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Posts posted by Grimmaldi_Grey

  1. 40 minutes ago, Yukiasada said:

    Concerning Thumpers I'd like to make a suggestion.

    Could fighting with them include mechanic so players could easier control which side they are facing? They have guns on both sides, so maybe shooting one would cause the Thumpers to turn around? Sometimes fighting them resembles game of tag when you try to shoot certain leg, but they keep turning around even if their cannon is out of commission. 

    They are already quite annoying to fight with small hitboxes and their jumping around, so a small mechanic to at least control which side they are turned by destroying their cannon would be appreciated. 


    3 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    While I agree that they're incredibly badly designed (the one gun always facing us and nothing of that size should be able to move and jump like it does - it should be slow lumbering heavily armored etc) I do find using slowva makes it almost 'ok' to fight..

    Come on! It's supposed to be hard. If it was easy it wouldn't be fun. RPG's are meant to have challenges. If you want easy, try Minecraft.

  2. 2 minutes ago, thor_sten said:

    I would like to see it reduced to 23 Hours. Currently whenever I log in to the game (mostly around the same time), I've yet to wait another few minutes for the forma to finish, meaning I can start the next forma a little later every day, and every few days there's no forma for me because I can't stay up long enough for that.

    I agree. It's a small change that is helpful and won't effect the game in a significant way.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Drachnyn said:

    Quite literally the worst take on fashion frame.

    True Tenno care not about FASHION!! Only in defending the Origin System from it's enemy's. I care not what my frame looks like, as long as I return covered in blood.

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  4. 1 hour ago, EchoesOfRain said:

    Your thread was actually one of the reasons I decided to make this thread. I understand why DE doesnt want to reduce hema costs, but they've seriously gotta help us out somehow. Heck, make mutagen bundles a reward in nightwave and/or an option to spend creds on them

    Ab so friggin lutely!!

  5. 15 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

    Wow...the lack of empathy and sheer level of condescending white knighting is really strong in this thread. It's amazing the lengths that people will go to to justify unreasonable design decisions...including the obligatory "git gud" and "suck it up" posts.

    Yes, the Hema is mediocre.

    Yes, I've tried the Hema - with some throwaway Plat that I saved up. No I did not research the Hema for my clan and I point blank refuse to because it's nothing but a lousy resource sink that ultimately punishes casual players for the hoarding behavior of no-lifers and try-hards. No, it's definitely not worth the hassle of researching / hardcore grinding for (at least for me). There are arguably better things to go after and farm for, so don't waste your time on the Hema if you're relatively new to the game. it's not worth the 5k xp clan affinity, that's for sure.

    Just because someone throws a shiny stick for you to go fetch, doesn't mean you have to go chase after it like an obedient dog.




    Now this is a constructive post. Thank you.

  6. WOW! So much hate and discontent over one little post. I'm disappointed, do you children have nothing better to do? And not one of you is from DE, which is who I posted for. Oh well, Please enjoy your game.

  7. OK enough is enough. 5000 mutagen samples for Hema at Ghost tier! A Shadow tier it goes to 15000! Not to mention the drop rate of the resource is very very low. And lets be fair, the weapons just not that good. We respectfully ask that you increase the drop rate of samples, or reduce the amount needed to something more reasonable. The game is great, but this level of farming is unnecessary.

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