slower stance mechanic into a lock-on attack that only gives you invincibility during the first part which also somehow also replaces the function for another one of his abilities. Just seems to complicated for what was once a simple thing. 

    Okay, this is where I need to stop reading this whole thing. At first I wasn't that bothered by the Landslide change since you were trying to at least make the move function in a slightly different way (that doesn't work), but you don't just completely remake a Warframe's kit. That's not a rework, that's an complete redesign. Also I find your opinion extremely questionable when you call Petrify not being a useful ability. Yeah, a CC ability that can disable an entire group of enemies instantly with a good range, that will then take more overall damage and drop a resource for Atlas that can heal him and grant extra armor. At this point, I have to question if you can even play Atlas properly. And if you can't, what was the point of including him your batch of 'reworks'. Thankfully you provided a recap so I don't have to torture myself. 

    The first ability change doesn't really seem like a better variant of the original, more like a loosely designed augment mod of some sort. 

    The new 2nd ability... um, why? I don't even necessarily understand the point of this ability, you could probably just use Petrify and not only cover more enemies but also spread more damage out with Landslide afterwards. And even I am just targeting a single enemy, wouldn't your 1st ability make this one obsolete? Especially since you would probably get rubble and damage output more easily through it too. 

    Okay, what is even this 3rd one? How does this even add anything to Atlas's kit? In fact, how is this better kit than his original kit? So far, I don't see how any of these abilities even synergize with other, not even work in conjunction naturally. I really don't get it.

    Well, the 4 change is somewhat simple. That's it? Just another Rumbler? That wouldn't really do much for him, since it doesn't address any of the problems that the current Rumblers do have (lackluster damage, strange health mechanic, conflicting attributes) and probably only adds more. 

    Right now I am seeing someone's attempt at recreating Atlas, for someone who does not understand Atlas. Again, that's not a 'rework'. I really don't understand what you were trying to go for, especially since a lot of your ideas were all over the places and never seemed to focus on a clear idea for him. The only thing I can suggest is to probably try to replay him again and understand him more before making uninformed statements about his power.   

    I'm personally annoyed on how boring a frame he is. I still think he is a good fit into the though. I opened with that to show the level of how bad I think he is which is why I changed him up so much

    What I meant by that was now all of his abilities would now drop rubble and I was specifying when in my change for his one, the rubble would drop (same thing with his 3). While atlas can put up a fight (and I guess I do have to back peddle a little here) my main issue is that spamming his 1 to reap the benefits of his armor and to have it consistently takes away from the rest of his kit. If you think the boosted armor is too much than okay, I can agree with that

    I guess I should of headered changing his theme more? Specifically from 'rock themed brawler' to more and exclusively 'lord of earth and stone' Secondly that short stand still is just a casting animation. I'm pretty much just saying that it's a short casting window where he is quickly locked in place but cant take dmg to compensate. Also, the invincibility wouldn't be spammable because as mentioned the ability would have two parts: the first would be the initial cast to boost his armor, casting again on an enemy triggers the landslide and sheds the boosted armor. The ability would be less spammable because instead of repeat punching, you would have to cast for the armor, then cast to punch. On top of this, the player would be less inclined to as keeping the armor built in from the one could proof more beneficial then immediately recasting on an enemy depending on the scenario and how full his armor gauge is.

    I have to disagree with your take on his cc. Unlike actual cc frames, Atlas's cc is restricted to a cone and upon the enemy getting cc, has the same mechanic with frost's bubble or Gara's shield where enemies cant have status effects applied to them. If you think that I should of changed the title of 'rework' to 'reimagine' or 'reimage' as you find the changes to be too much than fair point. At the end of the day, I listed these changes on a word doc as the ideas came to me and called them reworks, I just called them all 'reworks' because I went one by one  changing frames and used the word as a catch all.

    His 3 would simple be chargeable additional dmg and can still provide rubble. Essentially it would still be is wall but he can hold it for extra dmg and actually target/aim with it

    I made minimal changes to his 4 as I know the raids are too come back and to make extensive changes to it could affect his performance in the JV raid and seeing how the raid community has been taken for enough of a ride I didn't want to touch Atlas's 4 too much.  

  6. 19 hours ago, Duality52 said:

    I can say the same with OP's Titania's proposals too, so it's time to elaborate:

    You seem to misunderstand why Tribute is awful, because of how the buffs don't provide you much of anything in the first place. Dust feels inconsistent, and I'm not too sure about the "scaling" aspect of enemy accuracy. Thorns, or damage reflection, never works with anyone in Warframe except for Octavia. Entangle isn't like a Cold proc where all forms of movement gets slowed. Full moon's damage buff is irrelevant in higher levels. Not to mention the fact that the buffs never scale with mods.

    Lantern not only feels kinda redundant with Spellbind, but the ragdolling still ruins the CC. The "gradually floats back" part remains irrelevant when you have allies with high Impact weapons (Boar, Sweeper, etc.) constantly pecking it. I would prefer Titania creates her own energy "Lanterns" on the ground rather than use an enemy as a Lantern, as well as making the enemies run to the Lanterns.

    Don't need to say too much about Razorwing other than letting us create new Razorflies or make them more prominent in her abilities.

    Finally, you missed out about the fact over how sluggish Titania's casting animations are. They should not be that slow, which leaves her exposed even more. Spellbind should be faster, Tribute should be as fast as Soul Punch since both abilities are similar to each other. Setting up 4 Lanterns is not worth it too due to the slow animation speed.

    EDIT: Where's Wukong too? He's the frame that needs a rework desperately.

    I was looking at tribute from a more general angle because I mainly was focusing on RNG issues as whole and wanted to address it primarily as I see the community really doesn't like those types of abilities. Also, I do agree that her buffs are awful when you break them down but I thought the general reaction would be negative if I suggested that on top of getting all her buffs at once with boosted numbers, all the effects are actually use

    My idea with locking the cc'd enemies in place (or what I meant by that) was that even when shooting at the 'locked' enemies, they are locked in place during the ability and thus can't be ragdolled. Her Lantern spellbind combo does seem redundant but I always saw her as a cc focused frame anyway so it never really bothered me

    didn't touch too much on Razorflies other than adding more because my 4 change gave her more evasion and in general her guns can actually do an impressive amount of dmg. that being said I agree that she should be able to create new Razorflies during the ability and the y should serve more a purpose

    Also agree that her casting animation could afford to be sped up. I always run Natural talent with speed drift and use the one as initial cc then throw her other abilities up when using her so that's probably why I never bothered to make an actual change via my suggestions (I'm not making the argument that her casting speed isn't a problem or that you don't have her built right, I'm just saying that because of my specific build and playstyle, I never really focused or noticed the issue too much)   

    Lastly, as stated above on my post, because Wukong is next up for a rework and DE confirmed this on a devstream, I want to see what they do with it first before I make suggestions of my own. That being said I would personally scrap all his abilities except defy and make his 4 and transformation ability similar to what I suggested for Khora

  7. 19 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Honestly my friend, take off the Megathread tag, that is one used by the Moderators when they combine multiple feedback threads into one. We can only see it as an option because of the way the Forums function.

    And because I'm The Zephyr Guy around here, I'll just say...

    There is so much more that needs to be done with Zephyr ^^ You haven't even scratched the surface, and I would encourage you to check out some of the more in-depth rework threads so that you can see.

    Here's a good start:

      Reveal hidden contents


    And... man... put some Spoiler wraps around your actual ideas, so that people can see them all laid out a little easier and click on each one as they choose to read it. The wall-o-text is hard to chew through.

    To be honest, Zephyr is a rare pick for me and when I do use her it's mainly for mobility or using her 3. The factor the her tornadoes expand vertically was just a glaring issue to me even as a casual zephyr player and thought that if nothing else, that should be changed. I will agree though that she can use a lot more work and I'll be sure to check out other reworks on her as suggested.

    And this is my first time really engaging with the forums. I botched a link and was told to dump the contents so I did. should of put more time into stuff like that but it went over my head.

  8. 22 hours ago, MasterBurik said:


    Your Limbo suggestion doesn't seem to cut down on player interaction and KPS issues as much as I (and perhaps others) would like. I went in this direction:

    1. Rather than banishing an enemy/ally to the Rift, Banish would create tears to the Rift:

    • Target-based, one-handed action.
    • Casting range of 15/20/25/30m.
    • Requires Limbo to be outside the Rift, in normal space.
    • Initial AoE knockdown in the target area, along with the creation of a [fixed size] Rift tear AoE.
    • Entities and projectiles can freely travel in and through the AoE, barring any outside interference (See: Haven Augment, potential Stasis Augment, Cataclysm, and Passive).
    • Enemies within the AoE receive a persistent slow debuff[, that disappears when they exit the AoE].
    • Allies within the AoE receive persistent energy regeneration[, that disappears when they exit the AoE]
    • [X number] of Rift tears can exist at any given time, to be affected by ability strength.
    • Rift tear duration of 10/15/20/25 seconds, to be affected by ability duration.
    • Casting range is affected by ability range.
    • 2 choices for Haven Augment:
    1. Places ally completely inside the Rift, and restores 25% of their max health. Allies within the Rift cannot harm enemies, unless the enemy is within a Rift tear or Cataclysm bubble. Allies can roll to leave the Rift at any time. Basically, it would function like the current Banish (plus augment), but just for allies.
    2. Rift tears provide [% or flat number] health regeneration to allies within their AoE, and halt enemy weapons fire.
    • Healing from both options are affected by ability strength.

    2. Stasis continues to halt enemies in a state of suspended animation. Enemy weapons fire is no longer affected by Stasis. Suggested Banish change provides an opening for a thematic return of older Stasis attributes, in the form of an augment:

    • Suggested Stasis Augment: Limbo and Ally projectiles entering Rift space are temporarily halted, then redirected towards the nearest enemy within the Rift with increased damage.

    3. As Banish is changed in this suggestion, Rift Surge needs to be reworked:

    • 1 second cast animation, which can be changed via casting speed buffs.
    • All existing Rift tears quickly expand (possible visual brightening/coloration in AoE), then explode.
    • Enemies within the AoE receive knockdown + damage, and a temporary slow debuff.
    • Allies within the AoE receive a temporary energy regen buff. If Haven augment is the second one, they also receive a short health regen buff.
    • Damage based on ability strength.
    • Expansion based on ability range.
    • Debuff/Buff duration based on ability duration.
    • Remove the last four words in its text, and Rift Torrent is gold: Limbo deals 30% Extra Damage for each enemy affected by Rift Surge.

    4. Cataclysm remains functionally identical to its current state. Adjustments are done "under the hood" to keep it that way:

    • Weapons fire outside the Cataclysm bubble, travel through the bubble, but do not harm those within. The same applies to weapons fire within the bubble traveling out, unless it enters a Rift tear along the way. Rift tears are, in essence, a reverse state of Cataclysm in that regard.
    • Enemy slow mentioned for Rift tears is an attribute of the Rift itself, much like the existing ally energy regen already is.

    Passive: Convert the Rift portal into a Rift tear, and I'm happy.

    The suggested Banish change improves the pseudo-DR capacity of the Rift, while still requiring him to leave it in order to function. The passive change improves Limbo's control over who gets to enter the Rift (and how), reinforcing his thematics of being "master of the Rift". He's just having a hard time dragging the entirety of the Rift into our reality. 😉

    With some of the suggestion you just made, it allows for instances in which a player can shoot (or hit) an enemy and not have them take dmg. When I was talking about his negative influence on KPS, that was my main focus. Temporally halting projectiles in his 2 and adding conditions to when you can dmg an enemy in his 4 would keep all the issues that Limbo has when with a team as the suggestions mention would negatively influence KPS. To oversimplify and summarize my suggestions, it would ensure that allies would always have the opportunity to dmg the enemies and provide passive buffs between his two states of the rift. One will always allow for melee fighting and the other will allow for gunplay. 

