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Posts posted by SharkWithALaserBeam

  1. You mean buff the rarity of it? Tbh all drops should have an equal drop chance. Doing the same mission over and over again isn't fun and its silly. You're going to get it eventually. Just have to grind till you get bored. pls

    thats the point im trying to make.


    I remember before Update 10 the wiki would show the % chance of what drop per void key tier and type. Now it doesn't and the drop tables are so bonkers.

  2. And while we're at it remove keys drop the drop tables of the void?

    Its seriously absurd. Please brag how you got your wyrm cerebrum on your first few instances of running.


    Ran about 45 of these t1 keys and all i get is a boltor stock and Mobile defense key.



    Any tips on farming this badboy is appreciated. Tired of running Apollo just to get survival keys.


  3. i had that too yesterday. squad of 3. I got a 46 and everybody else got a 42.

    But it does go up with the total averaged out. a random join with a 100ish point bank. and our score dropped to 34. then back up to 46(random left and we closed the lobby to invite only). then over the 48 to get the prova the round after.

  4. but but no one actually knows how it works, how can it be the best ?

    depends on the total bank. Higher number = higher single score.

    If People have (Squad of 4):

    High+High+High+High= High Result

    High+Medium+High+Medium= Medium-High Result

    High+Medium+Low+Medium = Low-Medium Result

    Low+Low+Low+Low = Low



    Solo: it adds up everytime because it averages out yours only.

    Rule of thumb get a consecutive squad and no randoms everytime

  5. solo is much more fun.

    Easily to get lost while youre gasping for oxygen.



    edit i got more than 100 points solo. got all of the rewards. You get ambushed with more you do them (more spawn).

    I took a ember prime and a crowd control gun. Tons of HP. those toxic clouds do a number on you

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