  9. On ‎2019‎-‎02‎-‎05 at 9:29 PM, peterc3 said:

    The benefit is even having the opportunity. If you wanted to guarantee it, why half?

    Stuck in melee with a single enemy. This isn't Valkyr or even Warframe. I'm kind of convinced you've never used Valkyr beyond leveling to 30 and ditching.

    Here's the ultimate issue with all of these: you haven't paid attention to any of the other reworks done. Most border on totally new frames with the number of complete ability set changes and new mechanics added to existing frames.

    New art assets, animations, abilities, total changes to frame identities. This is a list of new frames with similar themes to existing frames.

    For Inaros, while yes the benefit is having the opportunity in of itself, what's the point if it only gets to be triggered on level missions which if you are using Inaros will never have you going down/dying anyway.

    the change I made to Valkyr's 1 where also to add more too it and yes there are abilities where you are locked into an engagement with one enemy (Inaros's 2) and this interaction would be optional as you would be able to choose between tapping or holding the 1

    Lastly, I didn't go too deep into her because I like where she is and I main issue was with her 4

  10. I've been play Warframe for a while and it wasn't until recently that I really started having an issue with a lot of the frames coming out and some of the reworks for older ones as well. It seems like there isn't as much focus or creative energy going into them as much as before. This inspired me to start taking notes on all the minor and major changes I'd make to most of the warframes in the game and this eventually turned into a 45 page list of reworks. I edited a lot of it to fit an essay/presentational format and I figured that I should see what the community thinks.

    My rework suggestions



    There are two main issues I generally find with a lot of the Warframes right now: 2-part Warframes (only two of the four abilities having synergy with each other or viability), and Warframe that look very visually boring or have abilities that are unpleasant/unfun to use and feel lacking. My main goal is to fix these issues by adding a lot more utility and visual flare so that the frames feel viable and are up to date with the newer era of the game. Additionally, the changes I’m proposing come from four main schools of thought on how I personally see/ view the game


    First: The games movement system is most important to core gameplay. Name one other third (or first) person shooter that is as or more popular than Warframe and allows you to jump over three times the height of the player, aim glide in midair, then roll before touching the ground. Now that you realize that Warframe is literally the only one you’ll see how essential the mechanic is to the feel and individuality of the game.


    Second: The games stylish gore and action is its secondary appeal. Warframe is not only great for its movement system but also for its creative freedom in how you kill and displace things in more ways than imaginable. There are few things as entertaining as watching a half infected, goat-robot lift several enemies up into the air with space magic then violently slam them against ground and I feel like it’s this creative atmosphere which has seen a lot of neglect as of late. Now, it feels like reworks and frame abilities introduced are rushed through or not given much creative overlook. Don’t get me  wrong Digital Extremes has taken steps in the right direction (hydroids damage scaling with his corrosive projection into his puddle, Nezha’s rework, giving abilities like Vauban’s Minelayer a toggle) but at large they feel like very minor additions or changes and I feel like so much more could have been added to make some of these Warframes feel different and I want to really breathe some new life and energy into them.


    Third: A Warframes ability list (every single one, passive and all) should match the general theme of what the frame is as best as possible. I personally don’t believe in giving a frame a feature or ability that doesn’t make sense just so that they are good. Additionally, a lot of abilities could be changed to better matched the theme. Khora will be a definite example of this as she doesn’t really have one concrete theme about her other then ‘cat lady with whips and chains’ (maybe she’s a sexual innuendo frame?)


    Fourth: ALL of a Warframe’s abilities should be useful. This kind of goes hand and hand with principle two and three; I also sort of touched on it earlier. I can’t tell you how many times I get hyped up for a Warframe due to release, only for it to have two moves in its kit that are regularly used together. I think this ruins the game a little because what’s the point of even having four abilities if you’re only ever consistently using two? Chroma is a prime example of this, and I think (at least in this example) that this comes a lot from a Warframe being too or very powerful in one aspect or another and Digital Extremes is then too scared to buff the other abilities even after nerfing former issues as to maintain balance.   


    Lastly, for the ideas I suggest I want it to be known that:


      1)      Just because a Warframe is good, doesn’t mean it can’t get a rework. A lot of Warframes are decades old and have barely been touched (if at all) for years and could of afford a new look. I don’t think we should settle for the ‘if ain’t broke don’t fix it’ mentality in a game as expansive and creative as Warframe (Loki will be a main example of this)


      2)      To follow up with the first statement, I understand and will try to respect the established love for a Warframe and their abilities. As stated, some Warframes have been in the game for years and have remained largely untouched. If I haven’t made it clear, I respect that each Warframe has an identity and a set of abilities that reflect said identity and personality; I would never want to intentionally remove or destroy an aspect of Warframe that everyone loves and has become a staple of the Warframe thus I will try to remain warry of this, even for Warframes that I end up changing dramatically, I at least want them to keep the same feel.


      3)      I will be purposely be ignoring and disregarding the existence of augments. Suggestions I make myself will often receive a ‘maybe as an augment’ comment in pink whenever I personally feel like having the suggested feature directly built in could give too much to the Warframe’s set of abilities. In a perfect world built for me I’d have all these changes put in directly, but I do want to regular account for the balance of the game and the guidelines that Digital Extremes has shown over the years. In this regard, I will now go into detail some of the principles we’ve seen through Digital Extremes Actions:



    -          Damage immunity needs to be limited in terms of what it can be used (ability wise) with, and the duration needs to be regularly limited, used sparingly, or comes with sort of trade off (Some examples are Nezha’s rework, the change to Valkyr’s ‘Hysteria’, and rolling guard)



    -          Off screen/ radial damage (as well as crowd control) needs to be limited and monitored to prevent stagnant, never move gameplay (Examples being the nerf to Mesa’s ‘Peacemaker’ ability, Mag’s ‘greedy pull’ augment, and Ember’s ‘World on fire’ ability)



    -          The power capacity/ power creep limit seems to be Octavia (which I foresee being nerfed but have no intention to do so myself via my suggested reworks) in terms of what a Warframe can do and how much can be added/granted in a single ability (Octavia can crowd control, have radial damage, provide multiple buffs to teammates, and her Metronome holds up to 4 separate effects, one of which being invisibility for herself and allies). Anything that does more or as much as Octavia I will generally be wary of and try to cruise just under the edge of this threshold (Thus why I may suggest certain additions as augments)



    The only exception to this rule would be for first abilities as the maximum of their power will be based off and limited to power of Garuda’s as she has a built in shield that block all damage from the front, can grow and throw a chargeable ball of dmg, and can execute thus I find personally find her first ability to be the strongest in the game currently



      4)      Some Warframes will not be touched, this is due them either being complaint to my established to my set of principles listed above (which I will now be dub the ‘GMIU system’ for refence purposes) or because the Warframe is currently in the process of being looked at by Digital Extremes and I want to give them a chance to rework it before I make any suggestions myself 


      5)      My opinions come from multiple years of gameplay. I’ve played as earlier as ‘rainbow builds’ and the pre-syndicate era, I’ve gotten my main account to MR26 and had a now deleted second account at MR20. Additionally, I have played on every version of the game including the switch, I’ve  watched most of the devstreams and have heard varying opinions on the game from Youtube, to the forums, to reddit, to region chat so I do have a decent amount of insight and am I’m not just coming in as a guy who got the game three days ago.


      6)      I am crediting all of the ideas listed as being 100% my own. That being said, through the course of researching for said changes I see that some of my suggestions are not entirely new and have already been made by other players. I will try to account for this and give credit where it’s due. For example, I always thought it’d be cool to see Vauban have a turret in his kit and as an ability and after scrolling through the comment section of some of Rahetalius’s videos I see that I’m not alone on this thought. So, if I do have an idea that I know has been said or mention already, I will try to address where I’ve heard so and when.


      7)      I don’t have exact numbers on a lot of my suggestions. In some instances, I will have suggested ranges and number sets and when I do, I will give my exact reasoning toward why. Since some of my suggestions would change the ability radically, it would really need in-game testing and since none of my suggestions are in game and I don’t have access to a moldable dev build of the game (the best I got is simulacrum) it’d be hard to come up with fair estimates and accurately gauge power levels. That being said, if I do have numbers but give no explanation or follow up, assume these are very general guidelines (numbers given will usaully be the cap or strongest that ability can be, and I will state whether or not the numbers are moddable).

    (I don’t think that just because I don’t have an exact number in my head on ‘how much x for y should do to z’ doesn’t mean that the ability change/suggestion should be rendered void all together, otherwise there would be no point in ever changing or reworking a Warframe)


       8 )       I mainly play on the Xbox one edition of the game and am writing based off what I know about and what is accurate for the update 24 console build (Now Fortuna part 2)


      9)      I will be using a lot of slang terms and abbreviations prevalent throughout the Warframe community. I would imagine that as a fellow player (or person who games in general) you would already know at least some of these (especially since some are universal) but for clarity I will go over all of them now


    Frame(s)= Warframe(s)

     Kit=Ability list/ ability set (All of the abilities a single Warframe can use)

     DE=Digital extremes,

     1-4= this will refer to a Warframe’s ability list, the first ability obviously being ‘1’ (Rhino’s charge if you really need an example) and the last being ‘4’ (Rhino’s stomp, again, if you really need an example)

    P= passive (passive ability of the Warframe)

    Lvl= level

    Squishy= killed really easily

    Aug= Augment


    OP= overpowered

    CC = crowd control

    TTK=time to kill

    KPS= Kill per second

    DPS= Damage per second

    AI= Artificial Intelligence/bots/NPC’s (Nonplayable Characters)

    DR= Damage reduction

    MO=mode of operation

    Meta= the limit or something that goes beyond the limit of game, mechanically or otherwise

    Proc(s)=Programed Random Occurrence (How often an effect like a critical or status will trigger or the act of such an event triggering)

    Pink highlighted text= Essentials/indicator of ability change as an Augment suggestion (I’d like a majority of these built in but would settle for them as augments for balance sake)

    Teal highlighted text= Essentials of the ability change(s)

    ATN=Additional things to note

    2-part/2-part Warframe=refers to a Warframe that relies mainly on using two abilities as there isn’t much synergy to warrant regularly using all four of them

     GMIU = Gore, Movement, Interesting, Useful, (Refers to the four principles listed above)


      10)  If you can’t already tell I’m not the most grammatical valiant guy out there and it only gets worse from here as I’ll be condensing a lot of my ideas as much as possible (Beware of frequent run-ons, over usage of ‘–‘, and abrupt indentation/separations in speech)


      11)  Every change log will have a quick recap at the bottom for Warframes that have two or more major or in-depth ability changes and for those who’d rather read in brief and don’t have the time to read 40 plus pages on stuff that has nothing to do with real life. Additionally, if a passive doesn’t directly influence the Warfame’s other abilities, then it’s change will only be mentioned in the quick recap.





    Ash is a good frame to start with for this list as he sits in well with GMIU system as do all of his abilities. They all serve an actual purpose and he’s an overall cool looking frame even after some nerfs and changes to his 4. I’d really only see to it a slight animation change to his 1 to better reflect his ninja feel.

      1)      I personally don’t like the animation as it looks like Ash is trying to make a quick pass in a game of Frisbee than he is throwing a shuriken 

    I think it should be changed closer to how it looks when you are using a throwing weapon as a secondary however more sped up and maybe going for a higher pitched, clinging metallic noise on cast as well






    From the way the character looks to how he plays, this frame is extremely clunky and boring. It’s kind of shame to see the ball get dropped this hard on frame even after a rework and seems to be a permeant eye sore on the Warframe roster.


      P)      Atlas’s main thing with his relatively new ability on his 1 to create rubble in which he can stack for armor and heal. This seem like an obvious starting point for a really good passive and to me, such a feature should be what Atlas’s entire kit should be centered around. On top of this, anyone who has every played Atlas on anything past a lvl 50 enemy mission knows that his armor stacks for too little and too late (plus with a drain like his it wouldn’t even matter)

    Atlas should have rubble drop for him at twice the rate and the drain/ loss per second on his armor gauge should be halved. In addition, his current passive will also have semi functionality in midair (Instead of falling over Atlas will lose all moment and drop straight down) which I think should be added as Atlas is meant to be tanky and is literally the incarnation of a rock person (Plus you if you get knocked down in midair you can properly say you ‘sank like a stone’).

    1)      I like the idea of Atlas’s 1 being a punch but feel it should be altered to better fit the overall theme of his character (Plus having an entire ability being a punch is really lame in comparison to other Warframe first abilities)


    My idea is this: Atlas enters a quick bracing stance and will be granted immunity (only for the duration of the bracing animation, my reasoning for making him invincible is so it can be used to quickly block hard hitting projectiles similar a lot of Warframe movement abilities such as Excalibur’s 1) during this atlas coats himself in a layer of rock that will grant him anywhere from 25 to 50% DR after the initial cast (don’t think it should have more than 50% as it is still just a first ability and there’s still more to add ->) While in this phase, Atlas will have the option to cast this ability again while facing an enemy, causing him to slide toward and punch them, shattering the armor and sending out bits of rubble everywhere (Atlas can pick these up for his passive)

    ATN: Atlas will be unable to move on the initial startup but can cast both parts of the ability in midair (as too prevent spamming the move)

    Atlas will not receive immunity during the slide (I don’t think he should have immunity on the startup and then the punch as well. He would then be invincible using this ability with no risk until he runs out of energy, should he need protections during the slide then give him high temporary DR during the animation. I’d rather that than full-on immunity)

    I know that Atlas being able to only 25% to 50% DR isn’t a lot nor is it that viable in mid to end  game content, but you have to consider that this is still his first ability which is coupled with a bunch of other benefactors; it will be coupled with his passive which is now stronger and could potentially be used with the suggested augment later on, and that a lot of other Warframes don’t get any type of DR buff until their third or second ability and does only or mainly that in most cases


    2)      I also like the idea of atlas summoning a utilizable boulder however this ability and its awaiting change can be moved to his three in place of something more unique to atlas

    This means I’m going to be scrapping the Petrify ability. My reasoning for doing so is because on top of it not being a useful ability, it also doesn’t really fit in with the rest of his kit especially since I’m making the rubble aspect of his kit built in, so those benefits are forfeit as well

    For my image, Atlas’s 2 will be a lock on ability (like Saryn’s 1) and upon cast will quickly summon a pillar under an enemy, flinging them into the air and damaging them

    The pillar will remain behind for 5 or 10 seconds which atlas can then use the time to cast his 1 (The punch part obviously) on the pillar, shattering it and sending out projectiles towards the enemy as well as additional rubble for his passive (the direction Atlas hits will be where the shards fly out)

    This pillar’s time could also be increased to an additional 40 seconds and provide an armor buff for allies in range so that there can be some benefit to not always smashing the pillar immediately as well

    Now Atlas’s 2 can be used with his 1 and excel at taking out small groups of enemies and remain tanky while doing so or conversely, use his 1 and 2 to simply buff himself and allies (with additional DR and armor should all suggested changes be added)



    3)      As promised, I didn’t forget about Atlas’s 3. Speaking of which, you’d think with a name like Atlas, he’d have a more iconic and true-to-the-name ability when given one that involves him summoning a rock and that is exactly what I plan to do.

    Now, Atlas will dig up an ever eroding yet growing pile of rock and stone and hold it up over his shoulders. Atlas will then continue to grow the ball of stone for additional dmg and blast radius and stopping the charge will throw the ball, exploding on impact and dropping rubble


    ATN: charging will continually add dmg and blast radius to the ability to a set cap

    And the ability will send out additional rock shards to dmg enemies if fully charged

    Atlas will move at half speed and take full dmg or be immune and not move at all while charging this ability. The reasoning is because if he where to have immunity and be able to move while charging the ability, it could be abused or misused to a point where atlas is sitting around, charging the ability instead of actually playing the game (plus I want the immunity to only be there so that he doesn’t get destroyed while casting and not so that it has functionality past that) 

    Visually, I think it would be cool for the animation of the charge to be these grinding stones and pebbles climbing up and through Atlas’s legs and the rest of his body, then being funneled further up into the eroding mass of earth above him

    I scrapped the defensive aspect of this ability because Atlas’s walls continually proved to be both too small and no where close to viable as other defensive Warframe abilities were always far more practical 

    This ability could also be made to where instead of exploding on impact, the ball can roll when it hits the ground for a period of time, leaving behind a trail that petrifies enemies that walk on it and could be an effective replacement for the ‘path of statues’ Augment



    4)      Honestly, I’m ok with Atlas’s 4 as it has continued to be at least an ok ability and has had it’s use in the Jordas verdict raid. I think at most this ability could use a slight buff but in no way find the suggests listed to his 4 has 100% necessary


    Maybe change the base number of Rumblers to 3 and make them slightly larger across the board so they seem a tad more intimidating (maybe boost their dmg and or give their dmg scaling so that it’s actually noticeable in high level play)


    Summary: Now Atlas can be an actual tank with armor that can be put to work and has a kit that can deal out as much as it takes.

    Quick Recap:

    P) Atlas’s abilities will drop rubble and can be picked up to add bonus armor and to heal missing health. Additionally, he is immune to knockdown effects

      1)      Atlas can summon armor than punch an enemy, shattering the armor and dropping rubble for his passive

      2)      Atlas quickly summons a stone under an enemy that throws the in the air and can be shattered for dmg and rubble (Aug: May even keep the pillar out for an extended time and give off an armor boost aura)

      3)      Atlas lifts a mass of stone over his head which he can charge for additional dmg then throw at enemies, exploding on impact and dropping rubble (Aug: Maybe the stone leaves behind a trail that petrifies enemies)


      4)      Same as before but instead of 2 Rumblers, Atlas summons 3






    If I had to give chroma a title, it would be ‘The world’s most boring dragon’. In fact, prior to playing Warframe, I thought it was impossible for anything related to a dragon to be boring yet here I am. Most of my problems stem from Chroma’s lacking visual interests and my rework will mostly focus on this aspect of the character. That being said, I do understand that he is a 2-part frame only good for one-shotting Eidolons at this point and I will be making changes to his 1 and 4 to give him a bit more identity.



    P) I always thought that it was a sick joke that chroma’s passive is the thing that inherently makes all of his abilities work. To me, it’s like making embers ability to set things on fire her passive. So, I naturally wanted to change this so that chroma could actually have a passive that reflects what it is already.


    Chroma’s weapons will now be given additional elemental dmg based on the energy color he has selected (If chroma’s ability color is green, his weapons will be given toxin dmg)


         1)      This ability is easily one of the most useless first abilities in the game. Atlas had (or I guess has) a punch as his formal first ability, but least it’s reliable, does decent damage, grants immunity, and provides a bonus effect if chained correctly. Do you know what Chroma’s first ability has? Poor status, Poor range, Limited mobility, and a 100% of having your teammates not take you seriously if you are unironically trying to make use out of the ability. But enough complaining, let’s change it (And for it I have two ideas)


    My first suggestion: Chroma will go down on all fours and roar, unleashing a now wider and longer-range stream of elemental energy with boosted status chance and dmg (Because let’s be real, the original values don’t cut it, and now you are completely sacrificing movement for this ability so it should be more than worthwhile)

    You know those awesome wings Chroma gets when he uses his 4? Let’s have those sprout out while he’s using this ability and make him really look like a dragon in its prime

    You could even have the wings flap occasionally and stumble enemies or if they are really close to chroma, push them backwards

    My second suggestion: Chroma can charge a ball of his selected element (Similar to Atlas’s new/suggested 3) and fire it out of his ‘mouth’ (Again for increased dmg and status values)

    Maybe somehow once again add chroma displaying his wings while charging and then firing the ball, it be a really cool addition


    Also similar to Atlas, Chroma can charge for additional size of the elemental ball and at full charge, the blast will have 100% status chance However it will pass through enemies instead of exploding on impact


    This could even leave behind an area of active element on the ground (Similar to a Tar Mutalist Moa’s discharge shot or Frost’s first ability when shot on the ground) That will apply a corresponding status to enemies that walk on it


    I personally think that the first suggestion is leagues better as it would be cooler and have perfect synergy with volt’s shield. However, I could see the latter being added in instead as it is still a direct upgrade from what we currently have, and it is simpler than my first suggestion


          2)      I feel like this ability should have less restrictions on its range so when you make an overextended build it is actually viable as currently you lose all your benefits that would come from power strength (Understandably) but on top of that it doesn’t have the status nor range to warrant forgoing the dmg and buffs to yourself and teammates to make up for the loss in cc status procs

    I think that this is a huge factor in why we never see chroma builds that stray past anything thing that is all power strength builds. The only thing that would switch up how people built chroma was when people used his 4 for credit farming on Akkad, but due to the addition of the index and the nerf to the Secura Lecta, this diversity for chroma was swiftly murdered and everyone went back to their power strength builds. And currently I want you to really look at chroma, if you throw on any other primary stat on him other than power strength and power duration and remove everything else, what ability remains useful? 

    That’s why I feel like the status AOE that looms around Chromas feet while his 2 is active should be moddable and extended way past the 3 to 4 meters it currently sits at (maybe 10 to 12 meters max) Additionally, I think his status should sit at 80% to 90% and not be moddable (it’s still pathetic how inconsistently it procs but it going from a moddable base of 25% is quite a large increase and I wouldn’t want to make it ridiculous when coupled back with power strength builds)

    The ability could also use a visual update to once again go back into making chroma look more like a dragon. Perhaps Chroma could have fumes faring out of his nostrils reflective of his current element when he has the ability active


          3)      Same issues (visually) that I have with his 2 where it could use an affects update. This ability is especially egregious because when you are using the deluxe skin for Chroma you can barely tell it’s active. Maybe comeback to that ‘Dragon Aspect’ feel from Skyrim (Which feels like that’s what the visuals of the ability where based off anyway) when you have it active. Maybe chroma (Once again) Has his wings displayed while the ability is active and or maybe he has a proper energy tail or spikes going up and down his back, once again, really making him feel like a proper dragon.


          4)      Now this one… this ability actually made me upset when unlocked Chroma and used it. Okay, I want to put it into perspective: Imagine, it’s Christmas morning and you are four or five years old, you go down stairs, your whole family is waiting, and there is a stack of presents with your name on them. You open a couple and they’re okay gifts, you aren’t too bothered because you’ve been eyeballing that one large gift under the tree for a while now and you’re excited. You finally get to open that last gift you’ve been waiting for and you see it’s the giant monster truck you’ve been asking for. You are ecstatic, but right when you start to play with it your parents go “Oh hold on, that must’ve been a mistake, that gift doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to your little brother Timmy, he gets to play with it” “But Timmy doesn’t even play with monster trucks!” you say in desperation, but your Parents snap back “It doesn’t matter the gift isn’t yours”


    That is how it feels, when you go to turn into a flying, all powerful dragon, and the AI goes and does it for you and leaves you looking like a Hyekka over a dragon. On top of this slap in the face, the dmg of the ability is low and It has a drain like mesa’s 4 (5 energy per second less at base) 

    Also, this ability has a credit multiplier…Why? Instead, this ability should be made useful, fun, and not have an unwarrantedly high energy drain.

    Right out of the gate: Upon cast you spread your wing and soar into the air, roaring into effigy form

    Once again, all the mentions of having the wings, the energy tail and the energy spikes could be in full display

    You can now click the ‘fire’ key to manually point and click where and when the breath attack comes out (And this can come back and be tied into the changes made to chromas 1 so that that attack is actually effective and worthwhile) and the initial drain is halved but can drain for the original base values when firing (Chroma will still occasionally do the stunning roar when active) and this opens up a list of cool augment ideas such as:

    -          The initial gust that launches chroma into the air can be charged, giving him increased height in the air and range of his firing attack to compensate



    -          Chroma can recast once for a strife attack that will bombard/blitzkrieg enemies with elemental projectiles



    -          Chroma can freely move around in his 4 (at 50% movement speed because the suggested changes would already make him potentially too powerful and freely flying around in your 4 is more of Titania’s territory anyway)


    Summary: Now Chroma is a visually exciting and various dragon with a kit that’s viable and fun across the board.

    Quick Recap:

    P) Chroma will now add corresponding elemental dmg to his weapons

      1)      Chroma will now:

    A)     Either get down on all fours and fire a larger stream of elemental energy with his wings displayed (Aug: May also have his wings flapping which will occasionally push back or stumble enemies depending on how close they are)

    B)     Charge a large ball of elemental energy and unleash it, passing through enemies, damaging and affecting them with status procs (Aug: May also leave behind elemental residue on floors, proccing enemies that walk onto it)


      2)      Casting Elemental ward will have an unmoddable status chance of 80-90 percent and the AOE around his feet will now be moddable for up to 12 meters. Addition he will now have elemental effects flaring out of his ‘nose’


      3)      Vex armor works as normal but now also has changed visual effects such as energy spikes going up his back, energy wings, (If not already active by other abilities) and an energy tail (maybe I imagine that’d be a hard thing to add and might look weird)


      4)      Chroma can jump into and control his energy form for half the cost and can manually fire and direct elemental projectiles for full cost (Augs: May also be able to charge the jump for additional height, strafe run/ blitzkrieg, and or move freely in his 4)






    Honestly, (and contrary to popular belief) I think ember is alright where she is. Her 1 has a guaranteed fire proc as well as her 3 which additionally knocks down enemies, and her 3 is a good cc and dmg booster. The only thing I really think needs tweaking is her passive and her 4. Her 4 was harshly nerfed due to her being able to press 4 and walk around killing low level enemies which didn’t make a whole lot of sense to considering all the unchanged benefits and similarities Equinox has had in this regard and no one seems to care (no I don’t want Equinox nerfed). I think complaining about something ‘killing low levels too fast’ is a bad reason to nerf something but I do understand the issue and frustration behind her using her 4 as a map clear with seemingly next to infinite duration due to its efficiency. I think since her range has been nerfed so hard, I think we can afford to bring back some of that efficiency

    The rate at which her 4’s drain increases should be halved or at least reduced to some noticeable degree and her 2 and 3 should set herself on fire, activating her passive.

    DE seems to be really scared to allow Ember to have the ability to effectively and reliably use her passive for a while now and I think that fear comes from her past. Anyone that has played Ember more recently knows that getting her abilities to dmg now (Especially her 1 and 4) is kind of hit or miss, so I think the change is justified (plus it also kind of balances itself out considering you’re lighting yourself on fire for the duration of the ability in order to reap the reward of the passive)




    I’m not going to suggest a nerf to maim. Now that we got that out of the way it’s time to address more prevalent issues with equinox and some of the things that make her annoying to use

    Equinox is a squishy frame so it’s assumed that an average player will go down with her at least once in an endgame mission (especially in a squad of friends because you generally aren’t paying as much attention and playing more casually) so with this in mind, it’s really annoying when the dmg or heal gauge you’ve been storing up for twenty minutes explodes in your face when you get downed. This would be understandable if you straight up died, but there are dozens of drain and duration abilities that stay active when you are downed, and equinox had to be the worst candidate to not give this property to, especially since you must almost actively work toward growing her 4. Her 3 also does this for icing on top and it’s for seemingly for no reason at all. Speaking of things that aren’t continues or consistent, switching forms instantly breaks 3 and 4 as well instead of switching them to the other form. YouTuber DrekarTubeGirl also made a video on this and as far as I can tell a good portion of the community (including myself) agrees with her.  I can understand needing an augment for her for her to hold/retain her previous forms charge, but it only highlights how mandatory some level of built-in retention between forms is desperately needed.

    Lastly her DR in/on her 3 has no consistent/ flat rate of DR and falls off with range, which is odd for a Warframe that is squishy and already has to have a debate on how effective none 99% DR values are on her and frame alike (But that’s an entirely different argument all together)

    Equinox’s 3 will have no falloff for her DR and her 3 and 4 on top of not dissipating upon going down, will switch to other forms equivalent when her 1 is cast





    Excalibur is amazing and has remained amazing even with all his nerfs post exalted rework. I only have one minor issue with a change that was made to him regarding his 4 and it’s a really simple fix


          1)      When Excalibur uses his 2, in addition to its normal effects, it will set the blind on his 4’s spin attack to true

    While this is set to true, whenever Excalibur is in his 4 and does a spin attack, it will blind and consume energy

    If Excalibur uses his 3 again, it will set the blind on his 4 to false, thus when he spin attacks, there will be no blind nor consumption of energy

    Despite spin attacking not be essential to movement it still is a move that is engraved in a lot of players heads while using a melee weapons (especially since maiming strike exist now) so it really feels like you are being punished whenever you are trying to get a little boost in speed and dmg from time to time. I Like the built-in blind, but not if it’s going to try to hinder me from using one of the main mechanics of a melee weapon, thus why I think the change is justified.

    I think this could also be a gateway into becoming a decent augment as well. For example, whenever Excalibur sets is 2 to true, the blind could be extended to his basic melee weapon, maybe even allies as well.



           4)   Lastly, if you use Excalibur a lot, you’ll notice that his 4 is prone to glitching out if you go   down mid cast of the ability. When this happens, (for me anyway) Excalibur’s 4 will be stuck in between to states: The first one will Excalibur’s 4 as normal, and the second will replace your melee (in some cases all your weapons) and will act like Excalibur’s 4, however it wont consume energy, has less dmg and in some cases you spin attack for free and keep the blind effect. With this glitch in mind I thought it be awesome to make this an actual feature or augment.

    Now Excalibur could toggle his 4 (Like Ivara’s arrows) and have a variety of different states and can have different decast and recast animations for each one. Maybe one where his energy waves explode but don’t go through walls,  or it doesn’t have the energy waves at all but has a devastating attack (or can have built in body count effect which would make sense since Excalibur is to be the true swordsmen and you be sacrificing a large element of his 4) and maybe on top of that, add in the existence of the two states when Excalibur’s 4 is glitched thus being a replacement of the true false system suggested earlier

    (if nothing else look into Excalibur’s 4 and fix the bug)


    Summary: Excalibur can now freely roam in his 4 without free from wasting energy on an accidental spin attack and can smartly choose when he wants to use it.

    Quick Recap:


      2)      When Excalibur uses his 2, in addition to its normal effects, it will set the blind on his 4’s spin attack to true, causing them to blind and consume energy. If Excalibur uses his 2 again, it will set the blind on his 4 to false and there will be no blind or consumption of energy on spin attacks


          4) (Maybe have this as an augment?) Now Excalibur could toggle his 4 (Like Ivara’s arrows) and have different status and attack variations. On top of that, make two of the variations similar to what happens when Excalibur’s 4 is glitched thus being a replacement of the true false system suggested earlier for the blind on spin attack.






    Frost has had major issues when the game first started going through its changes and growing as he struggled to keep up with the new meta of the game. His first major rework was proven to be a much needed band aid but now with frames like Gara being introduced and volt’s shield being considered better to end game, (due to it not having a set amount of dmg it can take, runs off duration, and boost the dmg of shots going through) Frost has lost his identity of being a prominent defense character. Frost could always pass as a pseudo cc/dmg frame and I’d like to focus more on that aspect of him so he’s more unique (I know that sounds ironic, but you’ll understand soon) rather than dedicate the majority of my time trying to make his 3 a copy paste of volt or Gara’s shield abilities. 


          2)      This is my one exception to the preexisting augment rule. Frost’s gameplay alternative to the defensive role is locking down tight areas with his one and two and taking advantage of his status procs. His 2’s augment becomes synonymous with this playstyle and his really just a splinter in the toe of frost really being able to switch up his gameplay. I get that augments are inherently supposed to lend themselves out for switching gameplay and that there are a lot of augment that people feel should be built in, but when you consider where frost sits in the game, I think it’s much more needed in his case to make him more interesting.


          3)      Frost 3 should be changed up and given some meaningful changes (or at least augments) to allow it to be more unique and stand out from other defensive abilities.


    Forever, Eximus enemies have been a reflection of some of the abilities elemental frames have (Arson / Caustic enemies have a fire blast similar to Embers’ 3), so I really don’t understand why frost never got to take notes from the Arctic Eximus.


    Built in or as an augment, Frost can move with his shield like that of an Arctic Eximus. Perhaps if this change proves too strong, Frost can forgo the slow he has when the shield is being used mobily.


    I’d think it also serve Frost well to have a slight increase of base range on his shield (maybe by 5 meters) as he still has to put a lot of power strength and armor into his shield. On top of this, Gara can get twice the range and strength out of her shield and really doesn’t give Frost’s Snowglobe much of a leg to stand on by comparison.


           4)      Frost has a chance to summon snowmen when casting his 4. The snowman will have a snowball attack that slows enemy movement speed up to 50%(unmoddable) then do 500-1000 dmg a shot. I think its criminal that we have a character named frost, who has snow-based abilities, and he can’t summon snowmen.

    A more important thing I want to address and change with Frost’s (and Gara’s) 4 is that for some reason, when enemies are frozen solid, they become immune to status procs. I don’t know why this is, but It really hurts team synergy when an ally prevents status from weapons. The most annoying is when frost is paired with other elemental frames like Saryn where he can occasionally pause or slow her ability to spread Spores when he casts his 4


    Summary: Frost can be a stronger cc/dmg hybrid, and his shield has been brought up to date and given its own niche in the defense department as well as an entertaining addition (or most likely an augment) for his 4.

    Quick Recap:

    P) Melee attacks will freeze the attacker (being melee attacked is such a rare occurrence and in late game you won survive the melee, so you should at least get something out of dying or going down 100% of the time)


           2)   Ice Wave Impedance is now built in


           3)   Frost can move with his shield like that of an Arctic Eximus, possibly forgoing the slow (Maybe have this as an augment?)


           4)   When this ability freezes an enemy, they will no longer be status immune. Additionally, this ability has a chance to summon snowmen that slows enemy movement speed up to 50%(unmoddable) and then do 500-1000 dmg a shot. (Maybe have this as an augment?)







    One extremely irritating thing I and other players find, is that energy weapons (two primary examples being the Zenistar’s disc and Arca Plasmor shots) won’t go through the shield (Mass Vitrify). I don’t know if this was intended or not but it’s really irritating when a portion of the weapons you want to use just straight up aren’t viable because their shots won’t go past the edge of the shield. This should obviously be changed so that all weapons can go through the shield. It makes no sense and as far as I can tell, this is believed to be a glitch at least to a forum post on where it was unanimously agreed as such. Other weapons that don’t penetrate the shield are: Sonicor, shraksun scaffold, and the primary shot of the Panthera. Lastly, when Gara freezes enemies (encapsulates them in molten glass), it no longer makes them status immune. This is for the same reasons mentioned with Frost

    Zenistar’s disc can’t go through volt or Gara’s sheild, and Gara’s sheild also blocks the Arca Plasmor and Shraksun scaffold shots








    Ah Hydroid, the Aquaman equivalent of a Warframe. The only difference is that Hydroid is useful and his corrosive projection into his 3 is extremely strong. Despite this newfound strength, Hydroid still remains an uninteresting frame (they kept the puddle ability lol). I think it would only take what I consider to bea couple minor tweaks to give him a bit more flare and keep him a bit more active in gameplay.


    P) I remember the devstream where DE announced and went over passive ideas for Warframes. Rebecca’s suggested with great enthusiasm, the idea of Hydroid being able to summon tentacles on slam attacks and I remember looking over at Steve’s face as he immediately winced at the thought. It was that exact moment I knew that the end result of the passive wasn’t going to be very good, and behold, I was right. I think the premise in itself is fine, it needs more consistency and reliability in order to be useable.

    On a slam attacks, Hydroid will summon 3 tentacles (When you spam this attack, it will usually provide around 3-4 tentacles on screen at once in its current state, this change will disincentivize players from doing so) for 20 seconds.

    ATN: you will only be able to have one set of tentacles on screen at once


    3)   DE has been actively taking steps against passive gameplay ever since the Mesa and Mag debacle, so it seems rather bizarre that when Hydroid got his ‘rework’, that they gave him so much power on top of the ability to sit still and invincible while doing so. To be fair, DE did announce that they’d rather let the players decide if it should be changed or not rather than make their own executive decision and considering this feature is still in the game, I can only assume that no one at large is complaining. I’m completely fine with DE going in this direction (in fact I prefer it), but it makes you wince back at frames that have already been impacted by prior decision making and have no known plans of reversion or compensation.

     If Hydroid is going to keep this lvl of DPS (and if we are really going to keep his 3 as a puddle) then Hydroid should at least be exposed while doing so

    Hydroid will now cast the puddle ability separate from himself and can choose where to place it like his 1 or 4. Now, Hydroid will remain in active combat but gets more freedom and mobility as a tradeoff. If this is too much of a nerf to Hydroid’s kit than as an augment or built in, Hydroid can walk over an undertow puddle and recast to submerge into it, bringing back the synergy it had with its 2 and reimplementing its grab


    4) I think making the head of the kraken visible was a good start to adding some depth to this ability so let’s kick it up a notch and release that kraken


    (For perhaps an increased energy cost) hydroids will know fully summon his kraken (instead of it just being a head, it’s an 8-10 meter tall, fully fleshed out entity) damaging all enemies directly underneath him and as an added bonus for fun, Hydroid can opt to sit on the head of the kraken and watch over the display of zealous, bone crushing tentacles swarm the enemy (Hydroid will still be fully targetable when on the kraken and won’t have access to weapons or abilities).


    Some augment ideas to go with this change are as follows:


    -          The kraken will occasion spit out tidal argue equivalents

    -          Hydroid will have access to abilities and or weapons while atop the kraken


    Summary: Now Hydroid is as cool and entertaining as he is powerful and DPS heavy

    Quick Recap:

    P) on ground slam, Hydroid will summon 3 tentacles for 20 seconds

      3)      Hydroid will now cast the puddle ability separate from himself and can choose where to place it (Aug: He can walk over an undertow puddle and recast to submerge into it)

      4)      Hydroid can fully summon his now 8-10-meter-tall Kraken and ride atop it (Augs: The kraken will occasionally spit out tidal surge equivalents, access to abilities and or weapons while atop the kraken)







    Inaros has been the viable version of Atlas since the two shared an existence. However, along with a theme as simple as rock (a sand frame, can’t wait for the dirt one) Inaros is also incredibly boring to play and could use some kit diversity.


    P) Inaros’s passive is good in theory but lacks the visual cues and consistency to be of any real use to the player

    Inaros will now have a visible gauge (either on the side of the screen or on the sarcophagus itself) that will show you how much of a number or percentage you need in order to revive. Additionally, the first time Inaros goes into his Sarcophagus, the amount needed will be halved in order to guarantee that Inaros gets to use his passive at least once. 

    Now Inaros’s passive will work consistently throughout enemy leveling and will have a metric that the player can follow


    2) this is ability has the same issue with Inaros passive in the sense where it has no consistency when the enemies start to reach higher levels. 

    Similarly, this ability should have a set TTK so that regardless of enemy level Inaros can actually reap the full benefit of the ability. If this proofs to be to faulty or not specific enough for gameplay then have multiple TTK for enemy ranges. For example, enemies lvl 1-30 has a 5 second TTK, 31-50 has a 10 second TTK, and 51+ has a 15 second TTK

    One of the major problems with Inaros’s ability aside from its lack luster dmg is how annoying it is to be in a high lvl mission with Inaros and instead of actually playing, he decides to sit and devour an enemy for what feels like hours, never actually contributing and hiding behind immunity

    Additionally, Inaros’s Sand Shadows will be given the ‘Nyx treatment’ from her recent pc rework so they can be fired upon to increase their dmg and in return dish out substantial dmg.


    3) As we have gathered from the happens of the Zephyr prime release, Tornadoes aren’t the best ability type in the game and much like Zephyr, Inaros’s Tornado could use some love

    Firstly, this ability will be chargeable for horizontal size and dmg and then when released, is separate from Inaros himself (The animation for the charge and release can stay the same). Since this ability is called ‘Sandstorm’ and not ‘Sand Tornado’ lets make it more like a sandstorm. Instead of sending out a tornado, Inaros will send out a radial storm, creating what looks to be an actual sandstorm with wind and sand swirling everywhere around and within the ability’s radius. Instead of being rag-dolled, enemies will be slowed by 40% (unmoddable) and will be infested with scarabs that will do 50 true dmg a tick for 15 seconds (base). 

    Potential augment could be that Inaros could get a portion of the dmg dealt as health back for himself and his allies when inside the radius of the storm 

    4) The core of the ability should stay the same but chargeable DR is honestly just a slightly stronger version of a second or third ability and Inaros still has a wait time drawback. I think that a radial ability built on top to go with this will make this ability more than a self-buff and have synergy with his new 3 for a solid cc option/alternative.

    Inaros on start up will summon is sarcophagus and stand atop it (Similar to baron’s fourth ability if you’ve ever played Smite) and while charging DR, will emit a pit of quicksand, pulling enemies towards the center. If an enemy or enemies are at the center when the charge ends, they will be stunned and have all the effects of Inaros’s 1 applied to them.

    ATN: Inaros will no longer be able to cast this in midair 

    A strong augment that could come with this is as follows:


    Depending on the number of enemies stunned by Inaros’s 4 (25% per enemy) it will store a percentage internally. Instead of the Sarcophagus disappearing after the charge ends, it will remain behind for 10 seconds and can be clicked on like a health restore air drop, providing stack of scarab armor to Inaros and allies. Inaros will be able to restore up to 75% of his Scarab armor using this method (The sarcophagus can hold up to 4 stacks).

    Now when Inaros gets hit with nullification on his 4 (through nullifiers or through Scrambus units) he will have a chance to recover some of his Scarab armor as well as provide a slight buff to teammates


    Summary: Now Inaros, along with being a tank, can actually make use of his 3 and 4 with added cc.

    Quick Recap:

    P) Inaros will now have a visible gauge that will show you how much of a number or percentage you need in order to revive. Additionally, the first time Inaros goes into his Sarcophagus, the amount needed to revive will be halved


      2)      Damage for this ability have a TTK (Or set TTK’s based off a range of enemy levels). Additionally, Inaros’s Sand Shadows will receive the ‘Nyx treatment’ from her recent pc rework so that they can deal increased dmg.

      3)      This ability will be chargeable for horizontal size and dmg and when released, is separate from Inaros himself and Instead of being rag-dolled, enemies will be slowed by 40% (unmoddable) and will be infested with scarabs that will do 50 true dmg a tick for 15 seconds (base).

      4)      Inaros on startup will summon is sarcophagus and stand atop it. While charging DR, will emit a pit of quicksand, pulling enemies towards the center. If an enemy or enemies are at the center when the charge ends, they will be stunned and have all the effects of Inaros’s 1 applied to them (Inaros will no longer be able to cat this in midair.)

    (Aug: Depending on the number of enemies stunned by Inaros’s 4, it will store a stack/percentage internally. Instead of the Sarcophagus disappearing after the charge ends, it will remain behind for 10 seconds and can be used to provide a stack of scarab armor to Inaros and allies. Inaros will be able to restore up to 75% of his Scarab armor and the sarcophagus can hold up to 4 stacks).








    I genuinely have no idea what the real intended theme of Khora was aside from whips and chain cat lady (maybe a ‘sexual innuendo’ frame?). The biggest grievance I have with Khora is that she technically doesn’t have a third ability because all it does is change the mode of her cat. In fact, the ability feels so passive that it should just straight up be part of her passive. Aside from that fact, Khora has a lot of potentially to be a really cool frame and I think a feature we’ve all been waiting to see in a frame should be given to her.


    P) Along with Venari giving a speed boost, she will also occasionally heal allies as normal and her attack will apply it’s unique dmg properties as well as stumble enemies. (pretty much having all forms at once). Additionally, if Venari dies, she’ll respawn in 10 seconds

    3) Since Khora’s 3 is now passive, Strangledome will now be her third ability


    4) So Khora is supposed to be the unity of Tenno and Beast (or in this case Kavat) right? So why don’t we change the definition of what that really means and give Khora the ability everyone has been waiting for.

    Khora will now morph and turn into her Kavat, Venari (That’s right, finally a transformation ability) and will have an altered set of abilities that will capitalize on her Ensnare and Strangledome (following abilities will be in the same order, however, will be how they work in Khora’s Venari form)

    4.1) Khora will swipe her claw, performing an attack with similar stats to her Whipclaw. That being said, enemies hit with this ability will take additional dmg from Whipclaw for 15 seconds

    4.2) Khora will lock on and kneed ensnared enemies applying bleed/slash procs and resetting the ensnare timer

    4.3) When in Strangledome, Khora will perform a pounce, collapsing the dome and slamming enemies to the ground for 1,500 dmg (Base). Enemies that are still alive are individually strangled and have the time reset for the stun on them. Additionally, stunned enemies will now be opened up for Khora’s 4.1 and 4.2 attack.   

    ATN: Khora’s only movement in her Venari form will be walking and sprinting (for obvious reasons) and when Khora uses her 4.3, The dome itself will disappear, however enemies will remain individually wrapped and their allies will still shoot them.


    Summary: Khora will now have a loaded and diverse kit and along with a complete new and unique fourth ability, will be able to further punish enemies caught in her cc

    Quick Recap:

    P) Venari will be a passive completely, providing a speed boost when alive and occasionally healing allies. Additionally, her attack will have the properties of the defensive and offensive form built in and will respawn every 10 seconds upon death.

      2)      Damage for this ability have a TTK (Or set TTK’s based off a range of enemy levels). Additionally, Inaros’s Sand Shadows will receive the ‘Nyx treatment’ from her recent pc rework so that they deal increased dmg.

      3)      Strangledome will now be her 3

      4)      Khora will now morph and turn into her Kavat, Venari (Khora will only be able to walk and sprint in this form), and abilities 1-3 will have altered in this form:

    4.1) Khora will perform a claw attack with similar stats to her Whipclaw and enemies hit will take additional dmg from Whipclaw for 15 seconds

    4.2) Khora will lock on and kneed ensnared enemies applying bleed/slash procs and resetting the ensnare timer

    4.3) When in Strangledome, Khora will perform a pounce that collapses the dome and slams enemies to the ground for 1,500 dmg (Base). Enemies that are still alive are individually strangled and have their stun timers reset. Additionally, collapsed enemies will be opened up for Khora’s 4.1 and 4.2 abilities (The dome itself will disappear, but enemies will remain wrapped and their allies will still shoot them).   





    Limbo is character that despite receiving updates, is still a largely unfriendly frame to use with teammates and team synergy and because of this, I believe he is much worse off than people would like to recognize. The wrench in the gear definitely being Limbo's stasis in cataclysm. This is because it disrupts the flow of the game and can often shut down survival missions due to causing an overall slow to KPS due adding an extra step to kill enemies (rifted enemies must be killed in the rift). I think that to truly fix limbo, you first must address the mechanics of his rift and change the image of the rift actually is as well.


    Changing the rift (Visuals): Right out of the gate I think one of the most essential things to change are the visuals when you are inside the rift. The use of awkward passive color pallets along with rapidly swirling borders is nauseating and is still a major contributing factor to the disdain limbo receives from players. I think going for a singular grayscale effect along with the players selected energy color highlighting enemies and items would do the job just find. On top of this, slow the swirling borders of cataclysm by at least 50% to make the outside visuals less intense on the eyes. Additionally, the noise of the rift should be tweaked from muffled swirls and ‘wooshing’ noises, to something soft and more ambient.

    Changing the rift (Mechanics): Limbo’s influence over KPS is his worse attribute and this problem stems from the rift itself. Since rifted enemies cannot be injured by anything that isn’t also in the rift, this inherently slows down game play as allies now need to be individually rift (making them now unable to injure none rifted enemies) or limited to the confines of limbo’s cataclysm in order to regularly do dmg. I can understand that their needs to be separation between the rift and the outside world, however their needs to be a way for players to still dmg rifted enemies.

    To address this, we must first change what the void is. Instead, of just ‘an alternate plan in-between the void’ we can expand and give the rift more of a description via his ability changes on what the rift is/consist of. Now on top of the prior descriptor, limbo’s realm could be a place that exist not only in-between two states, but in two states itself as well. What I mean by that is that the rift can have two forms. One, a specified dense area that increased the weight of independent metals (will make sense later) and two, a low density, low gravity zone.

    Thus, the rift will be an ability that will exist in two states. At base, the rift will be a space where all entities are restricted to melee combat as regular weaponry is too heavy to use/hold and combat must be reduced to quick swings with a melee (Melee attacks will still work as normal) As well as slowing enemy movement speed. When the rift is switched (through the use of what will be limbo’s new second ability), combat will be restored to normal, however gravity for players will be reduced (similar to zephyrs) and enemies will be lifted off the ground then locked in place (this will be to prevent the issue that people have with Titania where shooting a suspended enemies throws them back and or moves them).

    (It is important to note that enemies that are base rifted will be vulnerable to melee attacks by players in and outside of the rift and will take dmg and die as normal. None melee attacks will store the dmg with a small multiplier, if limbo’s rift is switched to the second state, or if the enemy leaves the rift, the dmg will stored will be applied. Enemies that are dmg by none melees will have a mark or particle effects on them to tell the player that that enemy has dmg stored on them)

    Now that the core of limbo and his abilities have been completely changed, we can now go over his abilities and shape them to be in line with his prior changes (these will affectively already be summarized and the rift itself will have its changes mentioned again at the bottom).


    Summary: Limbo will now be able to regularly use his abilities without any major hindrance to teammates and can use his rift in more than one stagnant way, going from crippling enemy performance through their dmg and movement, to pure lock down cc and can decide which is more suitable for the task/scenario at hand.

    P) Rifted enemies killed will restore energy to rifted allies and limbo’s dash into the rift will no longer leave behind a mini portal for allies. (This is due to the irritation that comes with accidently stepping into the rift when the player doesn’t want to and is simply trying to navigate around the map quickly. If the player wants to be rifted, they will have to ask limbo to use his 1 on them, or step into cataclysm)

    1)   when cast on an ally, the soon-to-be affected player will get an indicator on their screen for 1 to 2 seconds, in this time, they can roll to cancel the effect from ever taking place and when they are hit, they will be given a second of immunity to compensate for the delay. This way, (players can still roll why this is active to exit the rift and it is changed to such in case the rift is still too visually irritating to the player and they desperately don’t want to be in the ability).

    2)   Limbo will switch the state of his rift to the next form (will always start with the base form).  ATN: the secondary form will allow enemies to take dmg from in and out of the rift, while the base form will only take direct dmg from melee attacks outside the rift and will store all others internally. 

    3)   will largely stay the same the only differences are that now this ability will weaken enemies and when the surge spreads rift effects, the enemies that are rifted through this method take dmg

    4)   This ability will also stay the same for the most part. One crucial change would be that when the cataclysm is in its secondary mode, enemies that walk into it are pulled toward the center slightly before being locked in place (this effect will trigger once per enemy). This would be added in order to prevent the annoying effect where enemies would constantly phase in and out of the rift while trying to move toward the player while the stasis was active (or in this case the stun lock). Additionally (Built in or Maybe have this as an augment?), Enemies killed in the cataclysm will restore a meter or two of the cataclysm itself and or temporarily stop the shrinking of the cataclysm for a second or two as well




    Loki has always had a close relationship with Ash as the two would always be compared as the true ninja frames. However, after spy 2.0, despite Loki clearly being better equipped for stealth missions, he kind of lost out on the true ninja aspect. With suggested limbo rework, Loki could no longer have to be the icon of his radial disarm and could instead be given a new ability that could introduce him to dmg side of the game and give Loki a whole new identity.


         1)      Loki’s decoy will be scrapped and replaced with invisibility as his 1. The reasoning for this is because despite Loki’s decoy being good for mobility (when used with switch teleport), distracting enemies, and not dying with his augment, the ability itself didn’t serve much of a purpose. It will be reimplemented elsewhere, however will no longer be a standalone ability.


          2)      Switch Teleport is a good movement ability However, moving your target away from you is and always will be drawback. I get that this exist as to not be a direct clone to Ash, but if you are going to have this as an ability, one would think there would be a level of compensation for spending energy only to send one of targets you wanted to kill, farther away from you.


    When Loki switch teleports a target, it will be marked for 20 seconds(base), during the this, the target will be 25% weaker to attacks(base) and will take 50 toxin dmg until the ability ends. This way Loki is not only rewarded for sending a target away from him but can quickly relocate and kill it as well.


    Visually, the idea is that right before or while Loki, is switching places, he stabs the target with a poisoned blade,


         3)      Loki’s Radial Disarm will now be his 3


         4)      This will tie in new and old aspects of Loki to overall be the peak of his new role. Loki will summon two daggers (Exalted, but no elemental mods will be available along with the original mod limitations of exalted weapons for reasons soon to be mentioned). When next to an enemy, Loki can melee the target to instantly preform a finisher on the it, applying a bleed and slash proc, as well as making the target weaker to dmg(This will only perform finishers and wont have a regular attack). If the target dies to the Finisher, Loki will drop a Decoy in its place. Loki will also receive a 20% boost to movement speed(unmoddable) while this ability is active.


    Summary:  Now Loki has crazy amounts of speed (especially when coupled with rush or volts speed ability) to make up for him no longer being able to switch teleport his decoy outright (Loki can switch teleport the decoy he spawns in but since he can no longer summon it outright, it won’t be as effective or reliable) and has a very specific (and effective), high single target dmg role that he can fit into as well while retaining invisibility and cc.

    Quick Recap:

    P) When wall latched, Loki will be rendered invisible

    1) Invisibility is now his 1.

    2) This When Loki switch teleports a target, it will be marked for 20 seconds(base), during the this, the target will be 25% weaker to attacks(base) and will take 50 toxin dmg until the ability ends.

    3) Radial disarm is now his 3

    4) summon two daggers (Exalted, but no elemental mods will be available along with the original mod limitations of exalted weapons for reasons soon to be mentioned). When next to an enemy, Loki can melee the target to instantly preform a finisher on the it, applying a bleed and slash proc, as well as making the target weaker to dmg. If the target dies to the Finisher, Loki will drop a Decoy in its place. Loki will also receive a 20% boost to movement speed(unmoddable) while this ability is active. (Aug: Depending on the number of enemies killed in this ability, Loki can earn back time on his invisibility)





    After her circus act with Mag back In the T4 Defense days, Mesa’s 4th ability was hit incredible hard when it came to the nerf industry. I understand getting rid of being able to shoot through walls and limiting the range to what’s visible to the players screen, so why did this ability need two more nerfs on top of this!? (Increased energy drain and radius shrink while shooting). It’s seems that DE was way too scared off this abilities strength and over compensated for it’s formidable DPS. The latter nerfs, being the increased energy drain and the radius shrink, should be removed. The player already must actively look and seek out targets and since her 4 has now become synonymous with her augment, players are required to navigate around architecture in order to seek out new targets. If the base FOV needs to be slightly reduced as compensation for never shrinking, I’d be more than fine with that. Speak of which, her augment needs changing.


    So, considering that Mesa is now required to move around in her 4 now, why is the movement speed reduced by 50% on her augment? The player is already restricted to the floor and can only roll, why would it be such a problem if Mesa could move at normal speed? I have the same issue with Nyx’s absorb augment as well, as it almost negates the point of using the augment in the first place. I could see why Nyx has lowered movement speed (Sorta) as her 4 makes her invincible but this isn’t the case with Mesa. Most importantly, the movement speed reduction, coupled with the inability to jump in any capacity, makes the ability unfun to use. Considering how important movement is to Warframe, I was concerned with how willing DE was to ‘add’ A mechanic to the game that rids the player of so much movement and I think it’s a bigger drawback then people realize.

    (Normally I would ignore Augments that currently exist as mentioned, but this is one other exception as Mesa’s Waltz Augment has become an integral part of her ability much like Nyx’s Assimilate augment. Therefore, I think it is so important to address as it’s an issue relative to the players movement)


    Another issue I have with Mesa’s Augment is its removal of midair functionality. If you cast Peacemaker in midair without the augment, you can hold down the aim glide button in order to decrease fall speed and use the ability while fall/gliding (which was a common strategy to use pre-Waltz era and once again shows how important and desired movement was and is for this ability). For some reason, when you try this with the augment, you’ll sink like a stone regardless. I’m not sure why an Augment would straight up remove functionality like this but nevertheless it needs restoration.

    In Summary: Lock the FOV and Decrease the energy drain for her 4, then remove the movement speed penalty and restore aim glide functionality to her Waltz augment. (Remove movement penalty for Nyx’s Assimilate as well)




    Mirage is another frame that was harshly nerfed to her strong game stopping cc. Okay, her problem was her 4 had to much range and the blind could cc everything on the map, you nerf her range on the 4, why was there a need for anything else. Currently, Mirage’s 4 is too expensive, does very little dmg, and is practically unusable with Natural Talent. If this thing clearly cannot be trusted as a cc ability, can it at least do something else? I think it NEEDS boosted (and scaling) dmg, increased cast speed, and decreased energy cost. Maybe even add an augment as well that allows her doppelgangers to cast Prisms of their own. Something Desperately needs to change with her 4 because as far as where she currently stands, she doesn’t have a fourth ability unless the enemies you’re fighting are under lvl 30 and you have a lot of time on your hands. Lastly, her 2 and 4 RNG/random properties. Not having accountability and having to stand in certain areas of the map for a desired effect is unfun and unusable as the player has no real way to control them in a game where at high level content you have to be moving around and rely on your skill and accountability of the abilities you cast. To fix this, allow the player to ‘pick light or dark mode’ when casting Eclipse and in turn, the side selected will affect the Slight of hand ability.




    Start to finish I was really nervous about Nyx’s rework because of only one real aspect, I knew DE would get rid of radiation on her Psychic bolts and I think this is because they didn’t ever realize how important it was to her kit. I’m ok completely with the ability no longer doing dmg, but the radiation proc needs to come back. Oh also, her 4 is still awful (dmg wise) take the obvious step, get rid of the dmg on the 4, make the augment built in and get rid of the speed reduction.





    Oberon received a mixed bag of opinions when he got his rework. On one hand, he got a lot more synergy and flow between his abilities and his 3 became a viable option, however a lot of the core problems he had regarding his lacking dmg and armor stacking/increase persist to this day. upon testing, the only changes made where that his 1 (get this) can now kill lvl 1 enemies and there was a mention of diminishing returns on his 1, however if you use this ability on anything above a level 30, you have to squint in order to notice that it did anything. Considering that Oberon still has a solid spot in survivals and Eidolon hunts, I feel like he mainly just needs some numerical tweaks in order to bring him up to a cleaner spot in the game.

    Oberon himself: Firstly, a base armor increase of 200. Despite all the armor stacking and healing, Oberon starts to sweat when faced with multiple enemies above lvl 60 even with max armor power strength and health and utilization of his 2 and 3 combo. Even if you have a balanced build between these attributes, he still has a hard time just supporting himself and should be made a bit tankier (especially when you consider that base Valkyr with only steel fiber can outshine a well-built Oberon with abilities when it comes to the amount of armor by itself).


    P) Despite changes, this passive still regarded as one of the worst ones in the game. To paraphrase Brozime on his Oberon rework stream, “They didn’t make the passive any better or worse, they just replaced it with something equally as useless” (A lot of the testing I did and problems I have with Oberon stem from and are inspired form Brozime’s stream directly). I think that an obvious addition to make the ability better is pretty simple. On top of his current properties, Oberon will grant himself and his teammates 1 instant revive that works like his Phoenix renewal and will only work once per person.  


    1)      Oberon’s 1 is still embarrassing bad. While montage videos of the ability failing to kill lvl 1 enemies has been properly ended, Oberon’s 1 struggles to stay relevant in high level play. I think Oberon’s 1 has been laughed at long enough and is in need a serious dmg increase. First, when Oberon uses his 1, before applying all other affects and dmg, it immediately removes 15 to 20% of the enemy’s health. With the new power creep maximum being an ability that stacks twelve times the dmg and can one shot enemies below 40% health, I think it’s a fair addition that can assure viability into late game as it will now scale effectively.

    Additionally, I think this 15 to 20% should be extended to all basic dmg first abilities such as Nekros, Banshee, Frost, Mag, and Ember’s First ability as these abilities are nonmovement related and are meant to deal dmg primarily (with a slight exception for Mag and Banshee) and has proven to fall off and not scale well into late game and this will guarantee substantial dmg (You may have noticed that Vauban and Volt aren’t on the list but I have left them out on purpose as I have special plans for them).

    Lastly, as revenge for this ability never doing dmg and Despite all the false promises of a demising return free world, the orbs still not doing noticeable dmg, the base Initial orb dmg will increase from 500 to 550 and the regular orb dmg from 100 to 150


    2)      His Second abilities’ armor buff with Renewal is again, considered much too weak and could use a buff as well. Start by increasing the armor gained with renewal by 100 and reduced the energy cost by 10. The reason I feel the energy cost should be reduced slightly is because of how often you have to use it with other abilities in order to get the most out of them (using with Renewal for additional armor and with Reckoning for reliable armor stripping). 


    3)      armor increase of 100


    4)      There is no excuse for this ability to be unable to kill level 32s at 230% power strength should it should be buffed to exactly that and guarantee it. I think the base dmg of 1250 to 1500 and the base radiation dmg of 625 to 650 will be enough to the job and slightly then some (No need for a buff much past that as the ability is till good for armor stripping and adding radiation procs, thus remaining powerful in those regards)


    Summary: Now Oberon has the survivability to reliable cast abilities and provide a substantial amount of dmg while stripping armor and providing radiation procs thus bringing his refurbished kit into a much better state gameplay wise.   

    Quick Recap:

    P) On top of his current properties, Oberon will grant himself and his teammates 1 instant revive that works like his Phoenix renewal and will only work once per person

    1) Before applying all other affects and dmg, it immediately removes 15 to 20% of the enemy’s health and this dmg method should be extended to all basic dmg first abilities such as Nekros, Banshee, Frost, Mag, and Ember’s. Lastly, the base Initial orb dmg will increase from 500 to 550 and the regular orb dmg from 100 to 150

    2) increase the armor gained with renewal by 100 and reduced the energy cost by 10.

    3) Armor increase of 100

    4) Base dmg of 1250 to 1500 and the base radiation dmg of 625 to 650






    Revenant is now known as the sentient/Eidolon frame. That being said, why do none of his abilities represent this or reflect this? If you use your imagination, his one kind of makes sense on how it has to do with sentients as there was that whole poorly explained sequence in the Second Dream where Hunhow was able to manipulate the stalker twice into trying to kill us, and where he corrupted and took over Cephalon Suda in Octavia’s Anthem which could tie back into to Eidolons and his 4 makes him spin around and have lasers, which fits, but feels really meh. Past that, the only thing that makes his abilities resemble sentients is the descriptions that tell you they are such. Sentients are such a powerful and mysterious force (Even with all the additional lore and story we have now) and I feel like there was a lot of missed creative opportunity with Reavenant.


    P) Since he is part sentient in nature, his should have a built in, possibly scaled down, Adaption mod as his new passive as sentients adapting to dmg is their main shtick.


         1)      As mentioned earlier, Revenant’s Enthrall is alright, but could be improved upon to fit the theme better.

    Revenant will now overwhelm the target, pouring sentient energy in and throughout its body, stealing its mind and bestowing sentient armor. The target will also be given a custom sentient melee weapon that will fire particle charges that will make whatever is hit by it weaker to elemental dmg.

    Speaking of elemental dmg, that sentient armor on the enemies isn’t just for show. Revenant can toggle through the four basic elements when using this ability (if a target is currently being affected, he will be unable to do so). When the target dies, it will emit the eruption of energy as before but the dmg will be in the element Revenant has selected.


         2)      Revenant can sacrifice and kill one of his thralls and convert it into a sentient drone similar to Vomvalysts on the plains (up to 6 after modding) that will monitor Reavenants shields. Each can hold up to 1000 (moddable) shields and if a drone dies early via taking too much dmg (health moddable through power strength), it will give the remain charge as overshields to Reavenant; If Revenant is at max overshields, then it will bestow the effect to allies.

    Additionally (Or as an augment), Revenant can recast the ability to kill a drone, not only to manually get a shield boost, but to now release sentient clouds of energy (Similar to his old 2) that will stun nearby enemies, opening them up for a free cast of his 1.

    ATN: The drones will apply shields instantly on dmg. For example, should Revenant take 350 dmg to his shields, a drone will instantly restore 350 shields and be left with 650 of its charge


         3)      I think this should remain a movement ability, however I’m going to make it an offensive one as I will be decoupling it from what is to be his new 4

    On startup, Revenant will quickly summon two batons (similar to the ones the Conculyst use) and spin forward quickly, stumbling enemies and hitting them for 200 impact dmg (moddable, however this dmg is the focus of the ability). Enemies hit will provide a stack of a whatever their highest type of dmg is on their weapon for Reavenant. For example, if a Lancer, since they use Grakatas, and that gun’s highest stat is impact, it will get a stack of impact. This will provide additional dmg to melees in that dmg type and every other swing with a melee will guarantee its proc.


         4)      I like all the properties this ability has dmg wise so the adaptable dmg will stay the same, however its functionality isn’t the greatest. On top of that, I feel like when it comes to cool sentient laser attacks, there is a much larger and cooler sentient that Reavenant could have took notes from

    Revenant will summon lasers, except now they will be up down stationary ones independent from Reavenants movement (Exactly like the Gantulyst, however scaled down in range, size and intensity so that the game doesn’t break). Reavenant will also be able to charge this ability before hand for additional lasers to be summoned around him and killed enemies will drop energy orbs instead of shield ones (his new 2 will fill the role for shields now).


    Summary: Revenant will now be much stronger and more offensive with abilities that better reflect the adaptive nature of sentients. Also, Reavenant will be a lot more interesting to the player and can be known as something more than just ‘Spinny laser man’

    Quick Recap:

    P) Built in, possibly scaled down, Adaption mod

      1)      Corrupt target with overwhelming amount of sentient energy, enthralling it and granting custom sentient armor and a melee weapon that will fire particle charges that will make whatever is hit by it weaker to elemental dmg. Revenant can also toggle through the four basic elements unless a target is currently being affected. When the target dies, it will emit the eruption of energy as before but the dmg will be in the element Revenant has selected.

      2)      can sacrifice and kill one of his thralls and convert it into a sentient drone (up to 6 after modding) that can hold up to 1000 (moddable) shields and instantly restore Reavenants and if a drone dies early via taking too much dmg (health moddable through power strength), it will give the remain charge as overshields to Revenant; If Reavenant is at max overshields, then it will bestow the effect to allies. Additionally (Or as an augment), Revenant can recast the ability to kill a drone, releasing sentient clouds of energy that will stun nearby enemies and open them up for a free cast of his 1.

      3)      quickly summon two batons and spin forward quickly, stumbling enemies and hitting them for 200 impact dmg (moddable). Enemies hit will provide a stack of a whatever their highest type of dmg is on their weapon for Revenant. This will provide additional dmg to melees in that dmg type and every other swing with a melee will guarantee its proc

      4)      The adaptable dmg will stay the same, however Revenant lasers, now will be up-down, stationary ones independent from Reavenants movement. This ability will also be chargeable, allowing additional lasers to be summoned around him and killed enemies will drop energy orbs instead of shield ones.



    Built in or as an augment, Rhino can cast his 4 in midair for additional range and dmg. This change is so obvious, and I’m amazed that it hasn’t been put in the game yet, it’s practically screaming at DE. Also, Rhino’s passive is garbage. Either make it so that the heavy impact will be guaranteed, knock down enemies within an increased range of say 10 meters, or change it completely in something like ‘enemies that are within 5 meters become terrified of rhino and have a chance of running away for a short period’. No need for any special words, these are clear as day needed changes that have yet to be addressed (DE mentioned being able to stomp in midair once as a rhetorical on a devstream then never brought it up again).



    When Titania was released and her 4 became known to the community, it caught a lot of people by surprise and ended up being a really fun thing to use. Unfortunately, this fun was almost immediately bogged down by Titania’s other abilities being inconsistent and her 4 leaving her way too exposed to gunfire. When DE heard the complaints, they released an augment, which was kind of disrespectful (And I’ll explain why), and then a rework, which while increasing the potential power of her kit, didn’t fix any of the issue’s players had with her abilities and felt really tone deaf on DE’s part. With these changes, I’ll be sure to spell out all the problems with Titania in great detail.


         1)      Similar to the change to limbo’s rift in it’s second state, when Titania lifts an enemy into the air, the target will become locked in place after a few seconds and can’t go more than a meter or two above the ground. A huge problem is that Titania’s CC is that it causes enemies to move around too much (Which is the exact opposite of what cc should do) so if you don’t do a bunch of burst dmg at once or one shot the target, you’ll end up flinging the enemy into the ceiling and just wasting everyone’s time.


          2)      Two suggestions:

    A) Titania can choose via toggle which buff she wants to get first regardless of enemy type and then the rest of the buffs earned will be granted in a set order, again, regardless of what type of enemy

    B) Titania gets all the buffs at once upon use


    Again, seeing this ability only change to ‘you get the max of one buff’ really stung as a player. Time and time again, we’ve mentioned how RNG and random on Warframe abilities are ultimately unfun and unusable as the player has no real way to control them in a game where at high level content, knowing what your Warframe will do and how to use it, is so important. This why Mirages’s 2 is still considered a drawback and no one was excited about the 3 change, because they use RNG or random elements. I really want to stress to DE to stop doing this or if you are, to do a better job.

    What do I mean by that? Well if you are going to add random, make it so that the ability has a core function, then a secondary. Make the core function consistent and the secondary have a random effect. This way, the player will also be able to make use the core function, and if the secondary works in their favor, then it is always a bonus. Lastly avoid making additional cc like levitating or ragdolling enemies a random effect as displacing enemies is generally a drawback when not expected by the player, and avoid radiation procs as a random as well.


         3)      This ability should get the lock treatment as well for the reasons mentioned earlier. Additionally, when an enemy is turned into a lantern, it emits the AOE as a visible ring rather than the range be invisible to the player (kind of like what Nyx’s Chaos Sphere augment does for chaos) all enemies in this ring if (since they still should technically be under the effect of the lantern since they are in range of it) will active passive toward the player.

    This is to prevent the all too common issue where an enemy is being displayed as under the affect of lantern and when Titania or a teammate goes to engage, are bursted to death by a half idle Heavy gunner. I hate to beat a dead horse, but this was also a major issue that was left untouched by her rework


          4)      Evasion easily needs to be increased to 75% and her base movement speed needs to be increased by 25% while in the ability no excuse. Firstly, Titania is way to exposed while in her 4. While she may have the freedom to shrink down and go airborne, she then becomes exposed and inherently out of cover and god knows her CC isn’t winning her medals in the stay alive department. On top of this, when players realized that Titania in her 4 isn’t much faster (and in some cases is slower) than Warframes moving around normally. We asked for a buff and instead we got an augment? Ouch


    Summary: Titania’s CC will now be consistent and grounded rather than launching enemies into the stratosphere upon taking dmg and she will be able to use her 4 comfortable with out the fear of immediately being bug sprayed out of the air at high lvl play.

    Quick Recap:

      1)      When Titania lifts an enemy into the air, the target will become locked in place after a few seconds and can’t go more than a meter or two above the ground.

      2)      Two suggestions:

    A) Titania can choose via toggle which buff she wants to get first regardless of enemy type and then the rest of the buffs earned will be granted in a set order, again, regardless of what type of enemy

    B) Titania gets all the buffs at once upon use

      3)      This ability will get the lock treatment as well and when an enemy is turned into a lantern, it emits the AOE as a visible ring that makes enemies within it passive toward the player

      4)      Evasion is increased to 75% and her base movement speed by 25% while in the ability




    Trinity has seen a lot of nerfs and with a lot of dips in her usage outside Eidolon hunts and an odd sortie hijack considering raids are no longer in the game (maybe the orb fight as well?). This being said, trinity could some help as it seems that the only frame has and looks to receive is nerf after nerf to this day. To me, this shows that trinity needs a complete overhaul as the crowd that keeps seeing to her nerfs believe that she doesn’t need to ‘work’ for any of her benefits. If I recall correctly, there was a question even ask at a past tennocon event on how it’s fair that trinity can max at the whole team’s energy pool with one button press. Personally, I think it’s self-evident that when you strip a character of offense and CC, their whole character is healing and support and having these attributes be extremely powerful is the trade off but despite me disagreeing with the premise of the question I can agree that Trinity should be more of character and have more to her playstyle than ‘4 for heals, 2 for energy’ and could use a rework. (This will also come largely summarized so it will not receive a recap at the bottom) Now, Trinity will be able to work for her abilities and increase her healing capabilities. Additionally, she can either play it close to her teammates and rely on her new 4 to provide constant support, or hunt enemies and provide beneficial essence that the player can occasionally grabbed and then support from afar. Trinity can now be pseudo global, work for her abilities, and can still reliable heal and be helpful for raids and Eidolons. (largely in summary at base and will serve as such)


    P) Trinity will start players off with one special essence, allow for usage of her 2. It will last for half of whatever the built duration is, but will slow bleed out timers and allow Trinity to revive faster and from farther

         1)      Will rip essence out of an enemy and make the target 50% weaker to dmg (cap); If the target dies while weakness effect is on them (this will have moddable duration), they will drop an additional essence. When an essence drops, it can be picked up via Trinity’s new 4. (essence now being the main focus of Trinity’s abilities)


         2)      Can charge the orbs at the cost of some of Trinity’s health. When the orbs are active, they will grant up to 75% DR at max charge 


         3)      This ability can be pressed in order to switch the mode of all active orbs (this will be more relevant later) and if held, will surge the orbs and emit the effects of the selected type as follows:

    Shield- will restore 600 shields instantly, then up to 350 per second for 30 seconds

    Health- will restore 450 health instantly, then up to 250 per second for 30 seconds

    Energy- will restore 200 energy instantly, then up to 400 per second for 30 seconds

    Casting when one effect is already active will double the energy cost, further casting the third will make it a drain over time in order to keep all three states active


         4)      This will create a healing area around trinity that will grant 50% DR and will heal up to 35% of the player’s (or entity’s) health every two seconds. Trinity won’t be able to pick up energy orbs while this is active, but she can recast in order to place the area and receive energy pickups. Additionally, Trinity will be able to charge this ability so that it can occasionally spawn energy orbs.

    This ability will also hold essence while active. Upon entry of Trinity’s 4, One essence will be given to the player, granting them DR if Trinity has charged it, and allowing her to have her 3 affect the player as well. Once a player has received an essence, it will last for up to 90 seconds and will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. If there is only one essence in Trinity’s 4, she will keep it for herself. 





    Valkyr’s greatest strength has always been her greatest weakness, that obviously being her invincibility on her 4. Ever since DE has tried to balance her, she had to be stripped of the ability to sit in it for any meaningful amount of time and makes it one of the shortest-lived exalted melees to use. If her Immunity was so strong that it needed dozens of setbacks added on to it, why not just remove it? Lastly her one could have more use tacked on to it as it isn’t really useful a movement ability and is way to impractical to be considered a dmg ability as well. (this will also have no recap)

    1)   If Valkyr grabs an enemy, she can hold the ability to continually slam the enemy on the ground, throwing them on the ground shoulder to shoulder. As an augment, she instead can grab the enemy then spin them around, stumbling and or damaging enemies that are within the radius (moddable)

    4)   Valkyr will no longer be immune and instead will get 95% dmg reduction. For her self-dmg property, the range on the aura will have one, unchanging range of 10 meters and the rate/values at which it increases by is halved. Additionally, her energy cost will be consistent and unchanging from her starter values instead of ramping up and increasing





    After seeing Vauban’s lack luster changes be so mediocre that it got to the point where DE nerfed the bastille augment and didn’t touch the glitche that exist with it (I’m unsure on whether or not it still exist to this day, as mentioned, Fortuna part 2 on console) and seeing multiple videos by , while I won’t go as far as to say he is the worst frame (Atlas does exist), He definitely needs a lot more love than DE as ever given him and I plan to right these wrongs.


         1)      It doesn’t make sense that the randomly spawned Grineer shock traps on the ship tilesets had more diversity and strength than an entire Warframe ability. The sensible solution would then be to add some of the effects of the traps to the Warframe

    Vauban’s 1, at full charge, can shock up to three enemies at once and the end of the duration will explode, multiple enemies within its range (3-5 meters unmoddable?)


         2)      Vauban’s bastille will now be his 2 and if the glitch that exist with this and its augment hasn’t been fixed, it would be so now. Built in or as an augment, Vauban can also throw one fully charged Tesla into it, granting the ring shock dmg and or electricity procs to enemies that touch it


         3)      This new ability will have three rings in the shape of stars spread out from Vauban, granting the following effects and will stack/add to each other:

    - Star one (3m base, 6m max): will weaken enemy gunfire up to 80% (25% dmg increase to his new 4th ability)

    - Star two (6m base, 12m max): slow enemies up to 30% (40% dmg increase to his new 4th ability)

    - Star one (8m base, 16m max): weaken the enemies themselves by up to 50 % (85% dmg increase to his new 4th ability)

    Was inspired from further research on Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban his involvement with the siege parallel and its design, in nature, being a fortification (or fortifications) designed to exhaust the enemy the closer they made it/ the more progress they made. Thus, why it is a multi-ring ability and the shape being similar to the ‘Bourtange’ design that was attributed to Vauban.


    ATN:  I Kicked the range of the last star back a bit because while I want to give Vauban a solid ability he can move with and provide survivability, I also want it to be focused on more of an ability that synergizes well with his turrets more so than a cc ability.


         4)      Vauban will now place a turret that can be toggled for four different firing modes (fires up to 15 meters away):

    - Mortar: fires a bomb the hits targets for 400 blast dmg (base) and burns the target with 50 fire dmg (base) for 5 seconds (unmoddable) 

    - Concussion: Fires concussion rounds that have the same properties as the Concuss mines from the original toggle on the Minelayer ability

    -Grapple: Fires electrified grapple shots (more specifically bolas) that will snag enemies. The first will slow an enemy and do 20 electricity dmg (base) an additional hit to the same target will shock them, and a third will tie the target up and cause them to fall over, being stunned for 8 seconds (unmoddable)

    -Vortex: Fires up to three mini vortex shots that can hold up to 8 enemies each and have a range of 8 meters (unmoddable)

    ATN: Again, while I thought of the mortar and all its properties independently, for this sheet of changes, I’m definitely not the first one to think that Vauban should have a turret in his kit.


    Summary: Vauban, on top of now having effective and dependable cc, will also have slightly more offensive alternatives to gameplay as well as being a better defensive frame with a lot more character and personality

    Quick Recap:

      1)      Vauban’s 1, at full charge, can shock up to three enemies at once and the end of the duration will explode, multiple enemies within its range (3-5 meters unmoddable?)

      2)      Vauban’s bastille will now be his 2 and if the glitch that exist with this and its augment hasn’t been fixed, it would be so now. (Built in or Aug: Vauban can also throw one fully charged Tesla into it, granting the ring shock dmg and or electricity procs to enemies that touch it)


      3)      This new ability will have three rings in the shape of stars spread out from Vauban, granting the following effects and will stack/add to each other:

    - Star one (3m base, 6m max): will weaken enemy gunfire up to 80% (25% dmg increase to his new 4th ability)

    - Star two (6m base, 12m max): slow enemies up to 30% (40% dmg increase to his new 4th ability)

    - Star one (8m base, 16m max): weaken the enemies themselves by up to 50 % (85% dmg increase to his new 4th ability)


      4)      Vauban will now place a turret that can be toggled for four different firing modes (fires up to 15 meters away):

    - Mortar: fires a bomb the hits targets for 400 blast dmg (base) and burns the target with 50 fire dmg (base) for 5 seconds (unmoddable)

    - Concussion: Fires concussion rounds that have the same properties as the Concuss mines

    -Grapple: Fires electrified grapple shots. The first will slow an enemy and do 20 electricity dmg (base) the next hit to the same target will shock them, and a third will tie the target up and cause them to fall over and be tied for 8 seconds (unmoddable)

    -Vortex: Fires up to three mini vortex shots that can hold up to 8 enemies each and have a range of 8 meters (unmoddable)




    Volt is said to be character that can provide an alternative to gunplay by his own definition, so why is this main description of him no the case? An easy and extremely obvious change would be to allow his 1 to be held. Instead of a quick tap, Volt can hold out his 1 and continuously chain lightning like the Amprex. I think this would not only be a substantial upgrade that volt has been needing but would also make him incredibly fun to play. If required maybe make it an augment but I feel like it would be really fitting and true to his current description as a character.




    Zephyr only really needed slight tweaks to make her a solid frame as she had the survivability but lacked the dmg or stable cc to bring it all together. The rework she was to receive was to fix this issue however I feel that will the release of plains being so close to her prime, the focus on her rework became jaded. I’m obviously talking about her tornadoes which still need a significant increase in their ability to hold enemies. When Zephyr casts her 2 into her tornadoes, it increases the height of her tornadoes. This not only is entirely useless but also looks visually disgusting and displeasing to watch. I can only imagine that this change was made due to DE trying to be plains orientated, but it ended up hurting Zephyr significantly. Instead, Zephyr should have an increase to her tornadoes horizontally instead of vertically both visually and practically when her 2 is cast on them. Lastly, her dmg is still incredibly low and the status dmg for her tornadoes should tick at least for twice the dmg and her 2 should weaken enemies similar to Nyx’s Psychic bolts.









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